"Tsk, those guys who are outside should have mobile phones?"

Unsuccessful, Araki Sosuke left the limp Yamada Kengo and hurriedly walked outside the reception room.

"Hello, Mr. Araki, we meet again. Here is our current defense plan..."

"Although you have your biological signs on the scene and the murder weapon, the camera did not capture the antique you took away..."

"So as long as you persist in refusing to plead guilty and delay for a while, and then seduce inmates to treat you in this way or on the grounds of local injuries, with our professional ability, the possibility of parole for medical treatment is still very high..."

Seeing him pushing the door, the "Tokyo Metropolitan Lawyers Group" charged by the hour immediately surrounded him and communicated the defense plan.

"Sorry, guys, I'm a little busy now."

Sousuke Araki squeezed away several lawyers with a dark face, and walked towards the iron gate at the back of the corridor.

From the moment he saw the news, his keen intuition has been delivering a needle-like tingling, making him extremely irritable.

"Araki-kun, you can't leave the interrogation room area right now, if there is not enough food..."

An agent guarding the iron gate immediately stopped at the door subconsciously.

"It's just right, lend me the phone..."

"Hmm...no...nothing on me..."

The agent had no time to react. Araki Sosuke had already fumbled back and forth with his hands on him like lightning, and then pushed him aside with a slight disappointment: "The police officer on duty, can't he bring his mobile phone?"

"Hello, what are you doing, Mr. Araki?"

"Hurry up and stop him and help him to walk out of the restricted area during the investigation, but the explanation is not clear."

Seeing this, several other agents hurriedly stepped forward to block their way.

"Don't pull me, I just want to borrow a call..."

However, facing the strangely powerful Araki Sosuke, they can only hang on each other's arm like a monkey puppet, being dragged step by step to move on.

"It's very possible that Yuuji Tori was on the missing bus in Hokkaido, maybe in a dangerous situation! Please call to confirm first, the number is..."

"The Little Bird Witch..."


"What are you doing in a daze? Go to the ‘safe area’ to call and try!"

"Wait a minute, I'll stand, go out and call right away..."

Hearing this surname, the three agents hanging on the back of Araki Sosuke did not hesitate to release their hands and ran towards the area outside the iron gate.

Anyone who enters the underground criminal office must turn in their mobile phone before coming, even the detectives on duty.

If you want to make a call, you must go to the "unrestricted area" through an underground passage and use a landline with an encrypted line.

These three happened to be members of the "Little Bird Tour Guard", and when they heard that their "idol" was in danger, Sousuke Araki naturally felt anxious.

"No, the phone of the Little Bird Yumiko can't get through, and the people in the information group can't find the location..."

Ten minutes later, an agent ran back to the reception room out of breath, bringing news that Sosuke Araki's face turned black.

"No, I want to rush to Hokkaido immediately!"

"Senior, calm down, let alone your current situation... Now that the road is closed due to the snow disaster, the air, land and sea transportation from Aomori to Hokkaido is completely paralyzed. How do you go... It is better to send a joint team from the Association and the Ninth Section..."

"Kengo, you believe me, it feels really bad this time... I have to go no matter if it snows or is cut!"

Despite Kengo Yamada's persuasion, Sosuke Araki continued to walk towards the "unrestricted area."

"Araki-kun, don't cross this door, otherwise everyone won't be able to explain..."

A few agents from the outside quickly closed the iron gate.

"Didn't these barristers have made a defense plan? Please help me with the bail formalities now, and come back if I cooperate with the investigation or something..."

"Well, Araki-kun, although there is a defense plan, bail can only take four or five days at the earliest..."

"Four or five days?! Are you not the most expensive ‘Golden Lawyers’ Team" in Tokyo?"

While flapping the iron gate, Sosuke Araki made a noise at the surveillance camera in the corner.

"Hey, bastard, open the door, I want to see the deputy head of Iwata, let him let me out immediately!"

Confirming the loss of Toriyuki Mayumi, Araki Sosuke was more convinced of the anxiety in his heart.

She must be in a bad situation now.


The next second, the iron gate reopened...

"The emergency meeting I just finished is because of the Hokkaido incident... The little bird maiden, and another distinguished figure, are indeed on the bus that disappeared inexplicably!"

The mountain-like figure of Takeshi Iwata blocked the entire gate.

"At present, in addition to the Hokkaido Police Headquarters and the Ground Self-Defense Force, Tokyo has also sent the strongest spirit removers to lead the team to support the search and rescue. I believe they will be found soon."

Although his face was haggard and his breathing was a bit short, his eyes were full of frankness.

"Sure enough... I knew it!"

Finally got the definitive news, Araki Sosuke's brows frowned even more tightly.

"Don't be too nervous. The Little Bird Witch is also a powerful spirit remover. With her on the bus, she should have a way to protect herself even if she encounters any abnormalities."

"Don't be too nervous? My instinct doesn't tell me that..."

Although Iwata's words sounded very reasonable, the constant sting of intuition made Araki Sosuke unable to feel at ease: "If you say, I insist on going?"

"Araki-kun, I understand your worries very well, but as the first suspect and the only insider of the murder case, Lesson Nine has no right to let you go now..."

"Or, do you want to break out from here in full view and take the blame for your crimes, so that the true murderer of the president at the time of killing will always go unpunished?"

Across the door frame of the reception room, the two faced each other without giving way, and fierce sparks rubbed in their sights.

"Huh... the golden rescue time is 72 hours, now 6 hours have passed..."

The body trembled slightly, Araki Sosuke finally lowered his head and buried his face in the shadow: "I will wait another 6 hours. If there is no news, let me participate in the search and rescue!"

"Well, if at that time, I will personally lead the team and go with you!"

Seeing Sosuke Araki temporarily stabilized, Takeshi Iwata's face was also loose.

Although Sosuke Araki was imprisoned in this underground criminal office for "supernatural criminals", his powerful physical abilities were difficult to use under the restrictions of guns and iron windows.

But before the last step, he really didn't want to confront the opponent by force.

Not to mention that Sosuke Araki is in the "Yoshiwara Yanshang" Shenyin, and he has a life-saving grace in Lesson 9...

Once you tear your face with him, I am afraid that Lesson 9 will have a lot of evil spirits with the Association, and subsequent joint actions will exist in name only.

I don't know when, he is no longer the small gangster who can be summoned, detained, and counseled by the police at any time, but has become an important existence that can represent the Association of Spirit Eliminators.

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