I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 767: Confrontation

Miyashita Park, Shibuya District, Tokyo.

After several reconstructions, this park, built in 1930, has transformed into a complex urban complex integrating open parks, hotels, restaurants, and shopping malls. It has become a new landmark in the Harajuku area, which represents the street trend of Japan.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it is the most prosperous time in Miyashita Park.

In a quiet private parking lot at the end of the park, Takemasa Iwata stood there with a few agents.

Standing across from the crowd in Class 9 without a word, was a whole team of disaster prevention mobile team members wearing combat uniforms and loaded with guns.

"Deputy Captain Sunro, to do so is not in compliance with the rules."

"Rules? The document issued by the Zongnei Department of the Disaster Prevention Mobility Team, Metropolitan Police Department, Yin Yang Liao and other units to jointly set up a task force, Iwata Deputy Section Chief should have also received..."

The leading man, who was tall and thin, with a sharp jaw, was holding a document and negotiating with Takeshi Iwata with his face sinking like water.

"Since Captain Mochizuki is currently in recuperation, as the deputy captain, I hope that your class will immediately disclose the information on the case and transfer the first suspect, Sosuke Araki, to our custody."

This person is Sen Luosi, the deputy captain in charge of the disaster prevention mobile team during Mochizuki's "convalescence" period.

"Sorry, even though a special case team was established, the ninth lesson is one of the leading units, and we are still the main one to carry out the investigation..."

Without even looking at the documents in the opponent's hand, Iwata shook his head resolutely.

"Furthermore, the Metropolitan Police Department has always only recognized documents from the Ministry of the Interior. There is no new instruction at the Sakurada Gate, and nothing can be handed over to you."

"Huh, I only recognize the documents from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It's a big tone... In this case, both the victim and the suspect are spirit-eliminators. Naturally, they should be handed over to us as a supernatural crime case."

Mori Luosi stepped in front of Takeshi Iwata, staring at the opponent with a stern look, and pointed at a heavy Stricker armored car parked behind: "In a sense, these so-called exclusions Spiritualists, once they have evil thoughts in their hearts, they are no different from those cultists of Aum Shinrikyo!"

"Only by using the latest magnetic field containment device of our disaster prevention mobile team to completely block the energy flow in the body of the spirit remover, can we be foolproof..."


Before Mori Luosi finished speaking, Takeshi Iwata, who was burly as a brown bear, suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch his neck, and lifted him in the air with one hand.


"Let go of Captain Sunro!"

The ninth class agent and the Self-Defense Force members behind the two immediately gathered around, pushing and trying to separate the two.

"Give you two seconds, take back the sentence just now, otherwise your neck bones may not be able to continue to be connected together."

Takeshi Iwata lowered his head and buried his face deep in the shadows. He exuded an aura of a fierce beast that chose people and devoured him.

"If it weren't for the sacrifices of these'spiritualists' in your mouth, I'm afraid that the entire Tokyo city would no longer be as peaceful as it is now..."

Everyone present could hear that there was no falsehood in his words.

"Cough cough cough... Deputy Chief Takeshi Iwata... right..."

Feeling the increasing pressure on the neck, Mori Ross clamped Iwata's arm with both hands, and squeezed out a few words from his throat with great effort: "Just now, it was a gaffe..."

The pressure on his neck suddenly loosened as soon as this sentence was uttered.

"Vice Captain, are you okay?"

"It's okay...cough cough...It is worthy of being a special soldier who served in the "White Reaper". It seems that the easy life of the Metropolitan Police Department has not made your skills rusty..."

Sun Luosi stretched out his hand and waved back the surrounding players, without any anger or embarrassment on his face, as if it was not him who was caught by the neck just now.

"Although the foreword is retracted, from the perspective of skill and criminal record, Sosuke Araki is an extremely dangerous character."

In front of Zangqian apartment, Mochizuki, who had returned from a sea of ​​blood in the Middle East, was "sneaked with a knife" by the blond punk-looking man. He was smashed into unconsciousness and his wig fluttered, which came to his mind.

"If during the investigation, Lesson 9 accidentally lets him escape..."

"Although the Harajuku Criminal Service was rebuilt from a secret detention facility during the war, the overall structure is a bit old, but the formation of the Yin and Yang room with the latest technology can be described as airtight, not to mention the flies, even if it is a grieving spirit. Can't get in and out freely."

Obviously, I am very confident about the "Harajuku Secret Underground Criminal Office" built under the park complex specifically for "supernatural criminals," and Iwata did not waver at all because of the opponent's cynicism.

"Moreover, I believe that Araki-kun is innocent, and he has no reason to escape..."

"Beep Beep Beep Beep!!!"

Suddenly, the mobile phones of several agents behind Takeshi Iwata rang short alarm bells at the same time.

This is the unique alarm function of the ninth lesson standard mobile phone, which will only be activated when an emergency occurs.

"First level warning?!"

Several people hurriedly took out their mobile phones and checked them, their faces suddenly turned pale: "Class, section manager... Araki Sousuke... he has escaped from prison!"

"What?! Wasn't he sent back to the cell? How could he..."

Iwata grabbed an agent's cell phone and checked it.

"After preliminary site investigation, he seemed to have removed a fence as a tool, broke the ceiling of the cell, and dug a ventilation shaft accurately all the way..."

Different from ordinary prisons, the Harajuku Underground Criminal Office, which was originally used to house war criminals, was rebuilt to house supernatural criminals and wraiths. The protective measures also focus on the prevention of such things as wall penetration, invisibility, incarnation, and instant. Moving and other supernatural means, the outer periphery is still a general steel-concrete structure.

"Just kidding, whether it's the fence or the steel bars in the walls, they are all made of tungsten steel... Wait, is it because the steel bars are engraved with too many runes, and the hollowed parts reduce the hardness, so the deformation coefficient is higher. Taller……"

The designer probably did not expect that under the suppression of a large number of runes and formations, the detainees could "escape from prison" in such a primitive and violent way.

"It's not the time to struggle with this. He must have not ran far, and immediately blocked the nearby area, and at the same time sent someone to chase me down the passage!"

"Detectives have been sent into the ventilation shaft to track, but because Mr. Araki dug into the complicated and well-connected sewer below the mall, he temporarily lost his whereabouts..."

"Huh, Deputy Section Chief Iwata, this is what your class calls'impermeable'?"

Seeing the people in Lesson 9 who didn't have the time to pay attention to them, like ants on a hot pot, Sun Luosi was also dumbfounded: "Amateur, as expected, amateur..."

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