I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 779 Marching in the Snow

"This is the second battalion of the 5th Infantry Wing of the Army's Eighth Division. I am Captain Shencheng Wenji... Any unit, please reply if you receive it!"

"...On the fourth day of the march, the team finally returned to the correct forward path... However, we no longer have any physical strength to move on..."

"I have seen countless figures hidden in the wind and snow! My ears are filled with'I want to eat his hand','Don't worry everyone has a share','That foot belongs to me" whispered... "

"No matter what it is, they are waiting, waiting to eat our frozen corpses!"

Ignoring the flustered and strange atmosphere in the carriage, the radio of "Shencheng Wenji" continued to spread from the mobile phone.

"I am Shen Cheng Wenji, Captain of the Second Infantry Wing of the Eighth Division of the Army. This is the last time I call for help by radio. After that, I will order the remaining 30 people to disband and escape separately..."

"Any unit that receives this radio communication... don't have to try to reply. Please inform the Northeast Army Base Camp immediately and request search and rescue..."

At this point, the radio communication from "Shencheng Wenji" stopped abruptly.


The whole train returned to tranquility again, and everyone was still immersed in the feelings of becoming more dazed, desperate, and crazy that day of "God Cheng Wenji" day by day.

"I remember! Not far from here is Hakkoda Mountain..."

After a while, in the carriage where Fujiwara Takumi was, the middle-aged man with an Aomori accent suddenly threw the frost-covered cell phone far across the aisle, and wailed in pain: "We must have met back then. The "Snow Dead Soul" in the mountain disaster!"

"Snow Soul? Hakkoda Mountain?"

Hearing what the man said, the team members standing next to Fujiwara Takumi thought for a while, and then their expressions changed: "What he said was the'Hakkoda Mountain Difficulty'..."

The Hakkoda Mountain Calamity is the largest mountain disaster event in Japan's modern history and an epic negative textbook for snow marches. Those who have served in peacekeeping forces have naturally studied it again.

In 1902, a 210-member wing of the Japanese Army's Eighth Division set out in Aomori Prefecture to perform a marching exercise on Hakkoda Mountain.

Originally planned for a two-day exercise with a distance of 20 kilometers, the team was not seen returning until the fifth day.

The Japanese Army, which sensed something was wrong, sent a rescue team of more than 10,000 people to search the mountains for 11 days.

In the end, the 210-person team rescued only 11 survivors, and more than half of them were amputated.

It is said that when Captain Shencheng Wenji, who led the team, was discovered, his entire body had been frozen into ice and buried in the snow, and the medical staff could not penetrate the skin and inject emergency medicine into his body.

After injecting the drug through the tongue, Shencheng Wenji briefly regained consciousness, said vaguely "Buried, they can't eat me", and then passed away.

Due to the tragic nature of this exercise, it can be said that there is no one before or after. Even the Emperor Meiji issued the imperial decree to requiem.

What exactly this team experienced in Blizzard is still a mystery. It can only learn some fragmentary clues from the mouths of unconscious and amputation survivors.

Although later generations conducted a lot of analysis on this mountain disaster and pointed out various reasons such as the rejection of local guides, insufficient cold protection equipment, shallow survival experience in snow, and sudden snowstorms, they still could not hide the 210-person team in two days. The absurd fact that the whole army was wiped out during the twenty-kilometer march.

"So, is this'radio' from the dead soul of the mountain disaster army?"

After listening to the introduction of this tragic history, Fujiwara Takumi's calf trembled more severely, and small golden chrysanthemums continued to bloom all over his body.

"However, the Shinkansen in Aomori has been in operation for so many years without any abnormal records. Why is it now..."

"Passengers, please trust the professional quality of the cabin crew. Don't leave the carriage without permission. There is a mountainous area with no one nearby...ZiZi... marching in the snow on the ice, I don't know where is the river or the road! "

The announcement of the female flight attendant suddenly stopped, and it turned into a low and hoarse singing in unison by countless men.

"When marching on the ice and in the snow, you can't tell where is the river and where is the road!"

This is a sad and powerful song that reveals despair and boredom.

"If a horse falls to the ground and is lost, it cannot stay. This is a country full of enemies!

"This song is... Marching in the Snow?"

Several mobile team members immediately distinguished this ancient military song.

The song "March in the Snow" has been loved by soldiers with its close-to-life lyrics and a deep and powerful tone, and has a high degree of popularity. However, the lyrics of the song are full of despair and war-weary emotions, and are considered by the Japanese military as a "song of cowardice." "It was once forbidden to sing during the war.

"No matter if you have the courage to smoke a cigarette first, even if people are panicked, there are only two cigarettes left."

This military song, which was originally a sad tune, sang in unison with these stiff, dull, hoarse male voices, as if wandering in hell and roaring with the pain of the resentful spirit.

"Unboiled dried fish, half-cooked rice, eat it while you still have half your life."

"Wait, this is..."

As the singing continued, the warmth in the carriage disappeared without a trace, and the glass windows on the inside had climbed onto a thin layer of ice.

"Why is it so cold? Is the air conditioner broken?"

"I saw a figure outside the window just now, it's terrible..."

"No, you can't stay in this terrible place anymore!"

A strong sense of helplessness, panic, and despair filled the carriage with the dull military songs and cold air.

Dominated by fear from nowhere, some passengers began to take out the emergency window hammer and bang hard on the frost-filled window glass.

As a car window shattered, the violent snow could not wait to flood in.

The golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power that had sheltered the entire train instantly collapsed.

"It's not good... to do so, the sanctuary of Shinto Art..."

In the eyes of Fujiwara Takumi, there was a ray of grievance visible to the naked eye that entered the carriage in the wind and snow.

At the same time, a young man who turned out of the car window was already running on the dark snow.

"Even though the campfire was lit, it was still cold. The damp wood was smoking, and of course it was very choking."

In the snow falling, several neatly lined, slowly marching figures appeared in his line of sight.

"Wait, don't go out!!!"

Noting the abnormality outside the car window, Onodera hurriedly called out loudly.

But his voice was swallowed by the wind and snow constantly pouring into the carriage.

"Are the farmers nearby? Great, save..."

The man speeded up his pace with a look of rejoicing, but found that these people did not dress like "farmers."

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