"You can't waste the opportunity created by the priest Fujiwara, keep the firepower and keep shooting!"

Taking advantage of the undead army’s inability to approach the train, Onodera’s bullets kept venting, and at the same time, he gave new instructions to the men on the side: “Go to the driver’s cab with two people and try to start the train. If you continue to stop here, it will only become more passive. !"


"The duration of the purification is limited. God knows how many of these ghosts are left. Wait until the technique dissipates..."

Looking at the white army that was constantly purifying into a pool of black water outside the window, but still flashing forward, Fujiwara Takumi's stomach was convulsed again because of the coldness of fear.

"Don't panic, if those guys are earth-bound spirits, as long as they start the train now, they should not catch up..."

Just as he was lying in the first-class seat, clutching his stomach and comforting himself, his eyes swept across the interior of the car unconsciously...


When he turned his head, Fujiwara Takumi's seat next door showed an extra white figure at some point.

Under the heavy military coat and the stiff military cap, there is a face covered in frost, twisted into an S shape, and a big mouth that cracks into a loudspeaker...

This is a man dressed like the undead soldiers outside the car, except for the man with the "five bars" on his shoulders.


The biggest difference is that there is a faint grey aura on the other party's body.


It was the same as that day in Chongdeyuan, with a ghostly breath.

"God, abandon us here, this white hell, abandoned by the gods since ancient times..."

The hoarse voice came from the officer's "O" big mouth, accompanied by a bone-chilling chill that invaded Fujiwara Takumi's mind...

Under extreme fear, hypoxia and low temperature, he felt a tingling tremor from the scalp to the entire brain...


Involuntarily, his mouth turned into the same "O" shape with the other party, and lost his language ability.

"The evil spirits of hell want to cannibalize our frozen bodies..."

This voice is exactly the same as the man who claimed to be "Shencheng Wenji" in the previous unknown call.

"We were reunited and moved on..."

The entire interior of the first-class cabin was instantly covered by a thick layer of ice, and even the few team members who were focusing on firing shots stopped because they were completely wrapped in the thick ice.

"...Killed everything!"

In the carriage, the only person who was able to move was Fujiwara Takumi, whose jaw cramped and couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear: "You..."

At this moment, a thick layer of golden light gushing out from the priest's uniform on his body, dispelling the freezing cold around him, releasing a trace of warmth to support his mind.

"You are... God Cheng Wenji..."

This is also the biggest reason why he suddenly admired the opponent's "peerless face" at close range, he has not fainted at the moment, nor turned into an ice sculpture.

"Zhu Xie retreats! 213A1A12..."

Under extreme fear, he subconsciously raised the royal coin in his hand, and smashed into the huge mouth of the "captain" beside him, stirring wildly inside his mouth like brushing his teeth...

The golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power then exploded in the mouth of Shencheng Wenji's washbasin, and the chrysanthemum pattern faintly revealed through the pale skin.

It's a pity that this is just the random transmission of spiritual power under the rush of Fujiwara Takumi's sudden medical treatment, and no effective surgery has been formed, and the actual effect is very small.


On the contrary, his gorgeous "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" aroused the sexual interest of the "passenger next to him"...

"This emblem..."

The god Cheng Wenji, who was "forced to gargle", did not make any resistance, but stared at the chrysanthemum pattern in the air with his icy eyes, and shed two lines of blood and tears: "My lord Emperor!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Frightened Takumi Fujiwara stirring harder, the yellow water column crazily dripped down the trouser legs...

"Yes, yes, the Hakkoda Mountain disaster was in 1902, when Emperor Meiji had not abdicated!"

After a vent, watching Shencheng Wenji sitting on the first-class recliner with blood and tears, and moved so deeply, he calmed down a bit instead.

"Perhaps, these **** idiots will have this spiritual power..."

Just when he wanted to use the "Emperor Meiji" to scare away the ghost and god in front of him...

"Unfortunately, even if it is the glory of the emperor, it cannot illuminate the northern kingdom abandoned by the gods!"

The opponent's sturdy, cold arm jammed his neck.

"Only by eating you can we be bathed in the light of the Emperor forever!"

The fine hoar frost spread along Fujiwara Takumi's neck to his whole body, constantly devouring his body protection spiritual power.

"Ahem... No, I can't die here..."

As if being in an ice cave, feeling the threat of death, Fujiwara Takumi's bloodshot eyes suddenly protruded: "I want to go to Hokkaido to find Chiba!"

He threw away the royal coin in his hand and unwillingly grasped the opponent's cold wrist with both hands, but he could not stop the temperature, spiritual power and consciousness in his body from fading rapidly...

"Bang! Wow, la la la..."

Amidst the sound of door opening and flushing, an indescribable breath spread out from the rear of the carriage.

"I said why the train suddenly brakes, turns off the lights, and plays some terrible music, it turns out that you bastard is making a ghost..."

The direction of the bathroom sounded the man's extremely angry complaint.

Hearing this voice, Fujiwara Takumi, who was still struggling in midair, sank suddenly.

The guy who borrowed the toilet before hasn't come out? !


He turned his frozen eyes hard in that direction, desperately squeezing his throat to give a warning.

"...So that people spray all their pants at a critical moment, and it still smells stinky after washing for a long time..."

Amidst the fierce quivering sound, a tall figure has walked towards his position quickly.

Where the person passed, the frost that had frozen everything inside the carriage melted.

"More...the emperor's... glory..."

Turning a blind eye to everything that happened behind him, the tearful god Cheng Wenji was still struggling to grab the golden spiritual power shook out of Fujiwara Takumi's body.

Bathed in this "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern", he felt the infinite "brilliance" and the long-lost "warmth".

"Hey... I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

A big, foul-smelling hand hugged Shencheng Wenji's head tightly from behind: "I said, this is the only pair of pants..."

The power of the ghosts and gods in his body madly flowed towards the palm of his head...


Before Shen Cheng Wenji had time to react, his head had been "clicked, clicked," turned 180 degrees.

"...How do you plan to pay?!"

Appearing in his eyes covered with thick hoarfrost over a century of ice, is the black-haired man who did not know when he appeared behind him, with his stinky face with his nostrils facing the sky and bursting blue veins under the brim of his baseball cap.

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