In the dark tunnel, everything seems to be frozen, making it difficult to perceive the passage of time.

Inside the bus, apart from the small whispers from the outside world from time to time, only the breathing of everyone can be heard, and the atmosphere is so quiet that it is suffocating.

"I, I remember!"

In the driver’s seat at the front of the car, the middle-aged uncle driver, who had been silent on the steering wheel, said with sweat, "No wonder, we drove in this dark tunnel for three hours, except for The fuel consumption is almost the same, but I haven't even seen the shadow of the exit..."

"We must have come to the legendary place!"

"Uncle driver, where are we?"

Thinking of knowing where they are now and perhaps finding a way to leave, many students raised their heads hopefully.

"Here, it must be the legendary, abandoned "Changwen Tunnel"! However, we obviously walked along the provincial highway towards Sapporo, how come we got here..."

"Abandoned...Changwen Tunnel?"

The driver's uncle's "fun" strong Hokkaido accent, which was ridiculed by his classmates along the way, sounded like a blizzard at the moment.

"The Jomon Tunnel was built in 1914. It was a tunnel that connected the east and the west before the Hokkaido Expressway and the Shinkansen existed. I only heard the predecessor who ran long-distance transportation mentioned it... It is said that because of the difficult technical and operating conditions at the time, The tunnel, which is only 500 meters long, was built for three full years before it was opened to traffic."

"The 1914 company...wasn't that a hundred years ago?"

The hustle and bustle in the bus gradually subsided, and even the boys who were clamoring about leaving from time to time were lost in thought.

"The Changwen Tunnel has been in peace for decades. Until the Hokkaido earthquake in 1968, the wall of the tunnel was damaged, and a large number of bones were exposed from the gap... When the tunnel was subsequently repaired, more were found in the foundation. The corpse suspected of being buried alive..."

Only the uncle driver was left, still whispering in a trembling voice.

"After this, people began to explore the truth behind the tunnel, and found that during the construction period, the forced labor group responsible for the tunnel construction had killed more than 500 workers due to illness, escape, or abuse, but there was no information on handling the dead bodies. Record... I'm afraid, it is them who are buried in the tunnel and serve as the'human pillars'..."

"Human column?!"

"Five hundred?!"

Hearing this word, everyone couldn't help but whispered.

Like most countries in the world, since ancient times, Japan has had the vicious custom of living people worshipping gods, called "personal imperial offerings."

And "renzhu" is just a kind of "personal imperial confession".

In ancient Japan, when building large-scale buildings such as castles, bridges, dams, tunnels, etc., if it was not smooth or frequent accidents, living people would be tied to pillars on the foundations of important buildings and buried alive to make sacrifices. With the protection of the gods, one can seek good luck and avoid evil.

Many famous castles such as Himeji Castle, Osaka Castle, Nagoya Castle, Matsuyama Castle, and Wakayama Castle have records of using "human pillars".

There is even evidence that human pillars were still used in some large-scale construction projects in Japan in the 20th century.

"What, what to do, I don't want to stay here and become a pillar!"

"Dear students, please calm down..."

"Think of a way, are a teacher, aren't you?"

"Even if you say that, teacher and I..."

Endless panic began to erupt quietly in the carriage.


On the top of the carriage, a crisp string sounded abruptly.

Tori Mayumi doesn't know when to stand with the bow, and the bowstring of the huge bone bow in his hand is still reverberating in the air...

"Um... Um..."

After the string tone, the bus was completely silent.

The teachers and students who were arguing at first all covered their mouths hard, trying to prevent even the slightest noise from coming out of their throats.

This time, perhaps it was the reason for the "target", they saw...

"Ghost... there is a ghost!!!"

Through the windshield, a huge, twisted human face made up of countless dry "human pillars" protruded from the top of the tunnel and opened the mouth of the blood basin, seeming to want to swallow the bus as a whole...

"woo woo woo woo……"

Then, at the end of the cry of the invisible arrow, the terrifying face was twisted and torn to pieces.


"Stay...accompany us..."

As if provoked by this arrow, countless broken limbs wriggled from the wall, densely gathered into thick hands and feet, attacking the bus from all directions...

It seems that only by gathering together can they have the courage to break away from the tunnel wall.

"Ah, don't lean over!!!"

"There are... here and there... everywhere..."

"Who can tell me what the hell is this?!"

This made the teachers and students in the bus scream like riding a roller coaster.

"Everyone, please stay in your seat as I said before! In the name of Akagi Hime..."

Facing the violent stumps and flesh and blood that are close at hand, Yu Mayumi, the little bird on the top of the car, spreads his hands without changing his face, and whirls lightly...

"...The darkness in front of me has passed away!"

Several pieces of talisman paper spilled from her fingertips, flying around like butterflies, burning the limbs approaching from all around to ashes.

"In the name of Akagi Ji's fate, give the territory of the Fengshen!"

The unburned talisman fell to the ground, instantly turning into a vermilion torii that can only be seen by people with inspiration...

The torii with the word "Akagi" written on the plaque firmly guards the bus underneath.

Shinto technique, Akagi Chibon.

As if sensing the crisis, the blue and orange light outside the bus suddenly skyrocketed, and then spread to the vermilion torii, burning all the resentful spirits who dared to cross the "land of the gods" into ashes.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bird Yu Mayumi swiftly shoots a bow and draws an arrow...


An invisible arrow that looked like weeping, swept across the center of the tunnel with a violent aura, shattering the largest face that had just been gathered.

"The little bird lobbying is actually true..."

"Yes, she has a shrine at home, so she can definitely deal with these dirty things!"

At this moment, she was like a goddess descending to the earth, becoming an existence that everyone in the bus could no longer question.


"Okay, so handsome!"

Qianyezi and Gu Yuansha also forgot their fear, and their wide, round eyes were full of admiration.


As Toriyuki Mayumi continued to pull away the empty bowstrings and tore up those "human pillars" gathered out of thin air, everyone in the car gradually calmed down, and honestly and quietly followed the instructions of Toriyuki Mayumi. , Lying on the seat without squinting.

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