I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 792 Critical Strike of Lake Toya

"Zongsuke, you helped me block these arrows?"

Fujiwara Takumi looked behind him with whirling teary eyes...

Araki Sosuke, who was also unscathed, threw two oars full of arrows into the water with his backhand.

"Well, I helped you block a few... but you have to row and block arrows. It is inevitable that you will miss a few more..."

Glancing between Fujiwara Takumi's legs with a guilty look, Sosuke Araki jumped to the shore from the stern: "So, thank your god for sheltering your lower body happiness."

"Leaked, missed... which ones?"

Fujiwara Takumi then lowered his head and looked somewhere between his legs...

There, a few arrows pierced straight through his generous cold-proof pants, closely attached to the sides of the "Jin Yu", and sank into the bottom of the boat.

"Asshole, asshole...I haven't used it formally yet, almost..."

"Don't complain, the'visitor welcome ceremony' has already begun."

Just as Fujiwara Takumi carefully pulled out the arrows in his crotch, more than a dozen tall "giant bears" with white snowflakes hanging on their black fur had slowly stood up from the grass behind the lakeshore.

"This is... a bear?! But isn't a bear a solitary animal, and why are there so many on this island?!"

Seeing the black and pressing row of "giant bears" in the distance, Fujiwara Takumi, who had just stepped off the boat with one foot, was frightened and hid in an instant.

"Zongjie, what are you doing in a daze? Get on the boat and run!"

Ignoring the weak call of Fujiwara Takumi, Sosuke Araki quietly pulled out the souvenir wooden knife engraved with "Lake Toya" at his waist.

"What are you running? We came here with great difficulty all the way from Hakodate. Isn't the person we are looking for right in front of us?"

He hurriedly tied the rope on the handle of the knife round and round, and looked at the "bear group" in the distance without hesitation.

"He tribe...This island is the holy land of Utari. Outsiders are forbidden to enter!"

As the distance drew closer, among the group of "giant bears" came Japanese with blunt pronunciation and obscure intonation.

"These bears... are they human?"

Hidden in the boat, Takumi Fujiwara took a closer look. Inside the huge and hideous mouths of these "giant bears", there were faces with tall noses, sunken eye sockets, and halberd-like beards...

The "bear group" in front of him turned out to be a tall man who made the entire bear skin and head into a coat and hat.

"You... Are you Ainu?!"

Through the opponent's extremely characteristic facial features, Fujiwara Takumi instantly recognized the origin of these people.

Regarding the racial origin of the Ainu, there are various hypotheses such as Caucasus, ancient Asian and Tungusic, prehistoric Aryans, Canaanite and Phoenician in West Asia, Polynesians off the coast of Australia, and people from the Andaman Islands in South Asia. There is no conclusion.

In short, their dark skin, tall stature, deep facial features, prominent eyebrows, and other characteristics similar to the Eurasian race, appear to be so incompatible with the "Yamato nation" that ruled Japan.

"Tsk, don't call us by your scornful names..."

Fujiwara Takumi's simple question turned out to be like igniting a barrel of explosives, making the faces of the men show anger, and drew out the giant bow behind him: "We are, Utari!"

"Ah, sorry..."

Fujiwara Takumi, who took the opportunity to do his homework on the way here, reacted and said something wrong.

In Ainu, "Ainu" means "person", while Ezo means Yidi.

Whether the Ainu or the Ezo, they are actually the contemptuous names given to this ethnic group by the He clan in history.

The true Ainu people prefer to call themselves Utali, which means "partner".

"Utari...Utari...Is it all right?!"

"Summon evil and clansmen, die!"

He didn't listen to Fujiwara Takumi's explanation at all, but several arrows had already come from the wind and snow towards his front door.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the arrows that had just been shot had been cut into two accurately from the air, and fell weakly into the snow.

"The guy with the wooden knife is not easy... how about people?!"

A few Ainu who shoot arrows have just shown unbelievable expressions, Araki Sosuke who cut off the arrows has disappeared without a trace.

"Be careful, on the left!"

The man standing in the front narrowed his eyes slightly and looked to the left side like a torch.

There, Araki Sosuke, dragging a dark afterimage and carrying a wooden knife on his shoulders, has already come to the "bear group".

"This is... faster than Xuehu..."

Seeing Sosuke Araki who appeared like a ghost in the wind and snow, the nearest Ainu men felt cold.

"Spear array!"

They tacitly handed out the spears in their hands, forming a neat and dense spear array.

Even the ghostly snow fox on the snow can only turn into a corpse obediently when it hits their spear formation.


In the next second, before their eyes, Araki Sosuke's body twisted at a high speed with an imperceptible amplitude, and he passed through the spear formation as silky as a loach...


The face full of crime, with a smirk at the corners of his mouth, suddenly occupied all the sights of the men.

"Is this guy planning to outnumber the crowd?"

Located at the top of the food chain in Hokkaido on weekdays, even brown bears dare to hunt the captive Ainu hunters, and feel the horror illusion of being targeted by wild beasts.

"Hey, since you didn't plan to speak well from the beginning, let's change to a'communication language'!"

Without giving the other party a chance to react at all, Araki Sosuke had already passed by behind the men at high speed.

On the "Lake Toya" wooden knife in his hand, the sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another.


At the front of the team, five "giant bears" as tall as a hill, clutching their upright buttocks in wailing, fell to the ground like dominoes one after another.

"Hey, next, it's up to you..."

Araki Zongsuke's mouth cracked with a grin, and he kept walking towards the remaining dozen people with pale faces.

When he was in the middle of the lake, the "hospitality" behavior of the other party without a word of arrows had already made him extremely upset.

If it were replaced by two ordinary people who rashly went to the island, they would have been pierced by arrows at this moment and turned into two corpses in the icy lake.

The men in front of them were hit by "Toyako no Crit." Although their lives were unimpeded, it is estimated that for a long time they would recall the fear of being dominated by this wooden knife when going to the toilet.

"It's careless, obviously I didn't sense any abnormal power in him, who is this guy?"

Seeing this scene, the tallest man in the team looked more cautious than ever.

Opposite, the seemingly "ordinary" He clan man, with only a tourist souvenir wooden knife, easily "partially crit" five experienced hunters of the clan who can hunt brown bears alone!

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