"This thing is why, the city assistants will patrol the island in a team today, and they will do it as soon as they see you."

Scattered in the wooden box is an exquisite ceramic figure of a woman with a red kimono, separated head and head, and broken limbs.

"The disappearance of that bus may also be related to this evil..."

Looking closely, there were dark red stains of blood remaining on the doll's lotus bud-like hands and feet.

"This is... the March figure?"

Sosuke Araki took off his sunglasses, raised his blindfold, and carefully looked at the doll in the box.

This thing, when he used to work in a convenience store, sold a lot of "mass sales" during February and March every year, so he recognized it at first sight.

The so-called "human figures" in Japan, namely dolls, originated in the Edo period and first appeared as children's toys.

After hundreds of years of development, Japanese dolls with exquisite shapes, gorgeous costumes and various hair accessories have not only become a favorite of Japanese people, but also occupy an important place in folk festivals.

The Japanese believe that if a child has a disaster, the patient can be passed on to the human form, so that the child will be healthy and grow smoothly.

Therefore, around the "Girl's Day" in March every year, families with girls will put peach blossoms, diamond-shaped sticky cakes and white wine in front of a special altar to enshrine Japanese dolls in the shape of cute little girls in kimonos.

"March Moon Humanoid", hence the name.

"This kind of doll that doesn't fit in the style of painting at all, shouldn't be something your Ayi...The Utali tribe will sacrifice in March, right?"

Looking at the expressionless, torn apart doll with a faint resentment in the wooden box, Fujiwara Takumi swallowed hard.

The "human form" that implies health and praying for blessings has also been voted TOP1 in the 2CH forum for the "most terrifying impression of things in life" for several consecutive years.

Because of its similarity to the human body, easy to condense obsessions, and the materials that make it easy to incorporate some weird elements, the "human form" has also left countless urban legends in Japan.

In short, this doll that seemed to have been possessed by someone before, obviously has nothing to do with words such as "health" and "growth".

"On the day of the first snow, some people of the tribe claimed to have seen strange Japanese dolls while fishing on the shores of Lake Toya. At first, we didn't care about it until some of the tribe died in the forest because of a fatal injury from a sharp weapon..."

"Xiong Ling told me that these puppets, who came from nowhere, are trying to hunt us!"

Looking at the broken doll in the box, I distinguished the resentment in Mijiro's eyes: "This must be a conspiracy between you and the people..."

"It's not enough to invade the land that originally belonged to us, and we want to kill our last blood...Half demon, don't you deserve to live in this world?"

"Hey, uncle, don't get into the horns at every turn. All the ‘he tribe conspiracy theories’ are all from the last century, okay?"

"That's it, what age is this, if you really want to kill them all, it should be more efficient to drop the troops directly than a resentful spirit doll?"

Seeing the old and new hatreds of the Ainu patriarch surged into his heart and became more excited as he spoke, Sosuke Araki and Takumi Fujiwara quickly began to persuade them.

"Sorry, the old man was impulsive. In short, under the current circumstances, it is really difficult for my clan..."

Just after distinguishing Mijiro, he took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions, when the heavy curtain was opened: "Patriarch, it's not good, you, you come out and have a look!"

A male Ainu rushed in with wind and snow in a panic.

"What's in a hurry, haven't you seen any guests here?"

"People, dolls... and clan dolls... they have found near the village!"

Regardless of being scolded by the patriarch, the man exclaimed excitedly: "The city assistant is guarding with people around, but the number of those dolls is unknown, and there are many people who have been injured!"


Disregarding the two people in the house, he distinguished the long stick in his hand and ran out of the hut vigorously.

"Let's take a look."

Araki Sosuke looked at each other and followed out.

The deserted village has faded away from the hustle and bustle of the past, and it is cold and quiet.

Even the children running around and the bear cubs being led have disappeared.

Only a pair of disturbed eyes were left, secretly looking at the situation outside through the gaps in the hut.

"Sha Mou, hold on!"

At the entrance of the village, tall Ainu men dressed in bear skins and armed with weapons, scattered among the snow, looked around vigilantly.

"Patriarch, he is going to die!"

The Ainu hunter named Shisuke, surrounded by the crowd at this time, held a man in his arms.

Regardless of the blood stains on his body, he put his hand tightly on the neck of this same clan...

But no matter how hard he tried, the red blood still flowed from the huge crack under the palm of his hand, staining the white ground red.

"Step aside!"

Distinguishing Mijiro, he stepped forward and put his hand on the man's neck: "Juvenile the sun, the moon, the fire, the rain..."

As he chanted the mantra in a low voice, a surging green light emerged from his palm.

"All things breed...there are gods in charge..."

The wound in the man's throat gradually bitten together, and the blood no longer came out.

"It's okay, go back and put some herbs on him and bandage the wound."

Distinguishing Minjirou, he slowly got up and let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, patriarch, I was careless."

The city helper, who was kneeling beside him, showed guilt on his face.

"Those things are too small, hiding in the snow, they can still make people trance..."

Immediately, he glared angrily at the two Araki Sosuke walking behind: "If it weren't for the bear spirit I couldn't sense now, I would have to dig the ground and find these evil creatures."

After the back body was hit by the "Critical Strike of Toya Lake", the induction between him and the bear spirit recovered extremely slowly, and he still couldn't get shelter now.

"Hey, you obviously did it first by the lake! Wait a minute, the ground is..."

When they walked to the entrance of the village, the two people noticed that on the snowy ground outside, there were several Japanese dolls that were about 30 centimeters apart and were torn apart.

"March Humanoid?!"

The exquisite face, bright kimono, and well-behaved hair bun are different from the "March Moon Figure" in the wooden box before, but they have the same effect.

"Shhh, don't make any noise."

Recognizing the surging green light in both Jin Jirou's eyes, he slowly looked towards the empty snowy ground around him.

"Can't wait any longer..."

The long stick in his hand was like a gust of wind, swiftly beating on the heads of the men beside him: "It's time to let the evil creatures from outside look at the bloody nature of Utari!"

The white of the man who was beaten by the wooden stick turned to scarlet...

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