"Excuse me..."

The police officer sitting in front of the outdoor diesel heater looked helplessly at the "special agent" from the Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Police Department. After all, the search range of the three people is limited, so I have to wait for the snow to stop before..."

The originally anticipated "Tokyo Reinforcement Forces" had only two people and an Ainu guide, which was really disappointing.

When the electronic equipment failed for no reason and everything returned to primitive society, a few of them "sit in" the base camp, and they can only warm up the fire and play an anti-theft role. They can't even coordinate human and material resources and keep information smooth.

Three more people would just come back and cook the instant noodles together.


Not far from the camp, a wooden sled was stopping there quietly.

Several white long-haired love slave dogs, which were tied in front of the sled and were half a meter tall, were fondly rubbing their bodies against the black heavy locomotive parked aside.

Ainu, also known as Hokkaido dog, is a breed bred by Ainu people and is the oldest kind of all Japanese dogs.

It looks like an Akita dog, because it is more docile, loyal, alert, and has excellent cold resistance, physical strength and muscles. It is one of the best dog breeds for snow work.

"No...snow...covers the smell..."

A huge "brown bear" is walking along the original location of the national highway, lying on the ground like a hunting dog, sniffing something...

"Don't talk about the best slave dog, even I can't smell anything."

That impressively, he was a tall, three-dimensional Ainu hunter wearing a bearskin coat and a ferocious bear head hat, the city assistant.

As the best smelling animal in the world, bears have 2100 times that of humans.

A bear can detect the carcass of an animal about 20 miles away, while a polar bear can detect the smell of a sow in heat 100 miles away.

It is with this keen sense of smell that bears can find food, mate, avoid danger, and track wild cubs.

And the city helper, who inherited the "Bear Demon Bloodline" and had a sense of smell comparable to that of the brown bear, was of course sent by the patriarch to assist the two of Araki Sosuke in tracking the trail of the bus.

"The snow has only fallen for less than three days, so I can only try to dig it out, maybe there will be a sealed smell!"

Said to himself, Shizuo took out a small wooden shovel from the backpack behind him, and quickly dug it...

"Oh? Dig up the snow, then I'll help..."

Wrapped in a coat, sunglasses and scarf, Araki Sosuke, who is like a thief, also took a folding engineer shovel from the locomotive and shoveled the snow from the ground like the wind...

"Wh, what are these two guys doing?"

When Fujiwara Takumi, who was sitting by the stove and holding hot tea, heard the sound, he saw countless white snow flying in the air like waves...

In less than a minute, a snow pit with a diameter of five meters and a depth of about two meters appeared on the snowy ground.


Soon, there was the sound of something cracking in the pit.

"Oh, it seems to have dug into the road!"

When Fujiwara Takumi and Ichisuke walked to the side of the pit curiously, Sosuke Araki, who almost fell into the snow pit, just pulled the engineer shovel out of the ground...

"You muscular idiot, what do you mean by ‘seems to be dug’... The road was smashed by you... Is this destroying public facilities?"

Looking at the tarmac of National Highway 230 full of cracks and pits, Fujiwara Takumi's instinct was in his throat, and he didn't vomit.

"This... 咻咻... I do smell the residual exhaust gas from the car... However, there are too many vehicles on the national highway to confirm whether it is the bus you are looking for..."

Lying on the edge of the pit, the city assistant kept twitching his nose, his expression cold: "Wait, there is a smell of evil in it!"

"Evil? Is it the smell left by those'dolls'?"

Thinking of the shuddering "Aju humanoid", maybe because of the loss of an ally and wandering in the nearby forest waiting for an opportunity to retaliate, Fujiwara Takumi subconsciously shrank his neck.

"No, it's not the same... this smell is more like the breath of some kind of beast..."

Pursuing the source of that breath, Shizuo pointed towards the northeast, "Try digging here!"

"OK, leave it to "Hokkaido's Strongest Snow Blower" Mr. Araki! "

When the city helped to pull out the snow pit, Sosuke Araki suddenly picked up the engineer shovel in his hand like a windmill...

The snowfield in front of Fujiwara Takumi’s eyes instantly turned into a white sea, as if an evil shark that had chosen someone to eat was sprinting under the water, raising waves of monstrous white waves...

"I said, are you planning to dig trenches along National Highway 230?!"

Before Fujiwara Takumi's words were finished, Sosuke Araki, who was drifting away in the "ditch", suddenly stopped.

"This is……"

Lifting the sunglasses and blindfold, Sosuke Araki carefully surveyed the road exposed under the snow.


On the asphalt road, a foot print with four toes and round soles was faintly visible.

"It looks like... a bear?"

Seeing the huge footprints of this beast from unknown origin, the two of them looked at each other, and their faces were not pretty.

As an island in Hokkaido, the species of large beasts is extremely single, and only the brown bear as a specialty is worthy of praise.

"Ordinary bears, shouldn't have such big feet, and can't make such footprints on the asphalt road, right?"

The two were not surprised by the huge foot power of the creature that left the footprints...

It was because, at the bottom of the footprints, there still remained strands of black resentment that had not yet dissipated.

"Shoo...hoo... the evil breath has been chasing behind the car exhaust..."

Turning over and jumping into the trench, the city assistant carefully recognized the weird footprint.

"This shape is indeed a bear's footprint. I can't admit it wrong... Could it be... a ghost bear?!"

As if thinking of something, he suddenly shook and called out.

"Ghost Bear?"

"What you said, is life as a master, and death as a ghost..."

Seeing Shizuo standing at the bottom of the pit, Araki Sosuke sitting beside the pit rubbing the snowball boredly, his expression was curious.

"A terrible evil like a ghost bear hasn't appeared in Hokkaido for almost a hundred years since a certain large-scale hunting event. I only learned about it from the clan's population."

As if recalling something, Shizuo's face became more and more difficult to look.

"Ghost bear, because he refused to respond to the call of the kingdom of God, and finally turned into a evil bear..."

It is said that only bears that have lived for decades without dying can become "ghost bears".

The ghost bear is more than two meters tall, and even a cow and a horse can be shredded by a slap with bare hands.

Not only that, but the ghost bear has a more cunning mind than humans, and walks upright like a human, disguising as a traveler from a distance in the snow, reducing people's vigilance.

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