
Just as everyone hesitated, the second electromagnetic barrier generator also stopped working amidst the flames and black smoke.

"What are you talking about, hurry up!!!"

"Don't look like a parting life, without your burdens, we can wipe the soles of our feet!"

Under the urging of several people from Sun Luosi, the remaining team members could only glance at the few people standing in front of the barrier with tears, and silently raised their hands in a salute.

"Captain, take care!"

As if they were afraid that they would regret it, they buried their heads and stepped on the sled and dispersed in all directions!


The furious ghost bears also seemed to be uninterested in these fleeing "schools of fish", still rushing against the barrier in front of them with red eyes.

"Hey, save the brothers who Captain Mochizuki rescued from the Middle East, at least there is an explanation..."

Seeing everyone leaving, Sen Luosi breathed a sigh of relief, and only pure determination remained in his eyes: "Everyone, this time, we are in the forefront!"


This situation reminds him of the night when he raided the city of death three years ago when he was besieged by more than the expected number of living corpses...

That time, it was Captain Mochizuki, who used his thin body alone to stop at the gap in the city wall, and forcibly jammed thousands of living corpses in the city, gaining space for everyone to survive.

After the man used his actions to carry out the promise of "captain rushing to be the first" and returning from the bloody corpse mountain, this has become the tradition of their brigade.


After the players' backs completely disappeared in the woods, the last magnetic field barrier generator behind Sun Luosi also exploded because of the exhaustion of energy.

The barrier, which had already been thousands of holes, shattered like glass before everyone's eyes!


As if finally prying open the can and preparing to feast on the plump fish inside, a few ghost bears roared cheerfully and threw their heads at the five people.


Feeling the fishy wind blowing on his face, Sun Luosi turned over quickly and escaped the huge mouth that was enough to swallow him...

"Did it? No, not completely..."

But his back, along with the camouflage uniform, was still shaved off a large piece of flesh and blood.


Behind him, a team member screamed and was cut off by the ghost bear.

For a while, flesh and blood flew like a balloon filled with red paint on pure white rice paper.

"One after another, the first snow is rising, the body is like a icy wind like a complaint, and the death of a sorrowful battle!"

Seeing that the second ghost bear had come to surround him, Sen Luosi, who had nowhere to escape, laughed wildly and vented the bullets in the magazine: "Masters, martial arts prosper, in the next life, you should wear armor together!!!"

Obviously, he no longer meant to dodge anymore.

"Captain Mochizuki, these lives you picked up from the Middle East are not in vain!"

Sacrificing six people, saving most of the fighting power from these cruel and treacherous ghost bears, this is a cruel but cost-effective business.


Suddenly, from the dense forest in the distance, there were intensive gunfire.

The ghost bear, who had already raised his claws and was about to slap Sen Luosi to pieces, paused slightly because of the spiritual bullet exploding on his back...

"Deputy Captain, get down!!!"

Sun Luosi, who fell to the ground, avoided the bear's paw that was enough to split himself...

"You idiots, why are you running back again!"

Seeing those figures in the woods returning and shooting at the ghost bear, he roared with hatred for iron and steel.

"This kind of meaningless death is a shame for being a soldier..."

Tears silently wetted the deformed frame on the bridge of the nose.

At this distance, after he was smashed by the next head, it would take less than a minute for the ghost bear to swallow the remaining three people and return to catch up with the "idiots" on the hill.


At the moment, several thick and dark tree vines sprang out from the dense forest like a clever giant snake, entangled the five ghost bears...


Suddenly he was entangled in his hands and feet, and the movements of several ghost bears were stagnant.


Feeling the decline of power, several ghost bears were struggling immediately, trying to tear off the weird tree vine...

But no matter how hard they used their claws to tear up the vines on their bodies, the thick black vines gush out from the forest as if they are endless, becoming more and more entangled.

"Who said..."

A tall and burly figure, stepping out of the dense forest, with ghostly afterimages and slightly drunken sweetness, passing by the five ghost bears one by one...

"...Is this a senseless sacrifice?"

The few ghost bears that aroused wildness and were fighting wildly with the trees and vines on their bodies, as if the pause button was pressed...

With a developed sense of smell, they seem to smell a certain fatal attractive smell, and their faces are obsessed, intoxicated, and comfortable...

"This voice..."

Collapsing on the snow, letting the blood on his back condense into bright red ice crystals, Sun Luosi felt his vision blurred.

"... is Captain Mochizuki?!"

A fragrant and sweet smell of wine poured into the tip of his nose.

"This smell... can't be wrong, it's axillary fragrance!"

The mind was occupied by the hot and sweet breath that made people fascinated and willing to fall into this sweetness with rottenness. Sun Luosi could no longer feel any pain or fear.

"I will sing for you, and I will think about you...I, is this dreaming..."

With a flushed face and a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth, he hummed a little tune of unknown meaning in a vague way.

"Even if it is an illusion, I can hear your voice and smell your masculine breath before I die, I die without..."

"Hey, you will die one day...but not now!"

In the quiet snow forest, the man's laziness with a jealous voice pulled Sun Luosi's consciousness back to reality.

"Next, there are a lot of tasks to keep you busy, Deputy Captain Sunro."

With five stagnant ghost bears as the "background board", the shirtless man standing in the middle of the snowfield gradually became clear in the blurred vision of Sun Luosi.

Irregular crimson ghost lines float on the tangled muscles, eight abdominal muscles, and shiny inverted triangle body...

Between the soft forehead of the wig, there are a pair of slightly curled short red horns...

The golden and purple intertwined demon flame rises up, turning the falling snow into white steam directly...

The most familiar to Sen Luosi are the other party's unchanging sunglasses, the left arm covered with rune bandages, and the old short Dachi that hangs casually behind his waist.

And the mellow, sweet, unstoppable breath in the field seemed to originate from somewhere in the man's body.

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