I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 814 Impossible Possibility


Suddenly, the drooping bony longbow in Yuma Yuma's hands and the gloomy gou jade hung at the emergency exit tremble violently.

"This is...Resonance?"

Feeling the strange difference between "demon bow crying" and "withered gouyu", her ponytail fluttered, subconsciously hesitating to look around.

Enshrined in the shrine for hundreds of years, there is a strong connection between the "Three Sacred Artifacts of Akagi" with the same roots.

But right now, both withered Gouyu and Yaogong are crying by their side, what will cause this "resonance"?

"Could it be..."

A certain tiny "possibility" that had been suppressed in the girl's heart unstoppable surfaced.

"Impossible, what am I thinking, this is Hokkaido..."

Immediately, she shook her head vigorously, as if trying to throw this unrealistic idea out of her mind.

"Hold your breath, don't be affected by the grievances here...I am already a mature spirit remover, and I always want to rely on Teacher Araki, but there is no way to respond to his careful guidance during this time."

Taking a deep breath, the concentration that penetrated everything returned to the girl's tired eyes again.

"Little Bird Youshi!!!"

In the next second, a very familiar voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Toriyu Mayumi.

"Araki... Teacher?"

Let her finally adjust her mentality and break her work in one second.

"No, this must be the whispers of those mummy corpses, you can't be confused..."

Even though she thought so, she still turned her head subconsciously, her eyes patrolling on the dark tunnel wall where the figure squirmed...


Through the endless darkness, a pair of golden and black pupils, with evil spirits, suddenly came into her mind.

"The illusion created by the resentful spirit may be able to hide it from Lingshi..."

Although the pair of eyes flashed in his mind, the shouts in his ears no longer sounded like auditory hallucinations.

"The resonance of Akagi's three artifacts can't be faked!"

But the fatigue and despair hidden in the girl's eyes gradually faded, and endless joy and faith bloomed in the overflowing tears.

Just like every time...

That man, not far away, came with July rain.

"Mayumi-chan, what's wrong with you... Don't be fooled by those ghosts!"

It seemed that Toori Yu Mayumi was "in a daze", and Gu Yuansha's exclaiming came from under the escape window.

The wriggling corpses on the inner wall of the tunnel sometimes disguised themselves as the faces and voices of familiar people to break through the hearts of everyone.

"Relax...I'm fine..."

Tori Yu Mayumi shook his head slightly, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with fingertips that resemble green onions, and his eyes gradually became firm.

"No, I should say...I'm fine...very good!"

The corners of her mouth rose up uncontrollably, and the rich spiritual power rose from her body.


As the bird swims Mayumi and draws a bow to draw an arrow, the crisp string sounds continue to play in the tunnel.

The limbs formed by the gathering of countless "human pillars" were torn to pieces in the sound of crying.

"What happened to Mayumi?"

"It's like having a chicken blood, become very happy?"

Seeing the friends who were suddenly silent and pulling their bows hard, the ancient principle sand and Qianyezi below couldn't help looking at each other.


"Takumi, I saw it!"

"There is snow except the trees, what do you see?"

On the snowy hills bordering the two mountains, Sousuke Araki, who came back to his senses, looked at Fujiwara Takumi with ecstasy: "I saw... Yuuji Kotori, and the bus, in a nearby tunnel!"

"What... Are you sure it's not because of low temperature and snow blindness that you have hallucinations?!"

Araki Sosuke folded up the map, retracted the July rain into the scabbard, and stepped towards the foot of the mountain: "There is no time to explain, there is something trapped them in the tunnel... We hurriedly followed the July rain to find it! "

"Whirring whirring……"

In the mountains where the wind horn Xuewu, a cold gust of wind suddenly passed...

The limelight is like a knife face like a cut, everyone only feels that all the temperature and oxygen in the whole body will be swept away by the cold wind.

"It's cold... uh!"

Fujiwara Takumi's footsteps were even more unstable, and he fell on the sled in embarrassment.


Shisuke, who was lying on the sledge with Takumi Fujiwara to hide from the wind, stretched out his hands to cover his face, his nose twitched, his expression changed slightly: "There is a smell of evil in this wind!"

"Could it be that other ghost bears have come here for revenge?"

Propping up, Fujiwara Takumi subconsciously took out the Mibi courage in his arms.

"No, the taste is different... the direction is different..."

The city assistant shook his head surely, and looked over his head: "Ghost bear, can't fly."


Araki Sosuke raised his blindfold and followed Ichisuke's gaze to the sky where the wind roared and the feathers scattered...

"Is that... a bird?"

A tiny figure waving its wings flashed and disappeared among the snow clouds.

"How can there be any birds in this kind of ghostly weather that will turn into ice sculptures if they fly out... Even if there are, they can't be seen from here, right?"

As the two of them looked up, Fujiwara Takumi's eyes only had flying snowflakes and the sky filled with dark clouds.

"Hey, what is that... Is it true that a bird was frozen and fell down?"

Before the words were finished, a "little black spot" began to enlarge rapidly in the eyes of the three of them...


Regardless of other things, Sosuke Araki turned his head and roared at the heavy locomotive that had no sense of disobedience among the Ainu dogs: "Warring States Samurai!!!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Before the two people on the sled and the few slave dogs had time to react, the warrior of the Warring States period roared and set off a large snow wave, dragging the entire sled "with dog and man" down the slope.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have not yet sat down..."


In the scream of Fujiwara Takumi's hindsight, a half-meter in diameter and about three meters in length broke through the wind and snow, and with an irresistible aura, it slammed into the position where the sled had just been.

"This... hail won't be... so exaggerated..."

Looking at the frozen ice that was half submerged in the snow, Fujiwara Takumi's expression was instantly sluggish, allowing the snowflakes to fill his mouth with the wind...

The piercing chill spread a little bit from the back towards the brain.

If it were not for the response of the warriors in the Warring States Period, I am afraid that I, Shisuke, and the cute slave dogs, are now like pieces of meat and green onions on a skewer, which have been neatly poked and pierced.

"No, this is not hail..."

Looking back at the ice ridge half a foot into the ground, the city helper understood: "It's the Snow Girl! Only the Snow Girl can manipulate the ice and snow like this freely!"

"Snow Girl? How can my small body stand..."

Snow Girl, also known as Xue Ji, is a monster that lives in the snow-capped mountains.

It is said that he is not only good at making ice and snow, but also often seduce men home with his stunning appearance, and after squeezing the juice to his heart's content, he takes his soul and freezes his body as a collection.

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