The high city barriers slid like a mechanism, blocking the way forward, seeming to want to cooperate with the samurai phalanx to pursue and kill.

"Whatever it is, it's over!"

Facing the sudden layers of obstacles, Araki Sosuke, who was lying on the back of the warrior of the Warring States Period and holding the July Rain, turned his hands into afterimages, and once again set off "squally winds"...

"Break it for me!"

The ice wall rising from the ground was instantly smashed by the invisible blade light!

A whole team of ice-sculpted warriors have long been waiting in the gap behind the ice wall...


The warriors of the Warring States period whizzed past, and countless crystal-clear heads and stumps rose into the sky in the wind!

In the next second, the city walls of Chongyong Hundred Pheasants and row upon row of houses moved horizontally from all around and joined together, blocking the sled from the way...

"It's over, it's over, this thickness... Whosyourdaddy!"

Seeing that the galloping sleigh was about to turn into meat sauce on the ice wall that was so thick that Sosuke Araki "knifes hard to wear", Fujiwara Takumi could only hold the mood of "a dead horse as a living horse doctor". Symbolically add a note of "purification"...


In the roar of Araki Sosuke, a pair of pitch-black fire-like "wings" stretched out from his wide back and swept around!

"This is the thing inside Zongjie?"

"Mountain, mountain god! The mountain god has appeared..."

Looking at the black giant arms with burning runes and burly muscles, Fujiwara Takumi and Ichisuke were dumbfounded, forgetting the immediate crisis.

Being surging through the dark flames, the intangible black arms passed through, the carefully crafted buildings and the vivid warriors seemed intact, but they all stopped abruptly!


In the next second, these ice and snow sculptures all seemed to recall their original "identity", and collapsed into a large piece of broken ice in the harsh friction sound.

I have no time to pay attention to the abnormal appearance of these ice sculptures. The fierce locomotives and sledges are crushing the ice crystals that have broken into the ground and continue to move forward...

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

In the exclamation of Fujiwara Takumi, the sledge followed the heavy locomotive, destroying the ice-carved buildings and the samurai phalanx like a bulldozer, and rushed into this white city like a demolition brigade...

Riding on the warrior of the Warring States period, Araki Sosuke, holding the July rain and "black wings" on his back, hovered around the sledge like a general escorting him, sweeping away all obstacles to advancement.

Wherever he went, the ice broke!

"Puff, what's that... the shikigami sealed in the body? Or is it the Buddha's body?"

Seeing this scene underfoot, the number two in the sky still looks like a winning ticket.

"It's really rude, this is an aesthetic thing that can only be written by holding the hand of ice and snow!"

Because, under his control, the buildings made of ice and snow, densely packed warriors, are centered on a moving sledge, constantly emerging from the snow slope...

"Although this style is strong, it should be quite exhausting, right? When your spiritual power is exhausted, you will become an ice sculpture in Matsumae City!"

From the sky above, it seems that the entire ice city and the army are moving with the sled, like an inexhaustible frost cage that can never be escaped.

"Uh ha ha ha... in my eternal city of Matsumae, there is no living thing to leave!"


five minutes later.

"Keep on, what are you kidding?!"

In the middle of the sky, "Number Two" looked at the scene below that looked like the ruins of the doomsday, and exclaimed in disbelief.

At this time, the invincible "speed sled" that ran across the ice city had been accelerating down the snow slope and came to a position close to the foot of Mount Yotei.

Like plants, the "Matsumae Castle", which sprouted from the ground on the snow slope, and the densely packed ice sculpture warriors, still gathered around the sledge...

However, the growth rate seems to be much slower than before.

And Sosuke Araki, who rushed in front of the sled, was like a tireless undead god of death.

Whether it is the invisible blade in his hand or the pair of huge black arms with wings spread out on his back, not only the frequency and rhythm of the dance are not fatigued...

He even displayed the various moves of "Wing Chun" and "Beichen One Sword Art" in different ways, and he became more and more skillful in cutting through the ice sculptures that were in the way around him.

With this change, the breath of "Two" became heavier and heavier, and even the ice crystal-like wings swayed a little.

Even on the battlefield that suits him best, the divine power spent creating and maintaining this "cedar pine front city" cannot be fully supplemented by the resentment in the wind and snow.

"This monster... Is there no limit to his spiritual and physical strength? How could it last longer than me..."

Araki Sosuke, who rushed down and destroyed the ice city and the army, is like a random graffiti marker, unreasonably tearing his "work" to pieces...

"No. 2" is in the mood right now, as if taking the kidney function drink, small blue pills, Spanish gold flies, Indian god oil, 999-flavored rehmannia pill, mummy powder, cobra blood, cow and sheep whip with tears. He stewed the whole waist and big tonic soup, and vowed to make the other party cry, but he found that his counterparty was still persevering, persevering, persevering and persevering after eighteen times in one night...

"I heard that you abandoned your tribe and went to Tama Art University with government sponsorship?"

"The Ainu people are the Ainu people. After studying for a long time, don't they still only sculpt bears' heads..."

"Tsk, Ezo, it would be nice to be eligible to sign up for the Ice Sculpture Awards, do you still expect to get a trophy back..."

"Ahahahahahaha, did you tell me this is'art'? Look at the'Aomori Inu' by Yoshitomo Nara, that's art!"

"Asshole... If it weren't for your despicable means... how could Utari, ours, be abandoned by the gods for failing to defend the land..."

Touching the scene to give birth to love, the gust of wind in the ear suddenly turned into those stinging words buried deep in memory...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah! You vulgar Japanese, that kind of round-headed round-brained dog that doesn't even have a lower body, what art is called!"

"Number Two" suddenly covered his ears and snarled frantically: "I, only my works can be called art!"

A meticulous figure in a white coat appeared in his eyes...

"Sangoro, I have found the way to the'new mankind' and join us! You Utari people are qualified to live in a brand new world with the noble blood that was born that day..."

It was the man who brought new "hope" when he was most decadent and lost.

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