I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 833 Big Taiyaki by Lake Toya

"Let go of him!"

In the distance, Ichisuke, who got up from the snow, jumped towards the ice coffin, trying to rescue the trapped Fujiwara Takumi.

"Hey, when did the haughty Utaly become a running dog of the Hezu?!"

A snow wind passed by, and two circles of pitch-black shackles appeared on the feet of the city aid...

"You...Utari, you are not a running dog of the Hezu..."

The city helper, who was tripped on the ground, looked up at the number two in the sky with complicated eyes: "Utari, you will be rewarded if you have any kindness!"

"If you have grace, you will be repaid? What qualifications do you have to tell me that if you have grace, you will be repaid?!? Hahahahaha..."

It seems that I have heard the story of sliding the world, and the two wings danced, and laughed wildly: "The Utali people, because of your ignorant and short-sighted idea like a stupid beast, it will be in less than two hundred years. , By the hard and soft of these Japanese clan, you, the masters of Hokkaido, forced you to live in the small corners of Lake Toya and Lake Akan..."

"Hmph, it's not all thanks to you... people who have turned their backs on the clan that raised them, stole the bear skins stored in the clan, and accepted the sponsorship of the clan to go to some ‘art university’..."

But in the next second, the cold words of the city help made the laughter of "No.2" abruptly stopped: "Right, distinguish Sangoro? No, now I should call you, the fallen god..."

"No, I'm not...you...how could you..."

Hearing the name in the other party's mouth, the entire body of the "two" in the air trembled, almost unable to control his balance.

"Even if you dedicate yourself to evil, the taste of a person will not change..."

Looking at the "No. 2" in the sky, the city assistant's eyes were irrefutable with certainty: "What's more, we are grown up brothers together!"

"No, you know what a fart...I have eaten the 18cm big taiyaki with red bean cheese filling on the shore of Lake Toya, why would I be willing to go back to bite the dry and smelly salted fish in the lake?!"

"No.2" shook his head slightly, and the tone became more and more crazy: "Hey, hehehehe... Distinguish Sangoro, he is already dead...together with that idiot dream!"

"Back then, I naively thought that as long as I became a world-famous artist, let the whole world know our Utali culture and know that Japan is not just a "single nation state" as the Japanese ethnic group calls it, it would change the Utali ethnicity. The status allows the children of the clan to have a promising future!"

"But, later I learned that...studying art can't save Utari... Only by gaining stronger power... can the situation of the Utari tribe be completely reversed!"

"The current me is the blessed person of the Aum Truth Society II, Xue Tiangu... and the Utari tribe, under my protection, will become the noblest inhabitant of the new world as a half-demon!"

Looking back, "No.2" raised his hand to the "Snow Maiden" who was constantly showing golden light inside: "Time is not waiting for me. The ritual to return this land to purity is the'God Sacrifice' of the Hezu God Son. Let’s start!"

"Sangoro, don't!!!"

In the desperate roar of the city help, the spread palms of "Two" slowly closed!


Hundreds of dark, sharp, densely packed ice thorns protruded from the inner wall of the "Snow Maiden" and pierced through Fujiwara Takumi, who had nowhere to hide and curled up with his head!


Under the extreme cold and pain, Fujiwara Takumi's whole body was instantly pierced with countless bloody holes...

The blood, from his body with thousands of holes, gushes out like a shower after opening the gate...

But at the moment of contact with that ice thorn, it solidified into dark red ice crystals.

The Germanic torture instrument "Iron Maiden", which originated in the late Middle Ages, was actually used more in torture than execution.

After being penetrated by one of the spikes, the victim often does not die immediately, but suffers in endless pain, and will not really die until hemorrhagic shock.

And the "Snow Maiden" cast by ice and snow, "No. Two", has the effects of freezing to stop bleeding and paralyze the nerves, which greatly prolonged the torment time of the tortured. It is really a must-have for home travel and killing.

"It seems that your god can't shelter this northern land..."

When Fujiwara Takumi’s vision was blurred, and he was about to lose consciousness in pain and blood loss, outside the deep dark ice, came the cold words of the number two: "Without the blessing of the gods, the so-called'one in four thousand years. "The Favored One" is no different from the brown bear waiting to be slaughtered on the "Bear Spirit Sacrifice"."


Fujiwara Takumi tried to say something, but was hindered by the blood pouring from his throat...

The world in front of him sank under the endless darkness.

"I haven't taken care of it. 』


"Where am I..."

Opening his eyes, Fujiwara Takumi was in the darkness of nothing.

"It's going to die again, the god of waste material."

Behind him, a lazy voice sounded.

"Who?! Uh, my krypton..."

When Fujiwara Takumi heard the sound, he turned his head, and was suddenly unable to open his eyes by the sudden strong golden light...


The eight-character Hu man wearing a yellow satin-dyed imperial robe and a standing tasseled crown about one meter in length is lying on his back in a giant sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern.

Although his clothes are magnificent and majestic, and his appearance is majestic, he raises Erlang's legs without manners, resting his cheek in one hand and holding a huge thread lollipop in the other.

"Are you..."

Just looking at the clothes and accessories, Fujiwara Takumi's heart has already figured out the identity of the person.

"Emperor Meiji?"

In Japan, only the Emperor is qualified to wear this dress.

And the one in front of him is obviously not the emperor he would encounter every year during sacrifices and festivals.

"You don't need to be courteous. As a son of God, you can directly call me Lu Ren."

Greedily licking the lollipop in his hand, Lu Ren's eyes with golden chrysanthemum patterns stared at Fujiwara Takumi without annoyance: "As the first stupid'glazed glass body', what do you think? "

"Dead? Yes, yes! I...I was locked in that "Snow Maiden"..."

Recalling the memory of being pierced by the "snow maiden" with ten thousand arrows before his consciousness was broken, Fujiwara Takumi subconsciously clamped his buttocks and his face paled: "So, I am already dead, so I came to you. Did an emperor who was also dead upright report?"

"Although the word "Die Qiao Qiao" is very unpleasant, but it can't be argued...Yes, you are dead Qiao Qiao, but not completely..."

"Then, then, are you here to save me? Yes, just like the last time I faced Chongdeyuan..."

Hearing the glimmer of life in the other party's words, Fujiwara Takumi's expression became excited again.

"Sorry, I can't do it."

With a lollipop in his mouth, Lu Ren fell on the ground like a chrysanthemum, his feet swinging up and down leisurely.

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