I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 835 Cyan Fruit

Mount Yotei, the mountainside.


By the side of the icy road that is as smooth as a mirror and leads directly to the top of the mountain, the monk-like cassock hangs, just relieved from the grief of "losing the left eye" and took a step...

I saw a "brown bear" who was not taller than his knees, waving his hands and feet like a 100-meter sprinter, passing by himself, setting off violent waves and taking away countless gray breaths...


Seeing that this "subordinate" not only ignored him, but also took away a lot of his own "origin power" in the moment he passed by.


This "angry bear" running wild on the ice road is naturally the Araki Sosuke who chased all the way from behind!

This ice road is very slippery, and only if he can step on the depressions through this strange power, can he rush up like a flat ground!

"Asshole, don't get in the way!"

Sensing the fishy wind blowing behind him, he jumped high like a conditioned reflex...

The cassock that swooped out, passed under his feet with a slight margin, slammed hard on the mirror-like ice road, and continued to slide forward...

The next second, Araki Sosuke, who landed, had already stepped on the back of the ten-meter-long giant bear's neck!

"All said, my uncle is very busy!"

The surging power of ghosts and gods in the fur of the robes, like encountering sponge ink, madly gathered in his body!

And from the point of his toe point, a whitish white bloomed from the dark mane hanging from the robes, and it began to spread around...

"This... this feels... good!"

Just like drinking fifty cans of kidney function drinks, Sosuke Araki only felt a rush of blood, an unprecedented spirit of the whole person.

If it weren't for the bear skin on his body, he would definitely be able to see the tattoo under his bear skin, turning into a lava-like crimson as if it had been ignited.

"Ms. Araki... are you okay?!"

"I...I'm fine...no, I should say I'm fine!"

It wasn't until the soft voice of Toriyu Mayumi rang in his ears that Sosuke Araki recovered from the strange feeling.

After the distance gradually widened, the "connection" between the two, let alone "sharing the picture", even the sound began to intermittently.


Immediately, he was embarrassed to find that he was stepping on the unmovable robes with one-third of his body lit up, just like a sleigh participating in a speed reduction competition, down the smooth, mirror-like ice path. Slid down...

"Hey, what a joke... this is not a car to the top of the mountain..."

Just for a moment, the "cassock hanging sled" has already slid down hundreds of meters!

"Master, I..."

Seeing the bus sprinting towards the top of the mountain and disappearing in the wind and snow, Sosuke Araki's face was panicked as he slid faster and faster, his eyes flashed with golden white light...

"But finally climbed up..."

In desperation, a giant arm with fire patterns surging and bulging muscles sprang from his back like a tornado!

I grabbed the thick and dark mane between the robes hanging between the legs...

Bear tail.

"... Give me a brake!"

With that huge arm, he unrelentingly pulled the bear tail up in his hand, and mentioned...


In the mountains and forests, there was a harsh rubbing sound similar to the clinching of brake pads.


The robes hung on the ground, sticking out his long tongue, and wailing in pain, his huge body began to slow down sharply as if someone had stepped on a sudden brake...

"Not enough... Give me a complete... stop!"

As Araki Sosuke roared impatiently, the giant arm raised the bear tail in his hand again by a large amount...



The sound of something breaking, mixed with the wailing of the hanging robes, echoed in the waist of Mount Yotei.

One person and one bear slid down quickly, and stopped abruptly.

"You idiot bear, if I can't catch up, I will definitely come back and bring you down!"

The threat of entrained tongue sounds is still in my ears, and Araki Sosuke's figure has disappeared in the direction leading to the top of the mountain.

The smooth ice path that spreads down from the mountainside seems to have been plowed from top to bottom by something, and a thick and long gully appeared...

A large pool of dark "bloodstains" remained lonely somewhere in the gully, all the way to the hanging under the robes.

At this moment, this ghost bear that once deterred Hokkaido was lying steadily on the steep ice road, his mane glowing with fluorescence...

A pair of huge bear paws, stretched forward to the position of the head at some unknown time, closed tightly.


At the foot of Mount Yotei.

Within the dark and icy iron maiden, the painful wailing of Fujiwara Takumi could not be heard, and she looked extremely quiet.

"Hey, I originally thought that the'favored one who met once in four thousand years' would last a little longer..."

Sensing that the life aura and spiritual power in the Iron Maiden quickly disappeared and returned to "Nothing", Number Two retracted her flat arm with a slight disappointment.

"Sangoro, you are a fallen god, Xiong Ling will definitely not forgive you! If you have the ability, you will kill me too..."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Seeing the "Snow Maiden" pouring out a lot of blood, the citysuke and the warrior warriors who were struggling in the snow but couldn't get rid of them, wailed in unison.

"Hmph, originally on that snow slope, I planned to let you be buried here with them... but now, I changed my mind..."

After fluttering its wings twice, No.2's eyes fell on the distant mountainside.

"I want you to live, to witness the return of this pure land, and to witness the rise of Utari!"


There, the huge robes hung, lying on the ice for some reason, screaming and sliding towards the foot of the mountain...

"Sure enough, even the robes hanging, isn't Araki Sosuke's opponent... Sorry, the great show over there is about to open, I have to take a step first."

"The real battle has just begun..."

Just as the number two rose to height and wanted to fly towards the mountainside, the boy's cold voice sounded in the "Snow Maiden" under his feet.

"Go through the wind, this longing, will you run away in battle? 』


When "Number Two" turned his head in surprise, he found that the indestructible "Snow Maiden" cast in dark ice, on the quiet pretty face, did not know when a crack appeared.

"Say goodbye to Tenacity, you're not fully mature yet, are you? 』


Amid the invisible cracking sound, the crack continued to spread and expand...

"Green fruit, quietly close your eyes and hold the little seed tightly"


The second ship subconsciously drives the ice and snow, trying to repair the snow maiden, but finds that it can't keep up with the melting speed of the dark ice.

"If you start now, you can convey this thought to you"

It seems that something extremely hot is burning in it!


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