I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 838 Today's Wind Is Very Noisy

"Little Bird Yuuji...answer me...what's the matter? ! 』

In his mind, the voice of Araki Sosuke awakened the sluggish-eyed Tori Mayumi.

"Yes, it's Fujiwara priest! He blocked the magma for everyone! 』

Through the vision, she could naturally see the hideous look of Fujiwara Takumi in the golden light.

"Oh, that kid, he finally looks like this at a critical moment..."

At that end, Araki Sosuke was obviously relieved.

"Sorry, Mr. Araki. Maybe, it’s still a little too late..."

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Toriyu Mayumi's mouth.

"Asshole...what to do..."

At the same time, Takumi Fujiwara, who was suspended in the air and continued to urge "Takumi Ina's Wife Transcendent Light", seemed to have discovered something was wrong.

"Hey, please stop moving!"

That's right, although he tried his best to resist the lava that ruined the world...

But the bus behind him was still sliding down the smooth ice surface towards the crater at a fast speed!

"No... Lu Ren... come again... not enough... try harder... fast... give it all to me!"

But now that he realizes this problem, it is too late for him, who is limited by the "width" of the passage and cannot spare a trace of superfluous power even after his old life.

"Sorry, Mr. Araki, there may be ten seconds left. This bus is about to slide into the crater... At least in the end, please listen to Mayumi to finish."

"What is the last and not the last, you hold on to me! I already feel a little bit, just like the time when I finally got through the Ren Du channel after more than ten days of constipation..."

On the mountainside, with that beast-like intuition, Sosuke Araki swiftly shuttled through the flaming red lava and the falling snow, his figure shimmering slightly under the cloud of smoke...

"Mr. Araki, your eyes are always focused on others, often ignoring yourself..."

Inside the bus, calmly looking at the lava surging behind the windshield and the flaming crater, Yu Makoto's small face was reflected like a ripe peach, but his eyes were full of tranquility.

"But at least this time, please protect yourself... Protect yourself, the one Mayumi loves..."

There are some things, if you don't say them now, there will be no "later".

"like me?!"

"Every time, only you, Mr. Araki, will stand up for me at the most critical moment..."

Some words, once spoken, can no longer be stopped.

"I don't know since when Mayumi has been in love with you! It's... the kind of love that I want to be the bride of Mr. Araki!"

The love in the girl's chest was like a flood that opened the gate, gushing out desperately.

"I have also secretly imagined that after resigning my position as a maiden and regaining the land of the gods, I can work with you for the rest of my life... Unfortunately, this dream can only be left to the next life..."

"Carry, hand in hand for the rest of my life?! Wait, don't take the next life, let me stroke it..."


"Puff and puff..."

It seems that the hearts of two fawns collided with each other, and gradually overlapped with each other as the frequency increased...

On the girl's head and someone's wrist, there were two knots, one red and one green, which burned as if being ignited.

The "connection" established by the "being rope" has also become more and more unbreakable in the strong mind.

In the endless darkness, the two people who were separated by a kilometer suddenly stood up in the dull void, staring intently.

"Ms. Araki..."

Tori Mayumi embraced the opponent's chest without hesitation.

"All the time, thanks to your care."

Forgetting the desperate situation in front of her, there was only the reluctance left in her heart for the beloved man in front of her.

"I may not have the opportunity to accept your guidance in the future..."

The scenes she experienced with Sosuke Araki flashed like a revolving lantern in her eyes.

In the end, the gathering became the night of the Menglan Bon Festival, and the courage that I had shot under the moonlight...

"At least in the end, please tell me the answer that night is owed to me."

She raised her head blushingly, and smiled tenderly at the man in front of her, as if she wanted to imprint the most beautiful side of herself on the bottom of the other's heart forever.

"Little Bird Yushi..."

Looking down at the girl in a daze, Araki Sosuke's eyes sparkled with golden and white light, and the whole body lit up with a dark red flame, like a demon alive...

"This time..."

In the next second, his figure disappeared into the girl's arms in the flames...

"It's me, I found you!"

The surrounding darkness also burned to ashes.

"Mayumi, be careful!"

The darkness in front of me faded, and replaced by fiery red lava that occupied the entire windshield, getting closer and closer.


Tori Mayumi found himself, not knowing when, from behind the seat, fell to the inside of the windshield of the front of the car...

"no, do not want!!!!"

Outside the car, Fujiwara Takumi's desperate roar came.

At this time, the bus where everyone was sitting had half of its body protruding out of the edge of the mountain, heading down towards the red crater!


Just as everyone in the car closed their eyes and waited for death, the inertia of the entire car body suddenly stagnated and hovered in place!

"Stop, stop?"

With his face pressed against the windshield, and looking at the crater below which was no longer approaching, Mayumi Torii was taken aback.


In the harsh friction sound, the body began to slowly prop up towards the rear...


On the outside of the windshield where the setting sun was shining, snow and lava were mixed, a "ghost face" covered in black and gray with twinkling eyes suddenly protruded from under the front of the car, smiling and facing the girl who was separated by the glass.

"Today's wind is very noisy..."

The muffled volcanic eruption, the raging wind and snow, and the cries of everyone in the car could not stop the man's firm words. Through the head rope shining like a lamp belt on the horse's tail, it sounded very clearly in her mind.

"There is a ghost!!!"

Encountered such a "peerless appearance" visual impact at close range, the uncle driver rolled his eyes and fainted directly on the steering wheel.

"It must be the evil spirits of hell, they have come to pick us up!!!"

"Don't panic, we will join them soon anyway!!!"

In the car, the people whose expressions were frozen because of the "death sentence suspended" were suddenly scared by the "ghost faces" that were suddenly attached to the glass like this horror movie.


Looking at the face that looked like an evil spirit but very warm in front of him in disbelief, Yu Mayumi, the little bird, burst into tears like broken pearls, and the big ones rushed out, sliding down the corners of the trembling mouth...

"Zongsuke!!! You idiot..."

Over the crater, Fujiwara Takumi, who was stalemate with the beam of light in his hand and the sparse lava spewing violently, screamed in dissatisfaction, "...It came just right!!!"

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