I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 843 Sleepwalking Repeater

"A user of'Divine Power'? You mean..."

Fujiwara Takumi and Kotori Yu Mayumi followed the gaze of No.2...

Because a certain "driver uncle" is too close to strangers, there is no one in the first row at the front of the car.

Outside the window, the heavy resentful snow slapped on the windshield, quietly turning into crystal clear water droplets, and then wiped away by the wiper...

In the driver's seat, the tattoo faintly exposed between someone's down jacket draped on his shoulders seems to be much deeper than usual.

"So...you guys, don't you know?"

Noting the blankness in the two people's eyes, Sangoro seemed to have seen something funny, and laughed weakly: "Hehehehe...interesting, interesting!"

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!"

Suddenly, in the valley, there was a roar like a ghost!

"Hey... this is..."

Hearing this slightly familiar voice, Fujiwara Takumi felt as if he had forgotten something...


"In the snow, it seems someone is running?!"

"Human? Can someone who can run in avalanches and magma be considered a person?"

Amidst the exclamation of several students, a strong man wearing only a wrapped T-shape, with burst muscles, almost naked, sprang out from the avalanche rushing on the right side!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, it seems that this guy can't suppress the instinct in his body first?"

Seeing this figure clearly, Sangoro glanced thoughtfully at Sosuke Araki at the front of the car: "What about you... how long can you hold back?"

Scarlet skin with ghost patterns, bright bald head, huge ghost horns winding like an antelope on the forehead, a pitch-black left arm that is thicker than a thigh, a gray flame all over the body...

When you see the figure breaking through the black snow and quickly approaching the bus, no one will suspect that they have seen the legendary evil spirit.


In the next second, the T-shaped fruit man with mosaics all over his body danced frantically, rushed to a position where it was heading on with the bus, and yelled at someone in the cab: "Stop and fight me!"

"You are... Mochizuki?! Without clothes and wig, I almost didn't recognize it..."

Taking a close look at the "exposure wicked ghost" running wild outside his window, Zongsuke Araki couldn't help but violently burst his forehead: "Hey, didn't you see that I was working as a part-time tourist bus driver? Don't come to make trouble at this time..."

Close to the distance, the gray flames beside Mochizuki Che quietly rushed towards Araki Sosuke’s elbow leaning on the window edge, causing him to stumble and be thrown behind the car...

"Araki Sosuke, stop and fight me!"

However, in the next second, he was like a charcoal fire splashed with gasoline, and the flames rushed back out of the window again.

"I said, as a member of an official agency, do you have an obligation to search and rescue this bus?"

"Now I have been found by an escaped prisoner. Are you not ashamed of it?"

"Araki Sosuke, stop and fight me!"

However, Mochizuki, who was struggling to run on one side, didn't seem to be listening to him at all. He just repeated the cycle of "falling behind-sprinting-roaring-falling behind", roaring the same lines like a repeater.

"Hey, Zongsuke, this guy's state doesn't seem to be right!"

Fujiwara Takumi, who had experience in hand-to-hand combat with Mochizuki Che, immediately noticed the strangeness of the other party.

At this moment, Mochizuki Che, not only the physical signs of evil spirits in his body are becoming more and more exaggerated, the gray flames that represent the "power of the great rivers and mountains" are also dozens of times more majestic than before.

"Oh? What you said... this guy seems... sleepwalking?!"

When reminded, the nearest Araki Zongsuke noticed that in Mochizuki's squinted eyes, there were no pupils in sight, only the white of his eyes rolled up...

"Could it be that this guy has fainted, but his body is stimulated by resentment and wants to continue his unfinished mission?!"

Thinking of the two people lingering on the snow, and Mochizuki's terrible obsession with challenging Araki Sosuke, Fujiwara Takumi's forehead slipped a drop of cold sweat: "When I fainted, my resentment is so big, what have you done to him?"

"Nonsense, I have nothing..."

Before Araki Zongsuke had finished speaking, Mochizuki, who was like a ghost tank, slammed up from the back: "Ara...mu...zong...suke...Stop and fight with me!"

"Obviously being so close, and shouting so loudly, there is no end to it..."

The furious face outside the window gradually overlaps with an old face full of wrinkles and black teeth in Araki Sosuke's eyes...

"Do you think you are a "high-speed mother-in-law"?!"

On the Dongming Expressway, the "Sonic Granny" rushed into the truck and forced to appreciate the terrible memories of that dry and graceful body, and then the seal was lifted!

"I hate it the most..."

The last bit of tolerance was wiped out by the tingling of the eardrum, Sosuke Araki's hand holding the steering wheel shook without a trace...

"...Someone ran outside the window while driving the big car!"


Amid the violent impact, Mochizuki's long and narrow ghost horn that no one should get close to, "accidentally" hit the side door of the cab, quietly cracked, and fell into the dark wind and snow.


After being hit hard by this, Mochizuki closed his eyes, the gray flames all over his body disappeared without a trace, and the whole person flew back in a spiral...

"Look, I'll just say, it's dangerous to run with a car, okay!"

In the back row, Fujiwara Takumi reflexively poked out the window and pulled Mochizuki's ankle, who had fainted in mid-air...

"Hi, this guy is heavy!"

Brought the other person into the car door again and hung it directly on the rear window...

"Everyone has to testify for me. It's this dangerous guy who suddenly ran into him and frightened others! Thanks to the kind passengers in the back row, his eyesight and hands almost saved his life..."

Through the rearview mirror, I caught a glimpse of an extra-featured depression on the iron body. Sosuke Araki couldn't help but slapped his lips, and whispered to Fujiwara Takumi, "Hey, Takumi, what you said just now was too cruel. Now, do it a little bit more concealed..."

"Asshole, why do you want to lower your voice to the point where everyone can just hear it, making me like your conspirator... It's you who is clearly harming people, and it's me who saves them, alright?"

Takumi Fujiwara protested dissatisfied when he lay down at the window and grabbed Mochizuki.

"Intentionally, it was absolutely intentional just now..."

"Hey, the most dangerous thing is, it's the driver, how are you doing?" 』

"Such a skillful and concealed car accident manufacturing method, this guy is absolutely professional! 』

Inside the bus that had been talked about before, I don't know when it was terribly quiet.

Even Sangoro who had been ridiculingly discerning Sangoro stopped making a sound.

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