I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 845 Canned Chrysanthemum Brand

"No, the caliber of the psychic bullet is too small for the target volume to cause effective damage..."

"Hurry up and retreat separately, how many can go!"

Taking advantage of the firepower to attract the attention of the evil spirits, a famous team member opened fire while spreading out, and under the cover of the low bushes, wanted to bypass the group of evil spirits.

"Hey, sashimi is here..."

However, the closest red demon looked away pretendingly, but when a team member passed by, he stretched out his hand like a ghost without looking back, grabbing him like a little chicken. In hand!

"Oh, although this one is not fat, the meat should be firm!"

Suddenly he was lifted up and down in the air, and what appeared in front of this team member was the red-faced evil spirit with a picky expression like buying groceries in the market.

"Oops... These guys deliberately besieged and not attacked... want to stand still..."

Behind is the scene of the teammates scattered in the snow forest, being forced to escape with mace or hands and feet by other evil spirits, and they are caught alive...


"it hurts!"

Similar scenes are being repeated in the forest.

These evil spirits seem to be clumsy in their actions, but they seem to understand the behavior patterns of the players.

"Bring it, you..."

They can always compress their escape space and implement simple and rude arrests in the most effortless way...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't struggle, if you break your hands and feet and bleed too much, the meat quality will change!"

It seems that they have become proficient in such things as "preying on humans" to the extent that they are as natural as breathing.

"Hey, hey hey, no matter how fat or thin you are, while you still have a breath, try something fresh..."

Below his head, watching the red-faced evil spirit greedily open its huge mouth and eagerly wait for himself to enter the joyous expression, this team member recalled for some reason, when he returned to Tottori's hometown on vacation, the days when he went to the sea with his father...

Catch the chickens raised in the fields, pinch the Matsuba crabs under the coral reefs, pry the oysters on the reefs, dig out the sand crabs under the beach...

When feasting on these pure natural and pollution-free organic ingredients, I must also have this expression.

A terrible thought naturally emerged from the bottom of this player's heart...

"Cannibal...These guys are professional."

This group of seemingly clumsy and ugly evil spirits exudes a sense of "violation" between their gestures, which is the original instinct that can be accumulated without knowing how many people have eaten!

At the same time, the first wave of snow has swept down the hillside, and after flooding a large area of ​​trees, the momentum has stalled slightly...

"Boom boom boom boom!"

From the front row of this snow wave, a bus with chrysanthemums and golden light lingered suddenly appeared!

"Look, that...that's..."


The ghosts who were busy "choosing people and eating" were shaken by the "chrysanthemum lamp" on the top of the car, and their actions immediately solidified...

"Full of humans, chrysanthemum brand canned food!!!"

"I smell... fragrant, tender, sweet... young woman!"

"There are at least two...no, there are at least thirty humans!"

A group of evil spirits threw down the slightly thin "prey" in their hands, and ran towards the rich, fat, home-delivered "mobile cans" not far away: "Old rules, first come first served!!! "


In the sight of the windshield, several thick curly thighs and faintly visible "tiger skin tent poles" suddenly appeared. The bus made a gorgeous horizontal drift on the smooth snow, as if it wanted to turn around and escape...

"Hey, hey hey... a lot, men, women, alive!!!"

"Damn it, red ghost, don't want to eat alone!"

With a distorted posture and astonishing speed, the red evil spirit sprinting in the forefront, glimpsed the faint figure in the car through the curtains, showing a childlike smile: "Wow ha ha ha ha... I who opened a can of chrysanthemums, first One choice!!!"

Even though the super-large "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" rotating on the roof exudes a certain breath that makes him fearful, but the temptation of food that cannot resist in his heart makes it stop in the horizontal direction without hesitation. In front of the drifting bus...

"Choose your sister!"

Facing the oncoming tall evil spirit, the horizontally-moving bus with a wild aura, slammed into the thick lower body of the opponent without any reduction...


In the sound of something breaking, the dashing red ghost maintained a "vertical rotation 360 degrees" posture, flying high...

"Hahahaha, I can't eat the big people in a hurry, so let's fight!"

"This is how you want to eat alone!"

Seeing his companion tripped over the "can" on the ground, several evil spirits running hurriedly in the back leaned down and accelerated their pace, just like rounding up rabbits in the snow, and approaching the bus.


At the same time, the red ghost who was "launched into the sky" had just "headed into the snow" in a way of upside down...


An unidentified red rod-shaped object with thick thighs of an adult was inserted into the snow in front of him.

"I... people didn't get it... I lost a bit..."

Then, the red ghost whose entire head was immersed in the black snow, his hands clasped silently, and the whole body burst into brilliant white light...

"Red Ghost...what's wrong with you..."

"It's not that I said, you can eat 1,000 people together to become a Buddha, you ill-spirited fellow, why..."

"Could it be that he secretly ‘supplements’ so much with us behind his back? In vain, I always treat you as a brother, and every time I leave the biggest waist to you..."

Looking at the companions who turned into "oversized cheering light sticks" in the snow, the remaining six evil spirits, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, all had tears in their eyes and let out a touching roar.

"We must avenge the red ghost!"

"Don't worry, I will put your share together..."

"No, I usually sleep with him, and that share should be my..."

Immediately, their bitter gaze converged on the bus that parked horizontally in the snow after causing a "traffic accident."


The side door of the bus cab opened, and Araki Sosuke, who was wearing a down jacket, home pajamas, and a looming body full of tattoos, walked down.


Without looking at the evil spirits looking around, he took the time to lower his head and lit a cigarette.

This bus was full of high school students and strictly enforced the no-smoking rules, but he was suffocated.

"Ahem, ghost death is like a lamp extinguished, like Tang Poxue, you don't have to be too sad..."

There was a large amount of smoke from between his mouth and nose, and Araki Sosuke was looking at the evil spirits coming.

"...Because you will also go with him soon."

Behind him, the scarlet ghost standing upside down as a "background board" completely turned into a light spot and dispersed with the wind.

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