I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 848 Investigation

"Report to the deputy captain!!!"

After a while, several team members rushed into the hospital gate.

"Two kilometers to the southeast, an abnormally high concentration of resentment was detected!"

It was the team sent out to detect the concentration of grievances.

"So close? The grievance reading in the anomalous area is... forget it."

Sun Luosi glanced over the wrists of the few men, swallowing back the question about to be exported.

The portable grievance detector on the wrists of those people was already blackened at the moment, obviously because of overload and short circuit.

"Immediately count the equipment, concentrate the ammunition, keep the injured in the hospital on guard, and the rest will leave with me!"


After the Obon Festival, the "Hell's Gate" incident was once regarded as a textbook case, and the Yin Yang Liao and the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team jointly conducted a detailed review.

The results of countless rehearsals and calculations have proved that under such a large-scale supernatural disaster, it is no longer possible to control the situation with manpower and conventional arms alone.

The only quick and effective way is to activate the formation to prevent the spread of "disasters" like the Spirit Slayers Association at that time...

Then send a powerful spirit eliminator squad to accurately snipe off the "disaster core points".

Faced with the current situation in Hakodate where there is no large-scale formation and lack of spirit removers, the disaster prevention mobile team must shoulder the responsibility of identifying the "core points of the disaster."

In less than five minutes, Sun Luosi led a team of more than 30 people out of the hospital gate, gradually being swallowed by the flying black snow.

"Pay attention to heat preservation, this snow is terribly cold, not suitable for long-distance outdoor operations..."


Keeping his formation and walking quickly on the dark, quiet, snow-covered street, Sun Luosi's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

"Speed ​​up, stay in formation, always be vigilant!"

Through the "Spirit Detective Goggles VII" with its own night vision function, in addition to the drifting black snow between the sky and the earth, there is also a thick layer of "ink" that floods the entire city.

This is not some ink, but pure and strong resentment.

The temperature outside was also falling rapidly as the black snow fell, and it had dropped a full five degrees Celsius within an hour.

Compared with when he entered the city more than an hour ago, the degree of deterioration in this city, whether it is the temperature or the concentration of grievance, far exceeded his expectations.

"Beep Beep Beep Beep..."

"Alert, resentment fluctuates abnormally... Slow down, and witness a large number of bound spirits!"

After turning the corner, a series of gray and fuzzy silhouettes of various shapes appeared in front of everyone.

"Hehe... Come and make a snowman with someone! This time, it's up to you to be inside..."

"I, I can still drink, I don't want to sleep!"

"Help...help me...I'm missing my leg..."

Ignoring the people in the distance, these earth-bound spirits just wandered slowly and sluggishly on the streets without people.

"Our first task is to detect. There is no need to stun snakes. Earthbound spirits will not take the initiative to attack. Adjust the route and keep a safe distance!"

Cautiously bypassing the ground binding spirit on the long street, a group of team members moved forward silently.


Vaguely, there was the roar of beasts, echoing in the wind and snow.

"what sound?!"

Sun Luosi, who took the lead, stopped and listened.

"Be careful, on it!"

At the same time, the three-eyed, ghost-like figure swept across the outer wall of the third-floor building like a gecko, and descended from the sky toward the players!

"Boom boom boom!"

Without order, the team members with night vision vision have already fired without hesitation.

In the blood splattering, the three figures fell feebly from the air...

"Hum hum ...... I, my head, touched on the broken ......"

"Who... who made me lick the railing... I hate it!"

"Help... my pee and OO froze on my pants..."

Not waiting for everyone to check, attracted by the fluctuation of the spiritual power bullet, the nearby earth-bound spirits that had been standing still, gathered like crazy.

"Earthbound Spirit has rioted, free to shoot!!!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The dull streets were suddenly illuminated by the light of spiritual force bullets, reflecting the torn spiritual bodies.

"Confirm the situation on the spot..."

"Report, the resentment fluctuates smoothly...There is no abnormality in sight..."

Twenty seconds later, it was confirmed that everything around was normal, and the gunfire stopped abruptly.

"It is confirmed that the appearance of these three people has half-demon characteristics...has lost their vital signs..."

One of the team members cautiously stepped forward, and carefully examined the three people who fell to the ground before being shot.

Looking closely with the gleam of the light stick, it was surprisingly three "human beings" covered in scales, with long tongues, who looked like lizards.

"Captain, these people..."

After getting up, the team member handed a few cards to Sun Luosi with a heavy expression: "Let's see for yourself."

"It's a civilian..."

Looking at the blood-stained driving license and national health insurance cards through the emergency light stick, Sun Luosi's face also became extremely ugly.

"Write down their identities, and find a place to temporarily store the remains next to them so that they can be buried afterwards."


Although the “self-defense behavior” just now has nothing to be faulty in the law, it is inevitable to think that the firearms in his hands are abnormally cold when he thinks that the half-monsters who attacked him were ordinary people.

"Continue to perform the mission, any abnormality exists, as long as it enters the alert range, unconditionally fire!"


The situation was urgent, and the decisive Sun Luosi led the team without hesitation.



Amidst the sound of gunshots and small footsteps from time to time, a group of people marched step by step on the long street where half monsters and wraith spirits wandered.

The more you move towards the southeast, the more frequent the appearance of half-demons and resentful spirits.

"Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep..."

Everyone's wrists have adjusted the alarm threshold of the detectors, and the buzzing sound has become more ear-piercing...

"Is it this direction?"

Sun Luosi stopped subconsciously and looked up at the sky...

"What is it that is gathering the resentment in the city?"

Through the spirit detection goggles, it can be clearly seen that in the direction the team is advancing, countless strong grievances hover in the sky, converging into a super-giant whirlpool cloud.

"What does that place have to do with this strange heavy snow?"

And at the center of that vortex, a substantial black beam of light is connecting between the ground and the sky...

"No, at least before the captain rushes back, we must figure out what happened in that place..."

Raising his wrist and glanced at the reading close to 5000 on the dashboard, Sen Luosi grumbled and speeded up his steps.

"All of them, speed up!"


Soon, a large garden with flat terrain, dense vegetation and small bridges and flowing water appeared in the eyes of a group of people.

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