"There is no way to split up. More and more people are still gathering here. You must preside over the battle here in the hospital..."

Seeing the girl's haggard face in front of him, Araki Sosuke felt a slight pain in his heart.

"After all, only your "Akagi Chibon" and "Cry" can guard such a large area. "

In the Changwen Tunnel, under the siege of those resentful spirits, I stayed awake for two days and two nights, and then bumped all the way from the volcanic eruption of Mount Yotei to Hakodate...

At this moment, everyone can see that she is full of exhaustion.

"Don't worry, leave it to us at Goryokaku. Also, although the mobile phone can be used, it can be used to "keep in touch"..."

Shaking his head, Araki Sosuke casually raised the knot on his wrist to Yu Mayumi Torii: "If there is any situation here, I can get the news and come back as soon as possible."

What are you thinking about?

The girl in front of her is no longer a "heavy cosplay runaway novice spirit remover" who fell asleep drinking green tea on a small table in a convenience store and woke up with a meat bag in order to guard a certain resentful spirit...

She was already a trustworthy and dedicated professional long before she was granted the exemption from Chu Ling.

"Well, please don't worry, Mr. Araki, I will hold here and wait for you to come back..."

Subconsciously touched the knot tied to the horse's tail, Yu Mayumi, the bird put her hands together in front of her, bowed slightly to him, and held out an old long knife: "But, at least take the July rain!" "

"No, July Rain is more useful in your hands. Moreover, I prefer to use my hands than props... No, I didn't mean that..."

Seeing the girl's slightly angry eyes, he quickly laughed and pointed to a wooden knife hanging on the back of the warrior warrior's car: "Look, I still have a knife here..."

"This is the "Demon Blade Star Shard" that is made by the 10,000-year-old King Kong tree that grows on the border and can be easily destroyed by rocks, meteorites or muscles! 』

"Mr. Araki, priest Takumi!"

Behind the wall, more than 20 fully armed Disaster Prevention Mobile Team members lined up: "Brothers with the best skills and conditions are here, please let us go together!"

"Huh, naive..."

I don't know when Fujiwara Takumi, who leaned against the side of the wall with his arms folded, smiled coldly.

"Perhaps you are very good at conventional group operations, but on the battlefield where the qualitative change cannot be caused by the quantitative change of Chu Ling, it is not that the more manpower the better..."

Although the disaster prevention mobile team has also made a lot of sacrifices along the way to help accommodate the people and guard the hospital.

But because of the many unpleasant memories from Lake Toya to Mount Yotei, he didn't have a good face when he saw the gang of stunned soldiers: "Not to mention that you can't hold the snow that is getting colder and colder now. Those numbers The unknown Wraith Warrior is enough for you to drink a pot, we don’t have time to protect the'oil bottle'!"

"Since we have decided, we naturally have no plan to spare our lives, as long as we can assist the two in solving the current anomaly in Hokkaido and rescue the deputy captain of Senra..."

Although it was a bit embarrassing by Fujiwara Takumi's words, these players still had no intention of retreating.

"The priest Fujiwara is right. This hospital is the place where you can play the most role now."

At the gate of the hospital behind, a tall and thin figure with a coat over his shoulder came out.

"To go, my captain should also go with them on behalf of the disaster prevention mobile team."

"Captain Mochizuki...you, are you awake?!"

"Is my body okay, my face seemed to be swollen very badly..."

Looking back and seeing the people clearly, all the team members were all lifted.

"Ah, it's all skin injuries... The people inside have already reported to me just now."

What appeared here was Mochizuki with a flowing wig and wearing sunglasses at night.

Right now, the naked upper body under his coat had shrunk a lot from before.

"Recently, these two ghosts have caused excessive hormone secretion, and my head is not sober..."

Touching the almost invisible horns on his forehead, Mochizuki's eyes were more peaceful than ever: "After being repaired by someone for a while, his head became much more sober."

Originally, he was easily "impatient" because of "Ibaraki no arm". After transplanting "Jiutun no horn", his temperament became more "belligerent".

Perhaps, because Jiu Tun lost to someone in a very miserable posture, this "war intent" when targeting a young man with bad blond hair became even "mustache cut" uncontrollable.

Right now, the pair of ghost horns is seriously "weared", but it makes him rare to enter the "sage mode" where his mind is clear and everything is imaginary.

"Fujiwara priest..."

Mochizuki came to Fujiwara Takumi with strides, and stretched out his sinful hand...

"You, what do you want..."

Looking at Mochizuki Che in front of him, the forbidden memories of fighting this "evil" on the side of Mount Yotei and among the chrysanthemum bushes once again flooded into Fujiwara Takukai's mind...

"If you want to settle accounts, I am not afraid of you now!"

He crossed his hands in front of him subconsciously, and retreated back to Sosuke Araki.


Mochizuki's big, hot and powerful hand has already patted his fragrant shoulders: "The previous match, although the process was a bit ugly, I really lost!"


"The "Holy Blessed One Met Once in Four Thousand Years" is indeed well-deserved... even this "Jiu Tun No Horn" can be broken..."

"Huh?! Hey, it's not... your diagonal is obviously being..."

Feeling the subtle color of appreciation in the opponent's eyes, Fujiwara Takumi felt a puff of numb spreading from his shoulders toward his whole body.

"I see, Zongsuke, this guy's head must have been smashed by you... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"As for you, Sosuke Araki..."

Ignoring Fujiwara Takumi, who was once again gagged by a rag from nowhere, Mochizuki looked at Sosuke Araki: "The'fair battle' between us will be left to the settlement of the Hokkaido matter."

He doesn't seem to have any memory of a certain "traffic accident" that occurred on the mountainside of Mount Yotei.

"Oh, oh, you are willing to come and be beaten, of course I will accompany you at any time..."

Seeing that the other party did not hold himself accountable for being the "perpetrator," Sosuke Araki looked away with some guilty conscience, and nodded at the side of Tori Mayumi, and twisted the accelerator: "Don't talk about the gossip, this snow is getting more and more. Great, no time to delay, let's go."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In the next second, the black locomotive carried two people, rushed out in the direction of Goryokaku, and disappeared into the dark alley.


Mochizuki, who was "abandoned" on the street, smiled coldly and rushed out afterwards.

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