"When I was on the road, I always cared a little..."

Mochizuki raised his dark left arm, leaned out the window, and caught a black snowflake.

"Araki Sosuke is indeed absorbing, not purifying grievances..."

The black hexagonal snowflake melted into pitch-black water droplets in his palm, and then slowly poured into his skin.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, it's nothing strange to absorb grievances, but the speed is too exaggerated."

For Mochizuki, who would spontaneously absorb the grievances encountered by Ghost Horn and his left arm, the scene before him was naturally familiar.

If it weren't for the thick black snow and grievances right now, maybe even he could hardly detect the abnormality of Araki Sosuke.

"If he has been maintaining such a'efficient', wouldn't the resentment accumulated in his body be a hundred times more terrifying than ghosts and gods?"

The "vacuum zone" was formed because the resentment that was close to Araki Sosuke's side was all sucked into his body at an indistinguishable speed!

"However, I have never heard of someone who can plunder other people's power in the air... Is this some kind of secret method of the ‘evil monk’ that can take away evil grievances for their own use?"

Not only that, but when he came out of the hospital, he noticed that once he got too close to Sosuke Araki, the "power of the great river and mountains" in his body could not recover on its own, and it was still passing quietly...

"Last time my ghost hand failed in front of him, it must be the same reason... It's really, it's getting more and more interesting!"

In short, no matter what the principle is, it is scary enough to be able to plunder efficiency with such grievances.

"Ahem...Fujiwara priest, we have been up to the tower for a long time according to your request, do you have any clues?!"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Mochizuki interrupted in a low voice, like a tourist, holding the telescope and not returning it, "watching" Fujiwara Takumi below with great interest.

"Short, short you?! That, that... By the way, in Japan, when it comes to the pentagram formation, the most famous one is the "Harimei Doraji" of Tomimon Onmyoji! "

Like a student who was "called" by the teacher for secret after-school lectures, Fujiwara Takumi's body trembled slightly...

"According to the theory, although "Harimei Doraji" is good at sealing, if it runs in the reverse direction, it can also have a release effect..."

It seems that he remembered that the "evil" in front of him was sitting on the bench with himself, and his expression gradually calmed down: "The Onmyoji of the Tomimon Shinto under the Tokugawa Shogunate should have been based on this principle to align the five edges. Guo designed a double formation with both positive absorption and reverse release."

"Oh? I didn't expect that Master Takumi, who has secretly ruled the 2CH forum game page for many years, still knows the formation..."

Listening to a series of unclear words spewing out from Fujiwara Takumi’s mouth, Sosuke Araki nodded in amazement: "So, is there a way to break the formation?"

"Explain in advance that my'formation class' was changed from (abandoned) to (abolished) after the age of ten, and it is currently only at the level of basic theory."

Facing Sosuke Araki's question, Takumi Fujiwara spread out his hands calmly.

"The grievances scattered between the world and the earth are the same as the desires occasionally provoked in people's hearts. They could have been resolved over time or through activities like this..."

"But this method of forcibly plundering and accumulating resentment is like shutting a strong man in a room after reading the study materials for 150 years, and then suddenly encountering a call girl who went to the wrong door..."

Suddenly he stretched out his hand to support his forehead like a literary youth, looked down at Goryokaku where the black snow fell with his lonely eyes, and described the grim situation with a melancholy face...

"Hey, this kind of situation where you have to put your gun on the horse can't be solved by saying "Smithmason" and then exiting the room... There are always people or things that will suffer from the desire to erupt like a volcano. Destroy..."

"Hey, stop! Your analogy is not right at all..."

Sosuke Araki waved his hand and interrupted this guy's nonchalant commentary.

"After studying for one hundred and fifty years, let’s not mention the question of the limit of human lifespan. It seems to be vomiting, there may be any desires... and there is no way to break the formation. You let me climb the 20th floor for the sake of What? ! 』

"You haven't tried it again, how do you know that you will vomit... Besides, if you don't come up and have a look, how do you know that there is no way to solve it? 』


At the same time, there was a faint sound of gunfire, over the wind and snow, from the south of Goryokaku, the farthest corner of the observation tower...

"This is a fully automatic rifle... Those wraiths click flintlocks and there is no sound, it must be Sun Luosi and the others over there!"

Catching this faint gunshot, the eager rescuer Mochizuki ignored the noisy two, and turned and walked towards the stairwell: "Since you can't see it no matter how you look at it, you can just'visit at the door'."

"I also agree... Go straight into the city, and just smash that formation method?!"

Araki Sosuke, who is also an "action faction", nodded and followed him.

"Don't worry, look, there is movement in the city!"

The exclamation of Fujiwara Takumi stopped the two again.

Below, on the northwest and northeast sides of Goryokaku, the gates that were originally blocked by thick black hair suddenly opened a gap simultaneously.


Two groups of phalanx formed by the Wraith Warriors rushed out of the two city gates at the same time...

Knife light fluttered wherever the phalanx passed, and the black hair all over the mountains turned into ashes like straw burned by flames and rolled up.

The samurai under the cherry blossom trees on both sides spontaneously moved closer to the two prescription formations, and gradually gathered into two "black dragons" swallowing mountains and rivers.

In the face of this immortal and unstoppable army, without the shelter of black hair, those dolls that shuttle through the cherry blossom forest can only retreat...

"Ghosts... or two..."

Although the distance is too far to be true, the two corps groups are directly in front of the two gray arrogance that soars into the sky, like a beacon in the night, which cannot be ignored.

"How come, according to what Sangoro said, the only people in this city who have awakened in this city should be the three-year-old ghosts and gods!"

"The other one, who would it be?"

The original "balanced" situation was completely broken precisely because of the two ghosts who suddenly came out of the city.

"No, more than two..."

Among the left pupil of Sosuke Araki, the golden and white "Moon Wheel Nine Lights" spins crazily, and through the thick black snow, he looks towards the south end of Goryokaku with feeling...

"In the direction of the previous gunfire, there are two more!"

There, two ashen-white arrogances were rising into the sky, entangled and collided fiercely!

"Oops, they are planning to split up..."

"If ghosts and gods are allowed to enter the city with this large army of wraith spirits, the people will be in danger!"

In a moment, the troops that rushed out from the gates on both sides and kept "summing up the old ministry" had already parted ways at the foot of the watchtower and marched towards the east and west.

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