"Ahahahaha, it is true that the "Fujiwara State" can exert its strongest power when no one is watching! "

Along the "clean and slick" road in front of him, Fujiwara Takumi stepped onto the bridge with a wild smile on his hips.

If someone is onlookers, when he gestures in these second form postures, it will inevitably lead to lack of "belief" due to insufficient actions, too low voices, and so on, which will greatly reduce the effect of the technique.

If there is no "person" next to him at this time, he will naturally let him play, how embarrassing he may come, and how to pose in second grade!

"So that's why Emperor Meiji also repaired the shrine?"

The smoke dissipated, and the grievances dissipated, revealing the unscathed earthwork isolated on the bridge.

The surging pressure in the divine power of the chrysanthemum pattern didn't seem to affect him in the slightest.

"The years are often similar, the flowers are still gone, and the years pass by."

As if the huge arrow that Fujiwara Takumi had just rubbed was just a breeze, he lifted the tail of his hair in a melancholy manner, sighed in a low voice, and chanted softly like a poet who hurts spring and sadness: "Even if you are the emperor, one In front of a hundred and fifty years, there is nothing but a grain of dust..."

Japanese shrines are divided into various shrine titles such as "shrines, large shrines, shrines, and palaces" because of their different uses.

Among them, the establishment of a shrine requires permission from the emperor.

This is because only a shrine where the "deceased royal ancestor" is enshrined as a god can be called a "shrine".

"In the realm of life, we eventually lost to the royal family, but the times have changed..."

Tufang Suishan took out a spear from his waist and pointed it at Fujiwara Takumi: "Another war has just begun!"


The moment he pulled the trigger, his whole person turned into a huge bullet, and came to Fujiwara Takumi with a spiral wave of air...

"Give up, the shogunate is long gone, your battle is meaningless..."

In the face of this ghostly raid and forgetting the fear, Fujiwara Takumi, a "super high school game player," reacted extremely quickly.

"A powerful force will only attract another powerful force, making the dispute endless!"

He drew crosses with both hands on his chest, posing like "the way is nowhere", and pushed forward...

"Takumi Moonlight Barrier!"

A dazzling golden barrier formed between his palms, preventing the bullets of the third incarnation of the earth from entering!

"Hmph, what the hell is the shogunate's ashes..."

"From beginning to end, I am not guarding the shogunate, but the new sengumi created by A Sheng!"

Before the barrier, Mufang Suishan appeared in shape and drew a long knife from his waist!

"Introduce myself formally, the natural principle of the heart is three years old, and I bring the eleventh generation Izumi Mamoru Kansada, Echizen Yasuji, Horikawa Kunihiro, Shimohara Yasushige, see the reference!"

At the same time, one, one, and another unsheathed sharp blade emerged from behind him.

"Even if there is only one person left, as long as I'm still here, the Shinsengumi will be immortal! As long as the banner of Chengzhi does not fall, we will continue to fight!"

Before he finished his words, Tufang Sui San, like a conductor who was playing, danced with a sharp blade all over his body...

Changes in May Yuqi...

The natural flow of mind, the uprightness, the position of floating bird...

No thought of spurring...

Xiang pull fencing...

Secret Sword·Moon Wheel Dance...

The five-handed long sword with the power of ghosts and gods entangled in unpredictable trajectories in the air, slashing densely on the barrier in front of Fujiwara Takumi, causing cracks!

It seems that he is an army alone!

"Heh...what kind of hatred or grievance?"

Feeling the sudden increase in pressure and the shaky barrier, Fujiwara Takumi quickly increased the output of his supernatural power.

"This guy is not kidding..."

Across the translucent barrier, he looked at each other with the slender and stern eyes under the helmet of the opponent's motorcycle. The enthusiasm of burning jade and stone made him shudder!

Unexpectedly, this seemingly gentle ghost and god would be a fanatical and heroic gesture of giving up his life.

"As expected to be a priest of Meiji Jingu, he is indeed powerful..."

Seeing that the chrysanthemum-patterned barrier in Fujiwara Takumi's hand resisted his attack stubbornly, Tufang Suishan smiled as if he had met his rivals: "Very well, if not so, wouldn't we, who are the defeated, stand by our eyes?!"

"Hey, you are standing here now, it is the best interpretation of "Deadly"! 』

Those five long swords, like five peerless kendo masters, slashed like rain on the barrier in Fujiwara Takumi’s hand, making it impossible for people to change their skills...

"However, if your determination is nothing more than this, I am afraid that it will not be able to hinder the footsteps of my army as it did in the past!"

"A hundred and fifty years ago, Meiji Jingu was not repaired. Who hindered you? ! 』

At the same time, behind Tufang Suisan, countless dark figures gathered quietly like a rushing Kuroshio, and then whizzed towards Fujiwara Takumi!

Countless black bullets and weapon blades rushed through the already cracked barrier like a raging wave.

Facing the "spokesperson" of Emperor Meiji, the legendary "Deputy Chief of Ghost" finally revealed his hideous side!

"With such a military strength, it's no wonder that one man was able to be a guard in the past, and with fifty men, he could hold a tree in front of thousands of enemy troops..."

For a while, Takumi Fujiwara seemed to be trapped in a thousand horses, and he was so overwhelmed by the continuous rain and force that he could hardly breathe.

"Can I really defeat such a terrible army?"

Compared with these souls who have battled and experienced life and death on the battlefield, he is nothing more than an empty and powerful greenhouse flower.


After hesitating for a while, the barrier in his hand has shattered!

"No, what am I thinking..."

The thought of the dark hospital surrounded by ghosts and ghosts, there are still people waiting for their return, Fujiwara Takumi's heart is full of power again.

"Allin is all on the other side, I can't be frightened."

Standing among the thousands of horses, Fujiwara Takumi stood still like a rock, and the golden light on his body surface became hotter with successive attacks!

"When the two forces meet..."

With his legs close together, his hands stretched out to the sides, he poses as if he embraces the sky...

"In the dazzling light, the real figure will be revealed!"

The golden light, violent like thunder, gathered crazily from his hands, becoming more and more dazzling...

"Hey, have you finally come up with something real?"

Feeling the terrible pressure in Fujiwara Takumi’s hands, Mukata retreated subconsciously...

"Takumi·Legend of Sparks!"

At the same time, Fujiwara Takumi swiftly rotated his body, and set off a chrysanthemum-patterned tornado straight into the sky on the narrow arch bridge, steaming the surrounding resentful spirits into fly ash...

Immediately after that, the thunderstorm compressed into a huge, sturdy and swift ball of light in his hands, and smashed straight into the city gate at the back through the body of the earthwork year-three!

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