I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 871: An Indefensible Sword

"Miss Aju, if you run like this, the winner will be the next one."

Whenever the figure swept a certain distance with the light of the knife, several dolls would shatter in the dark black hair all over the sky, and could not get up again.

"The two gates above have already been taken over. A Ju may not necessarily lose... A Ju said with a proud expression."

The object chased by that figure was a petite girl doll in a black kimono and pink floral belt.

If you look closely, the thick black hair that resembles the sea all around comes from the head of the doll.

This puppet is naturally an Internet celebrity-level ghost and god puppet from Wannian Temple, in the form of Aju.

Relying on the tightly packed dolls and black hair, the Aju figure, who was already sly rabbits and sprinting like wind, kept a distance from the twinkling figure behind.

"Captain, do you want to shoot..."

"No, the speed of the ghost is too fast, it is easier to accidentally injure Miss Aju and those dolls by shooting."

At this time, on the arch bridge, in the only area not covered by black hair, dozens of Disaster Prevention Mobile Team members led by Sun Luosi stood with guns, watching the battle in the black hair nervously.

"In this case, in order not to be complained by Mr. Turkimoto and Mr. Kondo, I will forgive you for using some ‘unconventional’ methods!"

The next second, a handsome young man with a long knife and wearing a black weave feather suddenly appeared in front of them.


Facing the killer who suddenly appeared in front of him, these dozens of team members pulled the trigger for the first time!

"Sorry, because I can't learn it, I hate other people using muskets..."

However, the gunfire did not come as promised.

Because, their index finger, which should have been pressed on the trigger, did not know when it was disconnected from the palm.


"I... my hands..."

As if knocking over a basket of beans, dozens of fingertips swept to the ground, bunches of blood spewing out after knowingly!

"Miss Aju, if you continue to avoid fighting like this..."

Standing in the wailing wild, the young man's long sword hung down to one side without any intent to kill.

"The next time they kiss the ground, it will be their upper head."

Although there was a sunny smile between his brows and eyes, the blood still dripping from the tip of the knife made people unable to doubt that his words would do.

"Miss Aju, don't worry about us..."

Covering the severed finger, Sen Luosi screamed at the petite doll far away with a pale face: "For the thousands of citizens of Hakodate, please stop these resentful spirits from here!"

"So, this is the Bushido spirit that you talk about every day... A Ju asked with a contemptuous expression."

The petite Aju figure stopped and quietly stood up to the side of the bridge.

"Sorry, for the present, as long as you can fight with the Shinsengumi to the last moment, it is a bit contrary to the spirit of Bushido, it is nothing..."

Immediately afterwards, General Secretary Okita flashed, passing a distance of more than ten meters, and came to Aju's body with the light of a knife.

"Stay ill in a small wooden house. Before even knowing the news of Mr. Kondo's death, he coughed up blood and depressed and ended up with this experience... One time is enough!"

The surging black hair and the doll gathered into a thick arm, facing his sword light...

"It's useless……"

Soaring into the black palm like a tired bird returning to the forest, the slender figure suddenly took on a double shadow.

"Just let your excellency see, as the head of the Weiguan School of Natural Principles, the most proud sword!"


The next second, when the figure was blurred, the "California Kiyomitsu" in the hands of Sochi Okita also split into two, turning into another long knife of different lengths and styles...

The two long knives that do not overlap completely, interlaced and do not interfere with each other, one arm made up of torn black hair, and the other passed over Aju's humanoid body!

"The second stab was created in the next. It can have two slashing sword skills at the same time and at the same position..."


In the black-haired shelter of Aju, the pair of slender and petite arms fell to the ground in the light of the knife.

"No matter which sword is stopped, the other sword will also hit the target... Therefore, it is also called the'undefensible sword'."

"Hmph, even so, Aju won't let you step on this arch bridge like this!"

Facing this smiling swordsman who stood with a sword and killed people without blinking, Aju's figure, who had lost his arms, did not intend to retreat with a single step.

"A Ju promised Brother Yongji to shelter everyone who loves A Ju... A Ju raised his eyebrows and said seriously!"

Behind her, countless long black hairs and dolls turned into huge waves of nearly ten meters, pressing on top of each other against Okita!

"It's useless... No amount of obstacles can stop me from hitting the target!"

The figure of Soji Okita once again disappeared in this wave of dolls and black hair...


With her body flickering and sword light like rain, among the stumps and broken hair of the doll in the sky, Ah Ju, who was in it and never moved a step, split into several pieces in an instant!

"Miss Aju!!!"

Seeing that this puppet ghost and god did not evade and let them be slaughtered for these "hostages" of themselves, Sun Luosi and his party turned red, blood and tears gushing...

"Fight with that guy... hiding under the girl's skirt is not the style of the disaster prevention mobile team!!!"

"General Secretary Okita... Let go of her if you have the ability, and come to us!"

Regardless of the pain of broken fingers, they used the middle finger to pull the trigger in their hands, and the bullets that remained until the end poured out toward the Okita General Secretary!

"Don't you people... think that Aju's long hair is terrible..."

Surrounded by black hair, A Ju's figure collapsed on the ground, half of the ceramic face that was still intact was still expressionless.

"Even so scared that I lost all the dolls at home?"

Her gaze crossed the Souji Okita, who appeared in front of her, and fell to the crowd of players who fired wildly behind...

"Why... now I have to lose my precious life for Ah Ju, who died long ago... Ah Ju asked with a confused expression."

The tearful, hideous and distorted faces gradually overlapped with a familiar face deep in the memory.

"Yongji... brother?"


In the seventh year of Taisho, Hokkaido.


In the mourning hall, a roar of pain came from the young man.

"Yongji, be more sober, Aju, the child, has gone!"

"The child's life is not good, and he is so weak when he is born in a family like ours where we can't get enough food..."

"Hey, it is said that Yongji likes this frail and sickly sister the most. With the first salary he saved, he also bought an old and expensive figure to pray for her."

Then came the comfort of the family, and the sighs of my relatives and friends.

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