"Araki Sosuke?!"

Seeing the familiar face overflowing with criminal value, Sun Luosi and others subconsciously whispered the name of the man who had been killed halfway.

"You retreat back to the hospital and join up with the main force... the rest of the matter will be handed over to professionals."

A group of team members who had suffered heavy casualties and run out of ammunition and food passed by, Araki Sosuke carried a wooden knife and strode towards the city gate.

"Retreat?! Araki-kun, this ghost is the legendary genius swordsman Okita Souji, you are alone..."

"Huh, ghosts... don't forget, before becoming an escaped prisoner, I was exempted from the level "three" spirit remover. "

Looking at Araki Sosuke’s solitary back, Mori Luosi seemed to want to say something, but was blocked by the other party’s next sentence: "Also, I am only responsible for conveying your captain’s order. As for whether you want to implement it. ,not my business."

"By the way, it is said that those who do not execute the order will be punished by the terrible punishment called "Disaster Prevention Mobility Unit No Shiri Question" when they go back? 』

"What, Captain Mochizuki's order?"

"Ask from the Disaster Prevention Mobility Team?!"

Hearing a certain keyword, the team members turned reddish, showing complex eyes of fear, longing, hesitation, and pain.

"Then...Araki-kun, you must be careful!"

"All, all, accept the team unconditionally!"


Picking up a severed finger and covering the wound, the team members quickly exited the area of ​​Goryokaku along the passage made by the black hair and the doll.

At the city gate, General Secretary Okita coldly watched Mori Luosi and his party leave, but he didn't mean to stop him in the slightest.

"Dare to ask your Excellency, who is it?"

From the beginning to the end, his vigilant and excited eyes focused on the man who came to him on the bridge.

Because, at the moment when Okita Soji was about to cut Aju's figure, his keen sword heart, since the figure in the sky, felt the extremely terrifying murderous intent...

It seemed that as long as he stayed for half a second, he would disappear into this world directly.

He was very curious, why on earth could this man with no trace of power fluctuations exude a murderous intent that would make immortal ghosts and gods feel mortal when touched?

"Before asking others, shouldn't you report your name first?"

The sky full of resenting snow, and the black aura scattered around the moat, all converge around the striding meteor Sousuke Araki...

He walking along the bridge, like a demon walking between hell and darkness, makes people more and more invisible.

"Feel sorry……"

Noting the wooden sword carried by the opponent on his shoulders, Soji Okita had a sense: "I rely on muskets to cut a lot of waste, and I almost forgot the basic etiquette of being a samurai."

I saw him put the knife into the sheath, put it on his side, and slowly squatted down with his left knee touching the ground and his right knee slightly off.

"The deputy chief of the Xinseng team assists in work, the leader of the first division, the swordsmanship instructor..."

Standing upright, with his head held high, Okita Souji held a knife in his left hand and a right hand grip, and nodded slightly to Sosuke Araki: "Natural principles of mind, Edo Test Hygienkan will not be passed on, Okita Sochi, bring the chrysanthemum. Noritsu, Kaga Kiyomitsu, Yamato Shou An Ding see you!"

The long knife in his hand was blurred and twisted like smoke, gradually evolving into three overlapping shadows of different shapes.

"Well, although my kendo is only half-hearted...I don't even recognize the sages of my genre..."

Looking at the opponent's stern posture, Araki Sosuke raised his eyebrows slightly and squatted down.

"However, such titles as'Bakushou Sky Sword','Beautiful Male Genius Swordsman', and'The Forbidden Past of Earthwork and Okita', the old guys of natural rationality always keep printing on the enrollment brochures. Many female students in our Xuanwu Hall!"

Like tea ceremony and sumo wrestling, kendo has developed to this day and has a prescribed pre-test preparation etiquette, which not only shows that each other's pious attitude will be upright and innocent to learn skills, but also contains the belief that "with confidence, the heart has won without fighting."

According to different genres and scenes, kendo salutes can be roughly divided into three types: standing ceremony, kneeling ceremony, and squatting ceremony.

What Mr. Okita did was an ancient "squatting ceremony" with great practical significance.

When performing the "squatting ceremony", the swordsman will take the opportunity to ease the throbbing of the heart pulse by taking a quick breath and enter the best state.

In addition to smoothing the body and mind, it is ready to start, ready to get up and draw the sword at any time, which also means to prevent the opponent from attacking when saluting and draw the sword at any time to fight back.

Even in Beichen's swordsmanship, there is a technique called "Jupu Cage Hand", which uses "squatting and standing" as a gesture to strike the enemy's small hand with a "strength technique".

Pointing on one knee, straightening his chest and back, Araki Sosuke slightly bowed his head towards the other party: "The Kita Sho-ryu, Edo Xuanwukan must be passed on, Araki Sosuke, bring the Toyako demon sword and star, see you!"

"No wonder, I used a wooden knife... Hey, I really can't hide from Ezo Island."

Hearing a series of unknown names reported by the other party, Soji Okita slowly got up and took a deep look at the man who was standing up at the same time.

"Beichen One Sword Flow and Natural Lixin Flow, Guardian Hall and Xuanwu Hall..."

Seeing the familiar posture of the opponent pulling the sword out of the sheath and raising the wooden sword high above the top, the genius swordsman at the end of the shogunate, with complicated emotions flashing in his eyes, raised his hand and drew the long sword in his hand.

"Since it's the same as the'Provision of the Promises', it's just that you and I are today, cut off this evil fate that can't be avoided even if you die."

The "Normal Destiny" between Natural Li Xin Liu and Bei Chen Yi Dao Liu has a long history. The "Guardian Hall" and "Xuanwu Hall" that Araki Zongsuke saw on weekdays were nothing but friction caused by the recruitment of female students. Nothing more than a continuation of over a hundred years.

As a typical modern kendo school, Beichen Yidaoyu actively improved bamboo swords and protective gear, formulated the rules of the battle, and laid a lot of foundation for the development of modern kendo.

The natural mind flow originated from ancient martial arts. In daily practice, it tends to practice with real swords. It can be said to be a kendo that fights in the blood and blood, and wins with no tricks.

Since the end of the shogunate period, not only the concepts of swordsmanship are incompatible, but the swordsmen of the two factions have been fighting constantly because of their different political concepts.

At that time, most of the swordsmen in the "Guardian Hall" were the "Suomu Sect", while the "Xuanwu Hall" of the Beichen One-Sword Art "Xuanwu Hall" was a large number of "respecting the emperor and fighting against the barbarian".

Within the Shinsengumi established with the original intention of "respecting the king, respecting the curtain and fighting against the barbarians", after the Shinto Wunianyu line headed by Serizawa Kamo was eliminated internally, the remaining members can be roughly divided into two factions...

The natural flow of mind led by Isamu Kondo, Suizo Tokata, Soji Okita, and Saitoichi...

Including Yamanan Keisuke, Ito Koshitaro, Takeda Kanryusai, Fujido Hirasuke, Suzuki Miki Saburo, including Kita Tatsu.

Among them, Koshitaro Ito and Heisuke Fujido, because of their disagreement with Isa Kondo and others, chose to leave the team to become guardians of the imperial mausoleum during the reform of the Shinsengumi, thus violating the "in-game law" under the Turkisan Ritsuki and was taken. Saito, the strongest assassin, is cleared out.

And Kesuke Shannan, who served as the head of the new selection team, also left the team without authorization due to ideological issues, and was eventually brought back by the Director General Okina, and died according to the "in-game law".

In addition to the members of the Shinsengumi group, there are many well-known Reformers such as Sakamoto Ryoma who proposed the "Eight Strategies of Ships" and the founder of the Huwei Society, such as the members of the Xinseng Group.

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