"Huh?! Since the gods don't exist, then what are you..."

Although he didn't believe in "God" at first, a man who claimed to be "Amaterasu" told himself that "God does not exist". Sosuke Araki always felt that something was wrong.

"Eight million gods, ghosts and gods... just a group of people who accidentally touched that level and grabbed the faith of the world."


"Or the blood and the rain, the shameless notoriety...or the gold and silver jiasui, to be grateful...or to be sacred to the world, to win the world famous...or to give extraordinary power, bow down and bow to worship..."

With beautiful thin eyebrows, the elegant face of Yao Guiming showed a look of disgust for the first time: "Regardless of the different methods, in the final analysis, it is for the world to love like parents, look up like the sun and the moon, and respect like ghosts and gods. , Fear like thunder... As long as someone recites his name in his heart, he has the power of faith to give it back!"

"So, the so-called ‘God’ is just an existence that has become stronger through ‘belief’..."

Listening to the words of the young woman, Sosuke Araki had some enlightenment.

"The legendary gods, wraiths, demons and ghosts and other supernatural life forms, based on the'hidden energy field life hypothesis', are just different life forms transformed through the hidden energy field. 』

A few months ago, a sentence from Mai Hanyu's "Induction Training After Class" came to his mind.

"In other words, even if the gods are only stronger individuals, you don't want to watch your'believers' being killed and ignore them, right?"

After returning to his senses, thinking of the people who lost their lives in the recent supernatural disasters and the hands of cults, he has no good expressions on these so-called gods.

"Ghosts and gods are born, evil spirits are rampant, and creatures are overwhelmed. People's beliefs are lost from generation to generation, and gods are getting weaker... This is not what we want, but..."

In the face of Araki Sosuke’s accusation, the young girl did not refute, but only sighed slightly: "This must start with the'War of Faith' and the'Millennium Agreement..."

"The battle of faith?"

"In the beginning, there were eight million gods, but the population of this land was less than ten million in its heyday..."

Indifferent to the risk of "going out", the young girl fell backward and floated in the pool like a backstroke.

"Because of the different concepts and methods of seizing faith, the superior gods and ghosts secretly cultivated their own'agents' in the human world, and started the'infinite' war for the'limited' belief."

"Hey, then, aren't you the biggest winner in this war?"

Inadvertently glimpsing the white and slender thighs from the steam and water waves, Sosuke Araki quickly retracted his gaze that he was about to reach the unfathomable "absolute realm", turned his face to rub his itchy nose.

"In the beginning, we thought so too. After all, longing for light is the instinct of creatures, and few people will dislike the sun that nourishes everything..."

"And my agent in the world has indeed defeated most of my opponents, and has well consolidated the root of my belief in this department."

The small drops of water in mid-air collided, swallowed, and converged like a fight under the trembling of the fingertips of the young woman, turning into a larger water column...

"Until, more than two hundred years ago..."

Stretching her slender limbs on the water, the young woman looked at the tiled ceiling of the bathhouse and laughed at herself.

"On every inch of this planet, the increasingly fierce wars and fierce energy fluctuations have attracted the attention of some ancient and powerful beings lurking outside the abyss of the universe, the sea of ​​dimensions, and the stars..."

"We call them, Outer Demon."

"Exterior? Are those guys strong?"

Listening to the other party's description, Araki Sosuke's mind, inexplicably, a planet with a scarlet eyeball appeared...

"Very strong... so powerful that the action of their'coming' because of their'interest' is enough to destroy an entire planet."

"And those gods and gods who are usually above all, the ghosts and gods who kill people are only shivering like civilians in front of the foreign demons, bowing their heads and claiming court, and even completely losing their'self'..."

Those large drops of water in the air were directly shot down by the huge waves suddenly raised by the young woman's delicate hands, and disappeared without a trace.

"Faced with the approaching threat of foreign demons, a ‘brave man’ stood up..."

"Under his mediation, the gods and ghosts who are usually incompatible with fire and water agreed to conclude a contract to stop the war, fall into a deep sleep, and return the world to mankind..."

"Only by stopping the war of belief, this planet can return to peace and disappear from the sight of the alien...Because the contract is for one thousand years, it is called the'Millennium Agreement'."

"A thousand-year agreement...Although I don't know the specific content, but just looking at the recent situation, some existences don't have the'spirit of contract' as you said?"

Thinking of the ghosts and gods I have seen in recent months, you can form a "ghost trainee" and start a sea election debut event, Araki Sosuke dismissed this so-called "millennium agreement".

"Enlightened people don't have to worry too much. The'Millennium Agreement' is concluded by many gods and ghosts, and it is extremely difficult to break through..."

"It's only a small number of people who can awaken temporarily by bypassing the rules of the'contract' through natal artifacts or divine bodies like me or Meiji."

"Hey, you can just bypass the contract, don't come around to me suddenly! 』

Taking advantage of the time when Araki Sosuke turned his eyes, the young woman who maintained the backstroke posture had already swam to him in front of him.

"External demons are approaching and their resentment is disordered. Not only does it frequently give birth to new existences that cause harm to the world, but it also resuscitates many existences that had been silent before the conclusion of the'Millennium Agreement'..."

"These are the things that cannot be bound by the'Millennium Deed', and can only be interrupted by everyone..."


The white hills close at hand, and the small hills standing upright above that made people unable to care about, made Araki Zongsuke break his power in an instant, and he spouted a drop of scarlet blood from his sky.

"Then, that, the ‘Millennium Agreement’, the ‘External Demon’, etc., are all the problems of your superior ‘God Lord’, it has nothing to do with me, the little people like me..."

He turned around embarrassedly, leaned on the edge of the bath, and covered his bleeding nostrils with a towel: "After talking for a long time, he suddenly broke into the male bath and caused heavy bleeding. What is it for?"

"Hey, these things have nothing to do with the enlightened ones..."

Looking dumbly at Araki Sosuke’s broad back, the black Bodhisattva sitting on the lotus stand, glaring at the black bodhisattva, and the shining golden pupil of the young woman, gradually blurred by the full of tears: "It just happened to be lucky today, through "Yasaka Qiong Quyu" met with the enlightened person, touching the scene and feeling sentimental, so I just said a few more words. "

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