Although they lost everything, in general, many European enterprises in Katanga Province were lucky, after they handed over the mines and facilities they controlled, they were taken to their camp by the Shadow Company, and then escorted to the docks, at least they could take their personal belongings, even cash, everyone tried their best to stuff things into their boxes, the entire evacuation operation took six days to transport people to the port alone, about four hundred people and their families and several times the luggage was sent out Before leaving, they really didn’t forget to say thank you to Shepard.

However, although they scraped together a million dollars to buy roads, in general, these people were much luckier than their colleagues in the next province, they had food and drink, and they could go home, at most, they just lost their jobs, and the big brothers in the next province couldn’t run if they wanted to, not to mention leaving with something.

Mobutu’s army has undergone several purges, and the number of officers with foreign surnames like Senerio has become pitiful, and more are relatives of the Mobutu family, these people are tough in their own background, directly detained many European workers who tried to leave, in the past, it was the black uncles who beat them, and now, these unlucky European big brothers take turns in feng shui, and it is their black uncles’ turn to work.

As for the international outlook, as long as Mobutu is firmly holding the lap of the Americans, then Europe has nothing to do about Mobutu, and it was not until a few months later that everyone found out that the few multinational companies that the United States left in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were fine, and everyone reacted.

They’re the ones in the same group!

But what can old Europe do, Britain is still counting on the nuclear forces of the United States to protect Britain, can only comfort its own people, this is all for freedom, on the contrary, the French do not eat this set, they plan to teach Mobutu a good lesson, the choice and even they decide, the mercenary group led by Bob Denard is the best candidate to intervene, and even Bob Denard and Mobutu have a personal vendetta, but the latter is being hired by the Portuguese in Angola to clear the resistance guerrillas, and there is no time for other care.

If Mobutu can really take advantage of the huge wealth brought by more than two thousand foreign capital, coupled with the rich natural resources of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, then maybe in time, the Congo can really develop very well, but unfortunately, most of the great people who really think about the people have fallen in advance, after all, in this land, there will be no real fighters allowed!

However, the turmoil outside did not blow Katanga Province at all, after Mobutu nationalized many mines, the work of the Shadow Company was only left with the escort task of Standard Oil, and even Shepard was considering whether to continue to give his subordinates a holiday, and then, the tactician master from the extraterrestrial heaven finally arrived!

It was three months before the final military aid was finalized, and the first batch of American instructors and supplies floated leisurely across the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

As a contractor, Shepard naturally went to Kinshasa to meet with the person in charge, and was also given the task of belonging to the Shadow Company, to train two infantry battalions for the Katanga Garrison Military District within a year.

“Infantry battalion with full American equipment?”

“No, the simpler kind!”

Colonel Kent from the reserve force scratched his bare head and explained to Shepard with a sad look.

“It’s impossible to expect these guys to replicate the Army’s establishment, Congress didn’t approve those things!”

“Then you mean, an infantry battalion with only rifle and mortar companies?”

“Neither are mortars!”

“Four rifle companies?”

Colonel Kent nodded and then said.

“That president did not allow the decentralization of artillery forces, only in Kinshasa under the management of his guards, so your job is simple, eight rifle companies!”

“It’s not that simple, a considerable number of those soldiers don’t even know the three-point line, they haven’t even received shooting training, there is almost no maintenance of weapons, even the officers can’t read the map, and the order to attack will only be given to me!”

“Young man, do you think our work is simple? I have to teach these guys how to repair armored vehicles, but also teach them to operate artillery, since the task was given above, then I think, it is better to carry it out unconditionally! The colonel

sighed helplessly, the shadow company engaged in this, at least there was money to take, he was purely kicked by the country because there was no backstage, and the thought of staying here for another year, the colonel only felt big.

“What about the equipment, when will the equipment pass?”

“Just this month, I don’t know what you’re doing here, but I thought, since the CIA says you can, then I’ll assume that you can, and I’ll check it out in a few months, so don’t let me down?”

“Yes, Colonel, don’t worry! I’ll start as soon as the stuff arrives!

Shepard nodded, then took his leave and left.

Thanks to poor infrastructure, it took two weeks for the infantry equipment to be delivered to Shepard by train.

“Well, new, Uncle Sam is really unkind!”

Since the congressional lords are not polite, then Shepard is even more unpolite, the shadow company itself has almost two hundred M16 rifles that have been used for more than a year, this time they are all replaced with new ones, as for the old ones, then when the new ones are issued to Uncle Black, anyway, the old guns have been maintained, and Uncle Black can’t see it just by looking at the appearance.

And it turned out that Schappard did not judge very correctly, and even produced a certain miscalculation, because when the new guns were sent to the Wehrmacht barracks, Senario did not even intend to issue these guns, he secretly looked for Schappard, wanting to pour these weapons to the Soviet partisans in Angola!


Shepard thought that he was doing this against the sky enough, but he didn’t expect that there was a braver guy than him.

“Why don’t you want to live and sell them guns?”

“But the price given by the people is high, don’t you know, those guys don’t need money to buy weapons, they are paying with diamonds!”


Shepard suddenly felt that his breath was stagnant, and he had to admit that he was also a little moved!

“No, no, at least this batch can’t work, you listen to me, there is still later, we are not in a hurry at this time!”

“But it’s urgent!”

Senario hurriedly explained.

“In that case, the Belgians still have a batch of old guns in my place, you help me get it, and we will open the proceeds three or seven!”

Shepard still wanted to stock up on his own use, but now, what else to stock, that is, of course, to support the anti-colonial struggle of the Angolan people!

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