“Now, you work for me!”

The new minister from Kinshasa left Katanga after the visit to raise money and manpower to redevelop the mines, and Senerio was also eager to come to the gold mines. Here, the

colonel in civilian clothes and the pleasant face delivered food and water to the miners who were banned here by the Shadow Company, and even diapers and milk powder for children.

And the reason why the colonel did this, naturally to buy people’s hearts, these miners because of their previous encounters, they did not have any trust in the government army and officials, and they were more in awe of the shadow company.

It is impossible to expect these terrified miners to devote themselves to their work, at this moment, someone must come forward to appease, and the identity of foreigners is naturally not suitable for singing white faces, so you can only let Senario come.

As Shepard said, if you want benefits, then you have to be powerful!

The colonel could only pinch his nose and walk into the smelly civilian house, showing his affinity side, and trying his best to comfort the civilians who had not yet recovered from the panic.

And this work was also very effective, with enough food one by one, the civilians had much less hatred in the eyes of the colonel, and Cenario, who saw that the situation was good, immediately stood on a high place and announced the good news to the miners.

“I know that in the past, you suffered a lot of injustice, you worked hard, but you were bullied wantonly, but now, such days will not come again!”

Senario, holding a written speech, paused and then explained to the miners gathered around him.

“We have reintroduced advanced European management technology, no longer require you to be based on the standards of the past, in the future, your remuneration will be paid fairly and reasonably, and those who work hard can also get more remuneration!”

However, his speech was not answered, the miners still had doubts, and the colonel was not a fool, and he immediately moved out of the more convincing object.

“We have a deep cooperation with the Shadow Company, they will be responsible for keeping everyone safe and maintaining order and stability here, and in addition, the salary will also be paid by them, can you not trust me, can you still trust them?” Although the Shadow Company kills

without blinking, the problem is that he really keeps his promises, kills when he says, and lets him go, so in Katanga Province, the reputation of the Shadow Company among the civilians who has basically not had any civil dispute problems is unexpectedly strong, especially the reputation of the company’s logistics procurement office, and it is even willing to give money first, so farmers are also happy to sell their fresh produce to the Shadow Company.

And then, it is the personnel reorganization and work arrangement, this is the task of the Shadow Company, after all, the cultural level of PMCs is also better than that of Uncle Black, although the good is limited.

So more of the work had to be done by the miners themselves, and the only thing Shepard did was to disrupt the composition of the miners, grouping miners from different mines together, and then they themselves elected team leaders and middle managers.

Doing so avoids miners in the same area huddling and dividing their cohesion, like giving five monkeys three bananas, all of which are to be hung on street lights.

And he naturally did not explain this to Uncle Hei, on the contrary, he also emphasized that this was to make everyone better coordinate and cooperate, and Shepard also asked Uncle Black to appoint people of high moral integrity to set up a management committee, and let the committee react if there was any problem.

Then, he announced the salary standards and employee benefits to the black uncles according to the standards of the previous United Mining, which although not even comparable to the Korean miners working in Germany, was ten or even nine times better than their previous days, in addition to what twelve-hour work system, half a day off every month, half an hour off every four hours of work, etc., which were never seen by black uncles in the past.

It can be said that this set of combined punches instantly dispelled the workers’ previous doubts, after all, how can any black-hearted businessman give employees vacation and fixed three meals a day? As a result, the enthusiasm of the miners was

mobilized, although many people still had many doubts in their hearts, but when they entered the miners in groups to complete a day’s work, they really got the full amount of wages promised long ago, although the miners were still paid Congolese francs, but this was also money.

In the following period, the Black Uncles really understood what it was to say nothing, the Shadow Company, which managed the gold mine, perfectly executed every request they made, the workers’ dormitories were well ventilated, the logistics team composed of the miners’ wives would boil hot water for the workers, the miners had new tools and uniforms, and even the mine sent several high-power generators to power the dormitories and other workers’ activities.

Similarly, miners will be punished for problems, but these punishments are more formal than physical, workers will be deducted wages, the order of cooking will be adjusted to the end, in short, under the combination of Enwei, gold mine production will soon be on track.

In this regard, Shepard is also extremely satisfied, because in this way, the production and operation of the shadow company will also enter a virtuous circle.

Or in other words, the Shadow Company will have self-hematopoietic capabilities, so that even if any contracts cannot be contracted in the future due to various reasons, the most basic personnel expenses and material support can still be met, thus avoiding the possibility of problems leading to the dissolution of the company. However, there are always many problems with the combat troops

controlling the finances, so on the gold mine side, Shepard still needs a professional team to take care of, if the combat troops are always used to do these things, there will still be problems!

“So, I still have to go back!”

“Then go back, who likes to stay in the bitter cold of Africa like you?”

“You don’t understand this, this land has a very innocent and wild beauty!”

Shepard was full of pride in the puzzlement of a few of his subordinates, how could his long-term plan be understandable to these guys!

“But if Smith knew I had a gold mine, wouldn’t the old man be scared stupid?”

“It’s also possible that he’ll ask you for his share!”

“Then I won’t give it to death, I got this special!”

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