How to say, the Portuguese soldiers can not be described as not elite, their tactical movements are clean, and they cooperate with each other very skillfully, and the wounded were rescued back into the defensive circle by the tactics of suppressing heavy fire at the first time, so that the defense without the slightest mud and water action, if the guerrillas began to charge light infantry as usual, it would be a big loss.

But the problem was that the guerrillas did not intend to charge at all, and they did not even fire a few shots, and the only one who fired was an old hunter who was almost fifty years old, and after he fired a shot into the sky with his old powder gun, the Portuguese began to brush and suppress the fire, and a dozen automatic fires hit the turf and splashed all over the place.

But they did not wait for the expected attack, because just after stepping on the mine, the guerrillas had already withdrawn from the ambush point after confirming the results, so the hundreds of bullets of the Portuguese soldiers were all empty.

Then the supply convoy heard the deafening explosion and saw smoke rising high. Although the charge of a 75mm

high-explosive shell is not much, the power can still blow up a car, and the power of several 75mm shells tied together, even blowing up an armored vehicle, is no problem. And the armored car of the

Portuguese garrison, it was unfortunately hit, it was an old wheeled armored vehicle from World War II, with a 20mm cannon, if encountered head-on, the guerrillas without heavy weapons were slaughtered, but now, the car has been lying under the roadbed, even the three wheels have disappeared, the chassis of the car has changed, and the remaining two military trucks following the armored car have no good end.

The first car, because it was too close, was also affected by the explosion, overturned, and half of the dozen soldiers on the car were crushed, and the rest were thrown out, lying on the ground and wailing with injuries. The second truck was better, the shock wave of the explosion only made the car roll over, and the people

on the car did not die a few, but most of the people suffered internal injuries because of the shock wave and the explosion, and many people even took a double photo when they saw things, and then they became the best prey of Plomri and a vote of his men.

After just a few rounds of shooting, the Portuguese who were blown up by the big fireworks lost their will to fight and could only raise their hands to let the guerrillas fall, but to their surprise, the guerrillas who ambushed them did not torture the prisoners as before, on the contrary, they just disarmed the prisoners, tied them together, and then quickly cleaned up the battlefield before retreating.

And what sticks a sergeant’s memory is what a seemingly guerrilla commander said to him.

“We have no grievances with you, and even we are happy to welcome you to our country as guests, this is not your war, go home!”

The attack was routine for the Portuguese army and did not cause the slightest wave, because they were attacked too much every day, but for Zabi’s guerrillas, for the first time, they found that victory came so easily, they not only captured a dozen G3 assault rifles equipped by the Grapevine soldiers, but even blew up an armored vehicle.

“So, now there are still people who think that landmines are useless?”

“Useful, so useful!”

Zabi nodded again and again at the moment like a chicken eating rice, he had already decided, let his subordinates learn this, if there were still people who did not learn, he would go up and give each other two big mouths.

“It just so happens that we still have some remodeled gifts there, so let’s give them away!”

Shepard was also addicted, and he decided to strike while the iron was hot and give the Portuguese a little Afghan shock. Immediately, in the

following month, the guerrillas attacked everywhere, throwing bombs everywhere, first dropping a bundle of cluster grenades into the unmanned local colonial police station late one night, and then planting tripwire mines in front of the police station. Then, the

guerrillas attacked a supply truck full of flour, butter and vegetables, they looted all the materials on board, took everything they could with them, distributed them to the local people, and then planted mines under the car, so that two more unlucky eggs in the Portuguese army had to be carried back to the hospital.

In short, the guerrillas, almost as if addicted, began to punch at the unmanned Portuguese strongholds, and the sound of explosions resounded in the night sky.

The commander of the Portuguese garrison in the northern border province of Angola then sensed that something was wrong, because the damage caused by this series of attacks was not serious, the wounded added up to a dozen, and the material damage was just like that, at most some flour and pork were robbed, but then he realized that something was wrong.

Because his subordinates, whether they were regular troops or local servants, even had some resistance to going out on patrol missions, many of them witnessed their companions being injured, guerrilla mines were not fatal, but they could be extremely painful, and even a little brother who was unlucky was cut off by shrapnel. Engage in regular field battles with the enemy, they can at least see where the enemy is, even if they are

killed by bullets, it is a matter of a moment, at least they do not have to bear the pain, but those mines, before they are detonated, you will not even know where this thing is, and even whether it will be detonated is also a question, it is better not to blow up, if it blows up?

Many soldiers shuddered at the thought of the miserable appearance of friendly troops.

The commander then discovered that those things that were even as cuttable as children’s toys were such a serious blow to the morale of his subordinates.

What annoyed him even more was that such attacks continued, and the targets were not limited to checkpoint posts, and even some people planted mines outside the barracks of the garrison, and his people were even recruited, although the final result was that the truck suffered a little damage, and the personnel did not have any casualties, but it made his entire regiment’s men have a fear of losing the dirt road.

As a result, when soldiers go out to carry out tasks, they will selectively travel under the roadbed, and the road will be handed over to vehicles.

Faced with such a situation, the commander of the garrison could not even come up with any good way, but to send a report and ask the people above to send some more sappers to themselves, or send some minesweepers to sweep themselves.

“These damn guerrillas, why did they suddenly get the hang of it?”

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