“This is the document you want!”

“Thank you!”

“Just say thank you and that’s it?”

“Understood, thank you!”

“A man with no conscience!”

“That’s what’s wrong with you, Ms. Parker, it’s you who bet with me, so it’s normal for me, as a gentleman who respects the wishes of a lady, to deduct your wages?”

“Then you can’t deduct it in batches?”


Shepard smiled and watched Helen slam the door, and then opened the document in his hand, speaking of which, Parker came to work here, Shepard’s biggest gain was not only an extra one-meter-seven-seven tall vase to raise his eyes, he could even privately ask the other party to help him do something else, such as using her brother’s connections in MI6 to check the background of the arms dealer from South Africa.

Of course, magic and miracles are not free, MI6’s intelligence is not cheap, and the consultation fee of 1,200 yuan is enough for Shepard to hire forty Korean smectas to show himself the door for a month, but fortunately, there is a bet of 5,000 yuan, and the price is that Parker doesn’t want to go to the western restaurant in Kinshasa this month to enjoy.

“How about I let Emile learn to look up at the stars?”

Seeing Helen’s raised middle finger, Shepard immediately decided to do just that, making stargazing pie a buffet at once. And the intelligence

from MI6 also verified Shepard’s judgment from the side, as a secret military intelligence agency, the National Cooperation Bureau has been targeted by the South African parliament, demanding restrictions on their movements, and cut a lot of funds for this.

Therefore, the arms dealer named Mendoza was actually sent by the National Cooperation Bureau itself to set up a small treasury.

Speaking of which, Shepard likes such people very much, because they are simple enough, the purpose is to make money, as long as they can make money, they sell everything, and many times, in order to avoid the buyer’s worries, they will even carry out the finishing work intimately to avoid any remaining problems.

Therefore, since the identity of the other party was clear, there was naturally nothing to worry about, and Osaba set off again with a few of his men, rushing directly to Namibia and finding Mendoza, who was active among many armed gangs.

The latter remembers Osaba vividly, after all, he has worked in Namibia for so long, it is the most generous master from Angola, the new automatic rifle, others are dozens and hundreds of buys, on he asked for a thousand, the bullet was directly reported 500,000, and the gold of the payment was good enough, so he immediately received Osaba very warmly.

Then, Mendoza almost got happy, because the latter directly named to buy RP3 rockets, preferably as many of them!

“Ah, why don’t you just buy this?”

Mendoza touched his head, such a customer he saw for the first time, of course, RP3 is not a tall thing, in World War II, it is naturally an advanced weapon, but now, much more advanced than it, whether it is a space flying squirrel or a sea basilisk 70, it is more advanced and more powerful than RP3.

Mendoza was just curious, what other use is there for this almost backward rocket used by the South African army for air-to-ground attacks? Otherwise, the other party will not buy anything else, but must buy this!

“That’s right, that’s it, we just need this!”

“Ah this, do you want to look at the cannon anymore? Howitzers of our own production are also good!

Mendoza still wants to work hard, after all, there are really not many such bold customers, and if the rocket is just sold and ejected, the National Cooperation Bureau cannot make up the funding gap.

But Osaba remains persistent.

“Boss, no, our chief said, I want this! And the more the merrier!

“Okay then!”

Mendoza scratched his head, since the other party insisted, then he could only go back and let them rummage through the inventory, and by the way, take it from the Air Force.

“Or the original address?”

“That’s right, we still pay the bill in gold!”

After the discussion, Mendoza immediately informed his superior, who, although puzzled by Uncle Black’s strange proclivities, immediately mobilized the stock of the air base, packed it into boxes, loaded it on a transport plane of the National Cooperation Agency, and flew it overnight to the Angolan border.

A thousand rockets were neatly stacked in weapons boxes, and the Cooperation Bureau gave away 50 pairs of launch rails.

“This thing still doesn’t work!”

“Yes, backward things, the British army is using more efficient missiles, this backward rocket, even South Africa is still using!”

Helen, who came with Shepard to inspect the goods, unsurprisingly once again criticized the former colony as the former suzerain, and then was mercilessly ridiculed by Shepard.

“Look down on rockets, believe it or not, this thing can make the Portuguese cry and call their mother?”

“What’s your bad idea again? I don’t bet this time!

“That’s a bit of a pity! But my idea is not bad!

Shepard waved his hand and signaled the PMCs to step forward and pack the rockets and bring them back to the DRC, and then he tested the South African RP3 rockets to confirm the maintenance of the rockets.

And the South Africans did a good job, Shepard tested forty rockets, only three of which were not activated, and the failure rate of 7.5 percent, although still a little high, but for this World War II weapon, it is enough, after all, this is not comparable to the real guerrilla war artifact 107 rocket launcher.

After checking the condition of these rockets, Shepard placed an order for the only steel mill in Katanga Province to shoot another batch in the style of the launch rails, and the original launchers sent by South Africa were kept by Shepard himself, and he prepared to weld them to the turret of armored vehicles for use as fire support.

And when the new launcher arrived, Shepard immediately began to train and teach the guerrillas, and Zabi understood why Shepard wanted them to learn this!

“That’s what Africa is all about, Zabi, give up the tall stuff you envision, it’s not realistic for you!”

Shepard pointed to a launcher mounted on a tricycle and said seriously.

“Only this thing is the future of Africa, you have to believe me!” Give up the so-called Rheinmetall, only Laiyang steel pipe, is the truth!


Zabi wanted to say something, but was stopped by Shepard.

“Nothing, but, listen to me, no one knows Africa better than me! No one knows rockets better than me!

Listen to Shepard, this is Angola!

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