The joy of getting the gun company has not passed, Shepard, who is waiting in the hospital for the nurse’s eldest brother to change the butt dressing, got the latest news from Yala again, of course, there is no good news, because this time, there is Big Brother watching, the Yala government army, which is accustomed to physically reuniting the whole family of the previous regime, has stopped this time! On the third day of the American run, the

large-scale resistance throughout Yala has disappeared without a trace, those landlords and capital merchants who counterattacked and calculated can run, and those who cannot run away are all pulled to squat in prison, according to the usual style of the Yala people, these guys will be as confused as the former president, but this time Yala uncharacteristically changed its style, they changed the physical destruction of the enemy into the physical transformation of the enemy.

In other words, the remnants of the former dynasty who should have been guillotined with guns are now all in labor camps to farm, and even the widow of the former president!

Shepard also doesn’t know what this woman thinks, obviously she can still run, it’s a big deal to fly to the United States to form a government-in-exile to continue to disgust the current government of Yala, but the other party refused, and resolutely stayed in Yala with his sixteen-year-old son, so, the two were also sent back to the labor camp to grow sweet potatoes, so to do it, now the United States wants to find another excuse to intervene in Yala is difficult, it can be said that the United States really loses and can no longer lose!

“It’s okay, in another thirty years, peaceful evolution will strike!” But speaking of it, it is because of the matter of Yala, the

US government finally has a reason to swallow the Castillo family, or the 20 tons of gold stored in the Federal Reserve in Yala, and the Soviet Union is estimated to have eaten a lot, because the uprising came too quickly, the savings of more than ten generations of Castillo family for hundreds of years were not much transferred, and the gold left in Yala is estimated to have more than a dozen tons, this wave, it seems that in the end, only Yala lost!

But no matter what, Yara’s place can be regarded as completely unrelated to Shepard, and even if he does, he will not go again!

After the injury on his butt improved and did not affect his walking, Shepard, who had long been obsessed with Knight’s company, immediately killed him, ready to have a good chat with this old hen who only lays golden eggs.

At that time, Ridnight was still very young, and he didn’t have the bellied appearance when he later worked with Stoner, but his hair was very flowing, and seeing the other party’s unruly blonde hair that swayed to the left, Shepard thought of another person.

“John Shepard!”

“Ridknight!” Red was aware of the

investor’s visit, but he didn’t have too many mood swings, especially since the visitor was a shaggy looking young man, but as a sign of respect, Rednight received Shepard in his studio.

Then, Red found that his judgment seemed to be a bit problematic, because the young man in front of him who did not have the slightest stage fright seemed to understand the development prospects of firearms very well, and the ideas and opinions he put forward even he did not think about.

For example, the modular weapon concept, a weapon can be transformed into a function by replacing different barrels, from an assault rifle to a sniper rifle, or into a light machine gun, or the same weapon module firing different caliber bullets, these things in this period, only Eugene Stoner proposed, Shepard also unceremoniously used.

To be honest, in terms of basic skills, Shepard is inferior to Radknight, but the development theory of the next few decades is enough for him to take out and show, although these things are summed up by everyone after decades of development, but he just copied, not only to copy, but also to write his own name after copying!

After talking about weapon modularization, Shepard used his strength to talk to the other party about the development of weapon accessories.

For example, a combination sight for different situations, which can be switched in one second to deal with enemy targets at different distances, or a laser designator for night combat, a front grip that provides soldiers with a better aiming experience, etc., and this pile of accessories is to lead to one of the most important goals of his trip, that is, the Picatinny rail.

In fact, in the fifties, there was already a similar Weaver rail platform on the market, but because of their different standard sizes, coupled with different needs at different times, this guide rail was not recognized by the military later, until 1992, the US War Department let the Picatinny Arsenal be responsible for developing a new rail project, which led to the later unified Picatinny guide, which is so versatile that it can even equip water shotguns and airsoft paintball guns, so, Shepard was also unceremoniously prepared to use it directly. As for whether it is considered plagiarism,

what kind of plagiarism is talked about in the capital world, really when I raise private soldiers to see?

Of course, Shepard didn’t finish the things, he just put forward a concept, an idea, and this is enough to make Ridnight change his view of himself dramatically, just like Rome can not be built in a day, PUA is not a day can be successful, a little to give the other party a small shock, that is effective!

Seeing that he had given Radnight a little American shock, Shepard was immediately ready to take out a little American sweet date, Knight’s most iconic weapon is the SR25 sniper rifle, which is prepared for the civilian market, but later because of the good performance, the civilian army was purchased a lot, so Shepard came over and prepared to give Rhett’s milk a wave first to see if he could put this thing out first.

“A semi-automatic sniper rifle with .308 caliber bullets, isn’t that a bit high for us?”

Red scratched his head, they were also making some civilian products before, you put forward this request, it seems a little unrealistic, and it is not difficult to design a weapon, the difficulty is the sales problem after the weapon is designed, what if no one buys the gun after it is made? “Regarding sales, you

don’t have to worry, brother, I have someone in the navy, you come to get the weapons, I will get the sales, we join forces, we can definitely become bigger and stronger!”

Shepard patted his chest and spat on a nail to assure the other party, marketing, after fifty years I definitely can’t, put fifty years ago I can’t get it?

Just like the Italian Carcano M38 rifle, after the entire World War II, everyone only knows 98K, Mosin-Nagan, Garand, but why did the limelight blow up later?

Just because someone took this thing in Dallas in 1963 and fired a few shots at a motorcade on the road, and killed a guy named Kennedy, this unlucky bastard named Kennedy is not very famous, he just has a job, he is the president of the United States.

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