“About three hundred meters, let’s get out of the way!”

Sergeant Ruan, who commanded the forward, immediately let his men carefully avoid to the right, all of them moved extremely lightly, and every foot that fell was carefully selected, all in order not to alarm the approaching enemy soldiers. After moving more than a hundred meters to the

right in about five or six minutes, the forward team of the Shadow Company finally saw the figure of the enemy, more than a dozen black soldiers wearing military uniforms and camouflage straw hats on their heads scattered, each of them had a distance of more than ten meters, they carefully scanned the jungle in front of them, and stopped to observe the situation after taking a few steps, and only after confirming safety would they continue to advance.

In order not to startle the snakes, the employees of the Shadow Company immediately moved to the flank again to open the distance, at this moment the fog had not yet cleared, and the visibility of the jungle was extremely low, so the black uncles did not notice the sneaky PMCs in the distance, their attention was in front of them, and a hundred meters away on both sides of these more than ten sharp soldiers, there was the second group of vanguards, carrying old-fashioned bolt-action rifles and machine guns, divided into several groups, alerting the situation at a greater range. And in the rear of the vanguard, is a

large force marching in two columns in the jungle, despite the continuous loss of troops in the past few years, but the guerrilla still maintains the appearance of an army, there should be a lot of reconnaissance guards, that is, the current situation of the soldiers is really a little ugly, many people are still playing barefoot, the weapons are also new and old, from the new AK47 rifle assisted by Big Brother, to the World War II weapons sold as post-war scrap can be seen, and many wounded soldiers have bandages on their bodies are dirty , looks like it hasn’t been replaced for a long time. “Call Echo One

, Call Echo One!” In

addition to weapons and equipment, Sergeant Ruan’s squad also carried a walkie-talkie, and there was no problem in communicating within several kilometers, so the movements of the guerrillas were immediately transmitted to the large troops in the camp, and after learning that the main guerrilla force was only two kilometers away from him in a straight line, Hannibal made a bold dispatch again, transferring a quarter of the ambush people around the camp, allowing them to outflank them into the jungle from a distance of several kilometers on both sides, and formed a rather wide encirclement line with the previous manpower.

Hannibal is not worried about the gap in numbers, because the other side does not form an overwhelming advantage, on the contrary, in terms of firepower, the Shadow Company has the advantage, all automatic weapons, on average every three people have a Colt triple handle sight, not to mention additional grenade launchers, plus a bunker built by construction machinery overnight, Hannibal firmly believes that victory will eventually belong to the Shadow Company. At this moment, the

guerrilla reconnaissance force has approached the perimeter of the camp, the soldiers on guard in front silently stopped, and then raised the binoculars, at this moment because the thick fog caused by the heavy rain has almost dissipated, so the scout’s telescope easily saw every move in the distant camp, looking at the silent camp, as well as the messy engineering vehicles, and the dozing guards, the scout immediately gestured back to sign language.

Then the information was transmitted all the way back to the commander, and after learning that the other party was not the slightest defense against his own sneak attack, the commander immediately ordered all the personnel to speed up their pace, they should seize the camp as quickly as possible, take all available supplies, and then withdraw to the jungle.


After confirming that all the personnel entered the attack position, the commander immediately ordered the attack to begin, and then dozens of the best equipped soldiers entered the camp first, and when the camp guards saw the imposing guerrillas, they immediately dropped their weapons and disappeared between the barracks.

Seeing the guard so weak, the guerrillas were so encouraged that they even ran out of afterimages under their feet, completely oblivious to the excessive silence of the camp.

Soon hundreds of guerrillas swarmed up and entered the camp, and then these soldiers rushed into the room like hungry wolves and began to look for all kinds of supplies, when several people broke into the kitchen and found a large pile of white bread, they immediately scrambled to stuff it into their stomachs, and then more people gathered around, and soon the bread was divided by the soldiers who had not eaten for a long time, and the guerrilla commander was also feasting in embarrassment.

“What about the people in the camp? Where are those Americans?

“I didn’t see it, we searched the barracks, and they were all empty!”

“What, how is this possible?”

The commander spat out the food in his mouth, and then immediately shouted a loud order for everyone to retreat.

“This is a trap, retreat immediately!”

Immediately, the guerrillas were ready to withdraw from the camp in a mess, and Hannibal, who had been waiting on the periphery, immediately raised his signal gun when he saw it.

A red signal flare, immediately rose into the sky, and then, the shadow company PMC, which had already dug a hidden bunker around the camp, drilled out of the cover, and the employee holding the grenade launcher pulled the trigger, and the tear gas bomb rained down on the guerrillas, and the tear gas leaking from the ruptured projectile body made the guerrillas panic, and the smoked guerrillas who could not even open their eyes could not effectively counterattack, and could only cover their heads and run towards the jungle.

The PMCs of the Shadow Company raised their M16 rifles like targets at this moment and pulled the trigger on the guerrillas.

Because of Shepard’s order, the PMCs did not shoot fully automatically, but fired in one shot, their goal was not to take the lives of the guerrillas, but to shoot at the legs, those rifle handles with triple scopes mounted on the shooters were even more slow and methodical, many guerrillas were hit in the legs and fell to the ground in embarrassment, and those who were not hit could only barely raise their weapons to return fire while retreating towards the jungle.

Not far away, those guerrillas who did not enter the camp, but were on guard on the periphery, did not choose to flee when their teammates were attacked, but tried to launch a wave of counterattacks, the machine gunners set up the old MG42 machine guns in their hands, and then began to suppress the fire, the dense rain of bullets immediately suppressed many PMCs in the bunker, and the dirt and wood chips scraped by the bullets flew up, making them unable to carry out an effective counterattack at all.

Seeing that the guerrillas were about to flee into the jungle, after a crisp gunshot, a machine gunner immediately rolled on his shoulders.

“The first one!”

Dressed in a camouflage poncho, Plomri raised his head, pulled the bolt with his right hand, and then a cartridge case popped out of the shell window, and then he raised his Winchester M70 rifle to find the next target. Soon another unlucky egg

was targeted by him, this time Promly directly shot the machine gun shooter in the neck, and then the unlucky egg’s head was crooked and lifeless.

“The second one!”

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