Baumann can make such a judgment, not because he is a layman, on the contrary, he belongs to the kind of person who knows a little, but does not know much.

When countries united to feed the newly independent DRC, Belgium was full of oil, and he knew the secret fate of many former government officials, most of whom were secretly executed along with the founding father of the DRC, Lumumba, although he did it exactly, he did not know, but he knew that none of the institutions with names and surnames could run away anyway.

In addition, the Soviet Union has been expanding its influence in Africa, whether it is Angola, or Sierra Leone, or TSNY.

And the most important factor is still here in Shepard, influenced by later generations, he almost has obsessive-compulsive disorder and almost all of his subordinates are issued sights, protective gear, plus standard combat uniforms, you say that you have no background no one believes!

So the second contact, Bao Man’s posture was very low, after all, in the chaotic place, the person who mastered the barrel of the gun can be called the boss.

But for Bauman’s proposal, Shepard still did not let go, they can continue to airdrop supplies, but to send ground personnel, don’t even think about it.

This is not that Shepard is kind-hearted and does not want to attack Uncle Hei, but the general environment does not allow, the political environment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has always been more delicate, and the one sitting on the presidency has always governed the country without following the routine.

Since he ascended the presidency in 1965 to the present, six years has been enough for him to stabilize his rule, then, the rule is stable, and it is time to make money, before because of the international view, Mobutu made money and paid more attention to face, but as relations with the United States became more and more stable, Mobutu did not want face, especially since 1971, he felt that the money was too slow to nationalize all the foreign-funded enterprises in the DRC, that is, whether it was the British BHP, or the Belgian United Mining, In the end, they all had to be harvested by Uncle Black.

And the reason why Shepard did not agree, it is naturally that Bao Man’s offer is too low, since it will not take long to take leeks, then this time it is best to clean all the leeks in one wave, he does not slash the other party fiercely, there will be no chance in this life!

Bao Man also thought that Shepard was just hating United Mining because of the previous conflict, after all, the latter’s cold expression he could remember, since it was not good to negotiate head-on, then change the roundabout tactics, no matter what, his connections in Kinshasa are still very deep. Soon Shepard

received a call from the American consul, who tactfully told Shepard that as a member of the free world, they should give their allies some small help!

“But we have just experienced a fierce battle, Mr. Consul, there are huge personnel losses and ammunition gaps, even the security of Standard Oil is reluctant, we are also a contractor of the Ministry of Defense, naturally the priority is our own problems!”

Shepard poured bitter water on the consul, and the latter spent all year round in Kinshasa, did not know the specific situation, and naturally believed it, but after all, he accepted the benefits of Bauman, and he still compromised and proposed to let Shepard overcome the difficulties.

“I promise that United Mining will give you a very suitable compensation!”

With the other party’s words, Shepard was relieved, and if the United Mining wanted to settle the account afterwards, then go to the American consul first!

Soon Bao Man rushed back with a look of difficulty, but he still did not see the ground troops of the Shadow Company.

“It has been said that the manpower is tight, don’t you still have two hundred people, plus the infantry of the garrison, that’s enough!”

Bao Man was also stunned when he heard this, and then hurriedly explained to Shepard that their guards were used to watch the door and beat the workers, and it might be a little problematic to take Uncle Black to fight.

“Your guards dare to hit the workers, so why don’t you dare to hit the blacks, what is the difference between your workers and blacks?”

“But those armed mobs have guns!”

“You have a fire stick?”

Shepard was suddenly speechless, well, it seems that there is more than Uncle Black who is seriously polarized, some white skins are killed indiscriminately in Africa, and some are killed by Uncle Black, but it doesn’t matter, anyway, they won’t send any ground power at all!

“Just leave your people to our command, or if you want to go to war in person, that’s fine!”

Bao Man smiled bitterly when he heard this, he was really worried that Shepard would send all the guards to fight with Uncle Hei.

“Times have changed, Monsieur Bauman, what do you think we are the ones who defeated François, weapons and people, indispensable!”

Shepard said and lifted the other party into the helicopter, followed by a dozen veterans who were dispatched, and on the helicopter, Baumann found the problem, because in addition to carrying rockets and machine guns, the helicopter also had huge audio equipment on both side hatches.

He wanted to ask, but looking at the murderous faces of the PMCs on the plane, he swallowed the words back when they came to his lips.

After merging with the guard team of United Mining, Bao Man originally thought that these guys would have a backbone to resist the order of the big brothers from the Shadow Company, but he didn’t expect that as soon as everyone met, several guards consciously raised their hands and squatted on the ground, and the people brought by Shepard also recognized these unlucky bastards they had captured before, so there was no need to introduce themselves.

With the appearance of the captive, the people brought by Shepard took less than half a day’s effort to get these guards with no combat experience at all, everyone thought that they would follow each other and fight Uncle Hei, but they did not expect that the first order from Shepard was to transform the truck.

“Bring all the light sources you can use to the car!”

“But what’s the point of that?”

Bao Man was puzzled, he still had his subordinates struggling to support in the encirclement, but the order after Shepard came, not to attack the whole army, but to pull wires and light bulbs here, are you afraid that you are not here to entertain us?

“If you understand what psychological warfare is, then I’m happy to explain it to you, but for now, I think it’s better for you to keep your mouth shut and watch, and it’s never too late to call when tonight’s results come out!”

“In addition, I personally recommend that your people be careful not to touch those horns on the helicopter, after all, whether the people in the encirclement can come out alive depends on their performance!”

At this moment, Shepard is full of superiority, after all, there are not many opportunities to pretend to be forced by himself.

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