In the end, only Wang Zheng ran away with Chu Xiaoman and the others, but looking at the group of people on the training ground, the instructors did not punish them.

After all, they are the students with the best results in this military training, and the military training has ended.

However, the beer on the ground was confiscated.

The instructors just said "go back early to rest" and walked away, ignoring this group of young people.

After the instructors walked away, Wang Zheng walked out from the shadows with the swaying Chu Xiaoman.

When Ling Tong and Mei Yiqi saw Wang Zheng, they were both angry in their hearts, and evil was born to the side of their hearts.

This bastard just runs away on his own, and kicks himself down to prevent us from running.

Suddenly, a spiritual power exploded, and a condensed wind blade was about to resist.

Wang Zheng didn't care about Ling Tong's mental restraint at all, he was not affected at all, he only heard a slight "pop" sound, and broke free from his restraints and continued to walk over.

Then I only saw Mei Yiqi's wind blade shooting on Wang Zheng's body with a crisp sound of "clanging", which was very pleasant.

The pale cyan wind blade kept shattering on his body, reflecting the night, scattering into a little fluorescent, which looked very good.

Some of the bewildered crowd even applauded when they saw this beautiful scene, and some people applauded loudly.

After Wang Zheng approached, the two of them had come back to their senses, and they immediately wanted to run.

Wang Zheng was the one who didn't fight back when he was beaten, and said with a smile: "Your fireworks are very good-looking, I'll try it too." In

an instant, countless holy rays of light surged from all directions, enveloping the two of them to death.

After a while, the two men hugged each other and rolled to the ground.

His eyes were misty, and he grinned and smirked, like two mentally retarded people with a full temperament.


will eventually gather and disperse, and there will be no goodbye.

After all, it was time to separate, and everyone from Jingnan City left first because they were guests from afar.

When they parted, Chu Xiaoman and the newly acquainted little sisters hugged their heads and cried, and they didn't know when they would see each other again.

Even Wu Huan, who has always been lonely, is a little lonely.

After all, unlike the last training camp, they have been together for a longer time, and there is no competition.

Wang Zheng didn't care, he hugged Yu Kan goodbye with a big grin, and made an appointment to meet again next time he had the opportunity to go to Jingnan.

Then he stepped on his own bus in style.

Along the way, Wang Zheng was counting the harvest this time.

It's worth it!

Not only did they learn the two exercises, but they also embodied the visualizations.

The most important thing is to obtain nearly five thousand aura values, and of course, several aura crystals.

Thinking that he almost gave up this military training before, he immediately complained to Old Man Chu again, it seems that he must ask clearly before any activities next time, otherwise he will miss such an opportunity in vain.

I returned to Jingnan all the way without incident, first changed to a bus to the school, and then Wang Zheng did not go back to the dormitory, but went home directly.

Anyway, today is a break, and classes will officially start tomorrow.

He has already given the key to Chu Xiaoman, just ask her to help bring the textbooks before class tomorrow, and go directly to the classroom by himself.

As for why go home.

He wanted to go back and let his father try his upgraded Holy Light Technique, and after upgrading to two levels, the Holy Light contained more life force, although there was a high probability that it still had no effect, after all, he also found that his Holy Light Technique had not undergone a qualitative change.

Second, he also wanted to see if his father and mother had practiced the exercises, and observed a wave of their data, even his mother's visualizations, and in case the horizontal practice of the Fa would have an effect on his father's recovery from injury, although the instructor had said before that ordinary people's cultivation would cause a physical deficit.

However, with himself by his side, he can replenish his vitality with the Holy Light Technique at any time, and looking at his father's 25-point physique, he can't be counted in the ranks of ordinary people.

When I got out of the car, the dedicated Uncle Zhao was still standing guard at the door.

watched Wang Zheng come and greeted him with a smile: "Wang Zheng, I haven't seen you for a long time, how is your college life, do you have a girlfriend?"

Wang Zheng also replied with a smile: "How can it be so fast, isn't this just the end of military training, just go home and take a look."

Looking at the familiar smiling faces of several security guards, Wang Zheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, a peaceful life is really beautiful, and I really hope that it will be so peaceful forever.

Walking home along the familiar path in the community, looking at the familiar scene in front of you, there are also the grandparents dancing and exercising in the community, the children giggling and running around, and the parents chasing behind.

Only here can he fade away the impetuosity in his heart and bring some peace to his restless heart.

Or maybe that's why Wang Zheng insists on going home.

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