Wang Zheng rubbed his temples, and he felt that his brain hurt a little.

What is the purpose of thinking so carefully about whether to come to the appointment?

Seeing that Wang Zheng was full of happiness written on his face, Bai Meixi immediately sent an invitation: "Wang Zheng, do you want to come and play together?" This game is a lot of fun!

Wang Zheng subconsciously replied: "But, your father said that he was going to eat soon!"

Bai Meixi didn't care.

"Don't worry about them, they still have to get tired of it for a while, come and play with me!"

Wang Zheng walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, and asked with a straight face: "Seriously, why did you invite me, I was nervous for a long time before, and now seeing these pictures has a bit of an impact on me." "

Didn't I tell you, I think you have a familiar smell on you, and I want to be friends with you."

You're my first friend, isn't it normal for friends to invite each other to visit our home?

When I told my parents about the idea, they agreed, and they wanted to see what the first friend I had was like.

That's why I'm going to invite you.

Wang Zheng still hesitated: "What is the familiar taste, and why did you ask me before if I remembered anything after manifestation?"

Bai Meixi said bluntly: "A familiar taste is a good smell, as for asking you if you have anything to remember, it is because my mother said that she cultivated the idea of meditation, and after successfully embodying the visualization object, she remembered a technique, but it is not suitable for us to cultivate."

And I can't practice contemplating ideas, I can't embody them, and you're the only one in the whole school who has succeeded in manifesting them, so naturally I can only ask you. Wang

Zheng: ???

His mind was spinning wildly.

If what Bai Meixi said was true, he really wanted to scan Nan Fengyi now, but he didn't dare!

Wrong! That's not the point!

Wang Zheng continued to ask: "Then the first time we met, why did you say that I was not human on the playground?" "


Bai Mei scratched her head, a little confused.

"Is there such a thing? I don't remember, I don't think I'd be so rude. Looking

at Bai Meixi's innocent appearance, Wang Zheng is now confused, could it really be that he was wrong at that time?

He took the handle in a daze, how could he still have the heart to play the game, and suddenly the characters in the game were killed and collapsed, but the white girl giggled happily.

Then. Nan Fengyi and his wife also walked in, and saw Wang Zheng and Bai Meixi having fun in the living room, so they didn't bother them.

Soon, hearty meals were on the table.

Bai Shi softly shouted, "Xiaobai, come over for dinner, remember to wash your hands." After

urging several times in a row, it wasn't until Nan Fengyi made a face that she reluctantly dropped the handle, and told Wang Zheng to continue playing with her after eating.

When several people were on the table, Wang Zheng looked at the table full of exotic beast ingredients, and he was also a little surprised.

It seems that there are no such taboos among the demon kings, and they have to eat it.

If you think about it, it's right, even in the wild, the beasts devour each other.

Seeing Nan Fengyi sitting in the main seat, and Bai Shi sitting on the side to foil, Wang Zheng can now see that this Nan Fengyi is the head of the family.

After everyone sat down, Nan Fengyi spoke as the eldest parent: "Today is the first time our daughter has brought her classmates to the house for dinner, and Wang Zheng is also the first time to be a guest, I will mention a cup first, you are free!" "

'A soldier who has retired from Beijiang is a real tiger!'

Wang Zheng sighed in his heart the might of the eldest sister's head, and silently took a sip of juice.

Then Nan Fengyi poured Wang Zheng a glass of liquor and handed it over directly: "You try this, this is a fruit wine made in the mountains for nothing, the alcohol concentration is not high, this is a good thing." "

Bai Bai, my God, do you call the demon king Bai Bai?

Master Bai seemed to be Xi to this title, and didn't care, just kept serving food on the table.

Wang Zheng was slandered in his heart, but his face was full of flattery, and he took a sip after taking it with both hands, which was very polite and decent.

The entrance of fruit wine is not as spicy as ordinary liquor, and after drinking, the stomach is warm, and there is a refreshing aroma of fruit.

Taking a sip in this kind of weather is really more refreshing than eating ginseng fruit.

When Wang Zheng was reminiscing, he suddenly found that the upper limit of the aura in his data panel had been directly increased by five points, and suddenly he couldn't care about savoring it, and drank the remaining fruit wine in one go, and then stared at the inconspicuous small clay pot in Nan Fengyi's hand.

Nan Fengyi looked at Wang Zheng's gluttony and smiled, and gave him another full glass: "The last cup, although the alcohol concentration is not high, you can't drink more, your body will not be able to stand it."

Wang Zheng no longer had the same casualness as before, and took it carefully, for fear of spilling a drop, which made Bai Shi and Nan Fengyi smile.

After that, Wang Zheng was not polite, let go of his stomach and eat, if he didn't eat for nothing, he didn't eat for nothing, anyway, it had already come to this point.

It seems that he is indeed thinking too much, this family doesn't have any ideas about themselves, and it is good to earn more aura caps now, and he is even thinking about whether to find an excuse to eat and drink a few more times in the future.

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