Xiang Yan, the center of the venue, had already taken the initiative to disperse the dense fog.

I saw a relaxed smile on his face, one hand firmly pinched Mei Yiqi's neck, and the other hand kept attacking Mei Yiqi's two arms, and glanced at Wang Zheng from time to time as if provocatively.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mei Yiqi has no possibility of winning.

But Xiang Yan's attack is not fatal, and it can even be said that it is a little too light, but for Mei Yiqi, who has an arm injury and has not fully recovered, a little pain is inevitable.

Mei Yiqi's handsome face was flushed, the green tendons on his neck were bulging, and his brows were furrowed from time to time, all of which showed that he should be in quite pain now.

However, Wang Zheng looked at Mei Yiqi's angry eyes, perhaps the physical injury was far less intense than the psychological insult.

This exchange match will not end unless the contestants take the initiative to admit defeat or the referee thinks that one side has lost the ability to act.

At present, although Mei Yiqi is completely controlled by others, there is no threat to his life, and he has a precedent of using his mouth to release his abilities before, so the referee did not take the initiative to stop the game.

In the battle between the awakened, there are many examples of extreme counter-killing at the critical moment of life or death, just like Wu Huan vs. Shang Houming before.

And Chu Tianxing didn't stop it after seeing such an act, and with his personal presence, his life would not be in danger anyway.

Chu Tianxing understands Wang Zheng, and naturally understands Mei Yiqi.

Chu Tianxing knew Mei Yiqi's character, and letting him suffer some setbacks would not only not hit him, but would arouse his competitiveness even more.

After watching the game between him and Wang Zheng at the opening ceremony, you can know how hard you train.

What's more, it can also stimulate other students.

Shameful and courageous, although Wang Zheng is a student of Jingnan University, he can only represent himself after all.

No matter how strong he is, he is not the strength of Jingnan University, Chu Tianxing just wants to let all the students in the school see how weak they are for the two famous schools, and how powerless they are after encountering the elite academy to deal with.

Xiang Yan continued to torture Mei Yiqi for a long time, and found that Wang Zheng just closed his eyes and recuperated, and he didn't look here at all, and he also felt bored, or he was tired of playing.

Xiang Yan looked at Mei Yiqi, who was full of pain and anger but still didn't beg for mercy or admit defeat, and said with a smile: "You Jingnan University are all a bunch of garbage, you don't dare to look at that surnamed Wang."

And Mei Yiqi just looked at him angrily, didn't pay attention, and didn't reply.

Then, in the perspective that everyone couldn't see, Xiang Yan hugged Mei Yiqi tightly and whispered: "Hard bones, right, I just look down on you hard bones, and tell Wang Zheng when I go back, you are only the first, and he is the next."

As his words fell, countless clouds of smoke quickly gathered together, faintly transforming into two large iron balls in mid-air, smashing into Mei Yiqi's legs one after the other.


With two crisp sounds, his feet were broken, and his arm, which was injured before, was completely like Yang Ang and Xiong Wenyu before, and his limbs were broken.

followed Xiang Yan and stepped forward with a vigorous kick and shot a powerful volley at Mei Yiqi's head.

Mei Yiqi suddenly turned dozens of heels from a distance, and fell impartially in the direction of the rest area of Jingnan University, her head tilted, and she fainted completely.


As the referee's whistle blew, the competition ended with Mei Yiqi's elimination.

After the game, Xiang Yan immediately regained his previous calm appearance, ran over with an innocent face, and apologized to everyone in Jingnan.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, classmate Mei's strength is not weak, and he has always refused to admit defeat, he really can't hold it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Although he meant to apologize, his eyes kept staring at Wang Zheng.

Everyone on Jingnan's side was angry with him, but Wang Zheng didn't care and spoke lightly.

"The skills are not as good as others, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, I think he has a backbone, and I appreciate him, it's good not to admit defeat, I just hope that Xiang classmate can be so kind."

Hearing Wang Zheng speak, Xiang Yan's face also changed, no longer the hypocritical appearance he had before, and said with a laugh: "I thought you really didn't care, I would have played more if I had known, it's a pity."

Then he casually glanced at Mei Yiqi on the ground and whispered: "Remember what he looks like now, because you will be like this in a while."

Wang Zheng didn't care about his threat, narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Don't abstain when the time comes, I'll wait for you, we will always meet." "

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