I’m really not a scumbag

Chapter 389 is one and ten thousand

People watching people do not watch themselves.

Lin Fang observes the state of other people's souls with the help of the Soul Mapping Instrument.

He himself, naturally, could not see his own soul state.

But let others observe, Lin Fang and very uneasy.

He knew in his heart that there was definitely something wrong with his own soul, not to mention the number of soul sand grains, which was definitely incorrect.

Moreover, all this time, Lin Fang had been helping the soul mapping project team to draw, and every day, he could get a lot of benefits from the soul mapper.

The Soul Mapper was a burden that would damage the soul for others.

But to Lin Fang, it was a panacea for growing the strength of his soul.

Every day, Lin Fang had a feeling that his soul was eating up.

Cumulatively, he didn't know until now, how strong his soul had become.

Lin Fang thought for a moment, temporarily resisted the impulse and continued to turn back the notes.

The general map of the Zhoutian Star Chart is a very large drawing, the location of each main star, the name of the main star, how to connect the regional star map, all marked clearly, neat and tidy.

The whole map, like a rigorously drawn engineering drawings.

So much so that Lin Fang took a look at it and remembered it in his head, it is difficult to forget.

After the general chart, there are regional star charts, starting from the star chart of the Taiyin-Sun formation eye, and ending with the star chart of the Violet Vase, accumulating nine sheets.

These regional star charts are drawn rather randomly, but generally they are still quite neat, which shows Shen Yibo's art skills.

Notes from the twelfth page onwards, only Shen Yibo's various speculations on the use of soul sand particles.

By definition, this part should be the beginning of the notes only ......

Lin Fang, with doubts, turned the notes over and over twice, and then it became clear.

The notebook was the kind that was detachable, and the page number book could then be adjusted at will.

Undoubtedly, after successfully constructing the virtual lab, Shen Yibo reorganized the notes, which was both to organize and re-learn his academic achievements, and also to facilitate future inquiries.

Now it seems that all of them are cheap to Lin Fang.

Reading Shen Yibo's soul notes is like following his footsteps, from nothing to something, to envision all the possibilities of soul sand grains.

At the beginning, Shen Yibo was comparing the soul sand particles to the fundamental particle quarks from the perspective of physics, to verify the physical properties of the soul sand particles.

And in the first step, he was trapped.

Shen Yibo found that he could observe other people's soul sand grains through the soul plotter, and he could also let other people observe his own soul sand grains through the soul plotter.

But apart from observing, he could no longer do anything.

He could not interfere with his own soul sand grains, nor could he interfere with other people's soul sand grains.

This made it very difficult for Shen Yibo.

For a period of time, Shen Yibo locked himself in the laboratory, using various instruments to "abuse" himself, and then let other researchers observe the changes in his soul sand grains afterwards.

During that time, many people thought Shen Yibo was crazy.

Until one day, when a researcher was sending a document to Shen Yibo, he inadvertently sent a novel he was catching up on to Shen Yibo.

At that time, Shen Yibo was very angry and almost fired the researcher.

However, Shen Yibo is a reasonable person, even if he intends to fire others, he also intends to have reasons and justifications.

So, he personally went through the novel with a huge brain, intending to see what kind of ghost book written by what kind of person, actually let the bottom of the people so obsessed, research gaps are still catching up on reading.

The first impression of this novel to Shen Yibo is not good, the author of the book also does not know what drugs to eat wrong, the opening is a meteor wash, the Earth to smash a smashed, first half of the human race to exterminate.

Not waiting for the remaining survivors to slow down, and the passing interstellar truck overturned, throwing a pile of high-level civilization garbage down, nearly flooding the Earth, and the surviving humans to half.

Then the advanced civilization's garbage radiation, so that the survivors of all kinds of self-destruction, and then the human race to exterminate half.

See here, Shen Yibo almost smashed the computer.

What kind of garbage ghost author is this, and human beings have a grudge?

Shen Yibo patience, scroll down, the more you look at the more angry, he found that the ghost author named hold incense, and open the brain hole, the remaining one-eighth of the human race divided into various groups, not thinking about the production of large self-help, but actually all kinds of death.

Some put their hopes on the gods and want to engage in some kind of sacrifice.

Some feel that humanity only needs one voice and should fight first to unify.

The survivors from the East are even more amazing, actually put their hopes in various ancient documents, looking for a savior from the pile of old papers.

Then, because of the existence of the protagonist's aura, really from the ancient literature, turned out to be able to deal with the garbage radiation: immortality cultivation!

To be precise, from the canon of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, to find out some gong methods.

After human cultivation, can change body human garbage processor, turning waste into treasure, the high-level civilization's garbage radiation source, as heavenly treasures to absorb.

Shen Yibo look straight slap the table, this kind of trash novel, what's good to see?

Until ...... he saw in one of the chapters of the novel, the extremely detailed Taoist idea of cultivation know-how, there are even a variety of ideas in the introduction of the figure.

Inside the novel introduces three kinds of view ideas, one view of heaven and earth, two view of their own universe, three view of religious gods.

Shen Yibo as a scientist, a firm materialist, of course, do not believe in what the gods, he decisively chose the second, the view of their own universe.

Just let Shen Yibo headache is, this ghost author, only gave its own universe of the five visceral view and white bone view of two kinds of contemplation, that is, contemplation of the five internal organs and their own bones, but not his most desired soul sand contemplation chart.

No way, Shen Yibo can only use this idea, launch their own relations, from the Taoist master, Buddhist monks to steal the teacher, trying to find a reference to the observation chart.

At last, Shen Yibo finally found the Zhoutian star chart, which is clearly a visualization of heaven and earth, but the most compatible with the human body's own universe.

In the second half of the notes, he also wrote incoherently: "When I contemplated XX, there was a green qi that sprang up and a black qi that seemed to condense, blurring and outlining the lines of great majesty. There was purple qi rushing to the sky, red light filled the sky, and vaguely, I seemed to be merging with XX as one, XXXX, incredible to the extreme!"

In this, all the parts of XX were erased by Shen Yibo, even if Lin Fang looked at it positively or negatively, he couldn't see what Shen Yibo was trying to express.

Without these key words, Lin Fang could only have a brain fog.

However, it can also be seen that most of what happened here is something incredible, the impact on Shen Yibo's three views is very great, otherwise he could not have written such inexplicable words, and finally give the erasure.

Lin Fang ignored these parts, and finally found the key to view itself.

It is hard to imagine that the first step in the science of creating a virtual laboratory is actually to go to immortality!

Even if the second half of the notes, Shen Yibo used ten thousand reasons to explain the scientific nature of the visualization, Lin Fang still firmly believes that this is the cultivation of immortality!

What a joke, the soul has been discovered, and it's time to contemplate the stars, and you still want me to believe in science?

I do not believe!

Spitting, Lin Fang still collected his mind in a step-by-step manner, watching his eyes and nose, starting from the Taiyin Sun, and outlining in his brain the positions of all the main stars that had an impression.

It doesn't need to be accurate or specific, as long as the name of a certain main star is known and the soul sand grain reacts, this is the first step to success.

This step, according to Shen Yibo, is called: shaking the star.

At this point, it is necessary to put aside other distracting thoughts and focus on the main star that is being shaken, this step is the most difficult.

It takes a lot of time to establish a stable connection between the soul sand and the main star, and if you are not careful, this connection, if any, will be broken.

The good thing is that when you hook up with the main star again, it will be easier than the last time.

It's a watery process that needs to be practiced every day without interruption.

Until the connection between the soul sand grain and the main star slowly stabilize and outline a clear ascending channel, this step is almost complete, this step is called: point star.

The third step is to let the soul sand grain rise in the visualization, climbing to the location of the main star, and become one with it, at this time, this soul sand grain is considered real.

Each time you contemplate, you will be able to find the exact location of this soul sand grain.

This step is called: star transformation.

With the first soul sand grain that evolved into a star, it was a good start. Next, it was to repeat the previous steps, to visualize the soul sand grain one by one, and replace the main star in the circumstantial star chart.

According to Shen Yibo's conjecture, the best way to view the star chart is to select a certain area of the chart according to your own soul conditions and light up the main stars one by one.

In this way, it would end up being connected to the whole regional star chart and might be extremely powerful.

But in practice, this is very difficult.

Shen Yibo had made an attempt to establish a connection with the whole of the Midheaven Violet Wall in the center of the star, but it ended in failure.

Finally, he had to retreat and choose other regional star maps, and then failed again.

In the end, Shen Yibo only lit up the left Tai Wei wall (five) and the visitant for a total of six main stars of Tai Wei wall, and the other four, Tai Bai and Age stars of the five yao, and the easiest to light up Tai Yin and Sun.

In other words, the seven main stars of Taiyin, Sun and the five yao are the least difficult, and everyone can establish a connection with these seven main stars as long as there is nothing too demanding for them.

Shen Yibo has requirements for himself, but is limited to the lack of soul strength, and also his pioneer status, stopping at Tai Wei Yuan.

The good thing is that with the gradual increase of soul strength, Shen Yibo can still remedy the situation and can try to continue to light up the other groups of stars in the Tai Wei Yuan, and eventually merge with the whole Tai Wei Yuan star map to achieve the honorary position.

Only, this step is too difficult and hard, and Shen Yibo still needs to spend a lot of time and energy doing research, so he is afraid that he will have to stop here.

The good thing is that he has built his own virtual laboratory using the five main stars of Tai Wei Zuoguan, which makes him very satisfied.

Because of this, Shen Yibo cautioned later on inside his notes not to be too greedy, and to make sure to visualize a complete star map, even if it is a relatively complete part of a large regional star map, there are huge benefits.

On the contrary, if one is greedy for convenience, looking for a main star with the strongest connection to each regional star map, in the end, one will only gain very little.

In addition to the ability to think of their own soul sand, soul cohesion further increase, soul strength has increased, there is no other benefit to speak of.

Even if you only light up the Taiyin Sun, the most subtle area of the star chart, you can still make the body younger and more powerful.

After reading the notes, Lin Fang did not rush to observe the thoughts, but connected the mobile hard drive to the computer, and carefully looked at the things left by Shen Yibo inside, before and after.

The mobile hard drive is filled with videos, which is basically a verbal description of the content on the notes, the difference is that the video display is more complete and more realistic.

Shen Yibo's restlessness, tossing and turning, the excitement of an epiphany, ecstatic all show more fully.

These are not important, but the most crucial thing is that Lin Fang saw the external changes of Shen Yibo's body when he was contemplating the Zhoutian Star Chart through the third perspective of some of the videos.

Three of the most important videos occurred when Shen Yibo lit up the five main stars of Tai Wei Zuoguan, lit up the two main stars of Tai Yin Sun, and even when Shen Yibo wrote that incoherent content.

When Shen Yibo lit up the left wall of Tai Wei, he built a virtual laboratory, and his whole aura changed into some vicissitudes, as if some kind of time rule fell on his body, allowing him to jump out of a section of the long river of time for a moment, and after a short stagnation, he fell back again.

The highlight of this video is that Shen Yibo opened his eyes and found a bunch of things, as if he wanted to eat and drink a lot, only to eat a few moments to be propped up.

He looked at the time dumbfounded, suddenly roared, said to the camera: "Incredible, really incredible! I thought I was dreaming, I was in the lab for three whole months, who knew I'd be out in less than twelve hours!

I was a god in there, as long as I understand something, I can create it out of thin air, no matter how much I eat, I don't gain weight, I can do whatever I want!

I can also change many of myself, each I do a kind of research, to the final combination out, completely without any assistant!

This is simply God's best gift to me, the best research aids, I decided to call it a virtual laboratory!"

After watching this video, Lin Fang was deeply shocked.

What shocked him most was that Shen Yibo could take on countless forms in the virtual lab, he was one and ten thousand, this was clearly the means of the ancient gods in mythology!

And when lighting up the two main stars of Taiyin and Sun, I don't know if the angle of the video was good enough or the timing was clever enough, Lin Fang clearly saw that Shen Yibo's eyebrows lit up slightly and his skin started to get better at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dark circles around his eyes from working late slowly disappeared, the acne sores on his skin also disappeared, and more wonderfully, the muscles on his body all graved up a bit, making his dry and lean body actually a bit of a robust shadow.

If it is said that the Tai Wei Zuoguan change is still only within the soul, still just so Shen Yibo can have more time to do research, Tai Yin Sun two main stars, although not so great, but more amazing.

The soul can affect the physical body, this is the greatest affirmation of materialism, Descartes are going to wake up in a sleepy yellow spring laughing, shouting: "I have been looking for years of evidence, finally appeared! Consciousness, really, can determine matter! I think, therefore I am!"

Perhaps, Shen Yibo realized this precisely, and only then avoided saying that he wanted to hand over the method of constructing the virtual laboratory to everyone.

He also only mentioned the difficulties, not the benefits.

Or rather, there is no mention of the benefits that can really move everyone.

The virtual laboratory is invisible and untouchable, plus Shen Yibo genius scientist, researching anything quickly, and Ou Qi, always somehow too many cases of results.

Together, these have become a reason for people to balk and refuse to learn to build a virtual laboratory.

As a result, it was all cheaper for Lin Fang.

After watching the video, Lin Fang understood Shen Yibo, but also could not help but curse.

If it wasn't for the fear of the hunched figure, an otherworldly visitor, and the reason for having to take risks, Lin Fang would have missed out on this gratuitous soul experience gift package from Shen Yibo.

With Shen Yibo's high house like all the overturning experience, Lin Fang can completely comfortable to choose the target, let himself fly higher and go farther.

If we say that the first two videos bring Lin Fang the benefit experience that is visible to the naked eye.

The last video brought Lin Fang only a deep shock.

The title of this video is long, so long that it is difficult for Lin to ignore it: "This video, I put it into the recycle bin several times, want to shred it, and put it out again. I don't know if it's right to keep it, I just want to say that we are all **XX!"

Seeing the last few words replaced by an asterisk, Lin Fang really wanted to catch Shen Yibo in front of him and beat him up severely.

Do not do things at all, cover up, and that comes with a muffled function of the rickety otherworldly visitors have a match, are not what good things!

The last video of Shen Yibo, at first and other videos are no different.

Until a certain moment, his eyes out of nowhere a green qi, followed by black in the condensation, his body surrounded by purple qi, red light, his features are also changing quietly, looking to become another person.

But for some reason, this process was suddenly interrupted at a certain moment, Shen Yibo's five senses returned to their original form, the surrounding green, black, purple, red light as if they had never existed before, and disappeared cleanly in a flash.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fang stood up directly from the front of the computer, too surprised to be himself.

It took a while to regain his composure, Lin Fang rewound the video and watched the clip again and again.

Shen Yibo in the video, like a magician, out of thin air to become another person, and out of thin air changed back, the body around the green, black, purple, red light, as if he had prepared in advance props.

No shadow when you come, no trace when you go.

(Thanks to "book friend 20180513144730470" reward, is also the book's first hall master, not easy ah! Thanks to the "Yu Yin Yao donkey" reward.

I promised to add more, the author bacteria has always remembered, but recently deleted the outline, but also to prepare a good draft to delete the abandoned content, before and after the mismatch, uploading is not interesting, only to save again.

And plot conversion, the third volume is the book's third layer of content put out, less padding, may make you some discomfort, I'm also trying to balance the plot, so the code speed is really not fast, I'm sorry!

But at the weekend, no matter what, will try to add a chapter out. If you think the recent plot of this book is your favorite, please recommend it to your friends, and please believe in my efforts.

(Maybe this book is not exciting enough for you to like, but from the second point five volumes, will give you a different experience, please join me, to the depths of the soul to see!

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