I’m really not a scumbag

Chapter 603, Packing Liu Guangfu

After Qinhuai rushed, Lin Yu did not immediately sleep.

He turned and drilled with a bath bucket into space.

First, put the turbid dirty water into the field, Lin Yu turned to the tiger points and looked at the tiger.

Under normal circumstances, the mother tiger usually lives with the tiger cub for 2 to 3 years.

During this period, it will not be pregnant again.

That is to say, in the case of natural cases, the master tiger is usually 2 to three years.

What is surprised by Lin A, maybe because the food in the space is very sufficient, and there is no natural enemy.

The prospects of the mother tiger are greatly accelerated.

Tiger points today, the tiger is not accurate enough, saying that the Tiger Group is almost.

Dozens of tigers play trouble, when they come to tiger, they are very lively.

At the beginning, the normal prisoners of the chicken and sheep were affected by the tiger.

Today, transit is moved, all of the livestones are often accustomed to the presence of tigers.

Lin Yu has moved his thoughts, and the number of increases in this tiger group has become faster and faster.

Is it a part of the manual to cut a part and let them look at the suggestions.

Lin Yu just looked at it, he didn't take them in the time.

The Tiger Group's dart growth rate is exceeded, how much is disrupted for the plans.

I didn't dare to mess with the pension of the leader. In addition to spending on the old lady,

Lin put itself, it is a temporary, once there is money in his hand, it will reissue.

The wine plan has always been there, and it has never been implemented.

This leads that the number of alcohols stored in his space is limited.

It is not enough for wine at all.

Just a rest tomorrow, Lin Yu intends to buy a radio to the old lady first first.

Then go four times to turn, buy more wine.

It is best to keep it like, a good wine in a whole house!

No! The house is not enough, at least a few houses!

After Lin Feng, after this thought, I looked at the three huts that were deeply unheathered, and immediately removed the line of sight.

Pretending that these huts do not exist at all.

The reserves of the three huts are like bottomless, regardless of how many things have been put, it can only occupy a corner.

Lin Yu has never seen any case where there is a lot of capacity.

The glutinous rice in the space has been harvested, and there are many still spaces in the stationary space.

When the forest was removed, when I cooked porridge, I took a little more, and I didn't eat much.

I don't have time to do something scorpion, yellow, rice wine in the morning.

Just tonight, I will help the small widow add oil, and Lin Ayin is clear and refreshing, there is no sleepiness, and the sorry is doing some.

The package is the simplest, bamboo forest specializes in bamboo, and the bamboo leaves are very suitable for use to package the scorpion.

The forest is a bunch of, some white, some put a red dates or other fruit, and some put the bean sand,

Lin Lin has a total of hundreds, all put it into the static space after cooking in the pot.

Then Lin Yu started to start yellow.

Huang Yu can also be packaged in the boy, but the production process is complicated than the scorpion.

The complex point of the scorpion is only not leaking when the package is, and Huang Yu is in the beginning, it is necessary to test the work in his hand.

To steam the glutinous rice first, add a brown sugar after cooling, and the forest is not mixed with red sugar, and the mortar candy is placed.

It also grinds some red dates and powder, anyway, it is colored, there is no need to pursue the original formula.

Red jujube powder color, maltose increase the flavor, then you need to knead the surface, try hard,

Such yellow horses are delicate and delicious.

Then it is a hunter, and it is soaked in the pan with the leaves.

After completing the yellow, Lin Yu started to do rice wine.

Rice wine is not very love to drink, and there is not much.

This is mainly boiled, put some, and the taste will be much better.

It's finished, the forest is left to leave the space, and the head is sleeping.




The next day, Lin Yu served that the old lady had finished eating breakfast, and took a bamboo chair and bubble a cup of tea.

You are sitting on the veranda, interested in staring at the West Room.

Xu Da Mao wore a neat door, and he saw Lin Yujun and drinking tea.

He said: "Hey, do you eat? Is it so idle? Don't you go to work?"

Lin Yu took a look at Xu Da Mao, said: "Early eat. Today, take a break. You propagate the scientific movie, you should know,

Our transportation team is similar to your work, you can rest in the distance. "

Xu Da Mao stunned, laughed: "Yes!

What, I am in a hurry, I don't talk to you, I will see you! "

The Western Chamber is just walking, and the East chambers have moved.

The second uncle took the hat and patted the door and walked out of the door.

Seeing Lin Yu sat on the veranda, he couldn't help but frown.

He has a seven-level worker, and the second uncle in the courtyard is so unhappy.

A truck driver of a transport team, the days are more comfortable than him!

The second uncle waited for a while, and he didn't see Lin Plant.

He is a bit uncomfortable, and it will go out.

After another, the door of the Xixiang room opened, and Yu Xiaoyu came out and saw Lin Yu.

She said he greet and hurriedly poured back.

After a foot, there was 20 minutes, and the Lin put a cup of tea was finished.

When she came out, she squatted to Lin Yu: "Let the child, what happens!"

I don't go to work in the morning, what are you sitting here? Monitor me? "

" ..."

Lin Feng almost didn't laugh, he said: "I said the sister, you feel this self-feeling!"

I have a rest today, I have died for a drink, and I can be arranged by you, I can be a little! "

"Then I don't care!"

Xiaoyu is white, said: "You have to compensate me! Say, what is delicious today? I have to eat!"

Lin placed his fingers, said: "I gave me milk to the sizes and yellow, I want to eat myself."

"I don't know if I am, what is Huang Hao?"

: "How did I have never heard?"

Lin Yu drank the tea and said: "How do you say it ... You can also eat, it is a traditional snack that is popular in Sichuan, Guizhou.

But this stuff is particularly suitable for elderly, delicate and tender, better than the scorpion.

You still eat the scorpion, I have made several tastes, you can try it. "

"I do not!"

It is about a little, and it is not going to go, and the suggestion of retreating, Lin is.

She is not accepting, she is looking forward to the Baxin: "I have to eat Huang Wei, you manage me!"

"Is it?"

"Lao wife, you are at home?"

Zhao Xiaoyu heard the greece of the old lady and was shocked.

She returned to the head to blame the forest and let go: "Let the child, what is going on! Old lady is at home, you don't tell me,

If I scared what about the old lady? "

Lin Yuforted can't help but laugh: "Sister, you are scared by yourself? I'm still looking for a reason!"

The old lady is sitting at the table, and it is not slow to eat yellow.

Just like Lin Yu said, she didn't have a few teeth in her mouth, and I was justified.

Eat a yellow, drink a clear tea, and the mood of the whole day will be fine.

Loud Xiao Yu, did not see, learn the old lady, and poured a cup of tea to himself.

Pick up a warm yellow, blow it.

The sweet and soft, soft and delicate yellow, although it is also glutinous rice,

It can just be in an entrance, just in the mouth feeling, it is different from the scorpion.

"Lao wife, this yellow hun is really delicious!"

The eyes of Yi Xiaoyu have to squat, she still doesn't forget one side and the old lady,

She said: "If I said, you should let me talk about the looh! He will do so much delicious,

Take some home cooking for you every day! I can't see it! "

"Loz is a good child!"

The old lady looked at the forest outside the door, and it was a kindness: "He is already very filial!"

"have to!"

Xiaoyu is not going to go, she has to make her complaints for appetite, struggle and Huang Wei.

Lin Yu took a while and finally waited for Liu Guangfu.

He got into the house and put the chair tea cup and put it.

"Grandma, I am going out, I don't come back at noon, you remember to eat the vegetables!"

Lin planged pointed to the cabinet: "Everything is ready, put it in the cabinet."

The old lady smiled and nodded: "Go! Go! You are busy with you, I am hungry."

Yu Xiaoyu saw Lin to go out, and he did a few mouthfuls of Huang Hao in his hand.

She said: "Mrs. Old, I have to go out, you care about it!"

"This !"

The old lady saw the movement of Zhao Xiao, helplessly shook his head.

It doesn't matter if you are so rare, she has no way.

If the old society will, there is not so much trouble, and now it is a new society, can only have to pay.

"Children have children and grandson!"

The old lady made a while, put the attention to the yellow horses in his hand.

This thing is very suitable for her appetite, and it is not greasy, but I still feel a bit of appetite.

What is afraid of Lin Feng, let her don't eat more, the old lady still wants to eat it a little more.


Yan Xiao, chasing the forest putting the bicycle out, greeted him: "Enter the child, where are you going?

Is it difficult to take me? "


Lin Yu-eyed stared to swaying Liu Guangfu, he said: "I have a matter!"

"whispering sound!"

Yu Xiaoyu turned over the eyes and said: "You say that you have holiday today, what else can you?

I don't care, you have to take me! Otherwise, I stick to you, where are you going, I will go! "

"My Sister!"

Lin put a good night: "You are really not afraid of others to gossip?"

Let's have a bicycle, and others will say that you are my wife! "

"To say! I am not afraid!"

Yu Xiaoyu cares about these, she is squatting, self-confidence: "It is not afraid of shadows,

I didn't do anything, not afraid of ghosts! "

'You are not afraid, I am afraid! '

Lin Yu doesn't want to waste more, cross the bicycle, two feet, and keep up with Liu Guangfu.

Clinker, no matter what Lin is answering, a run is jumped on the back seat,

Then she also got on the waist of the forest.


Lin Yuyi slapted the little hand put on his waist, he said: "Sister,

You will take a windmill, you will go where I can send you. But you don't have a lot of money! "


Yu Xiaoyu has been a bite of Lin, said: "Do you think I am willing to take you cheap?

Your car is so fast, I am afraid of falling! Just, I have to go to the department store to buy something, you send me the past. "

"Waiting for."

The forest is slow, and Liu Guangfu is full, he said: "I will pack it first."


Yan Xiao, the curiosity of the left look, and it is not awkward who is sinful.

She said: "You are the baby's baby egg, who doesn't open your eyes, dare to provoke you?"

"I didn't provoke me."

Lin Feng explained: "Are you sleeping early last night? The rod stem is so big, you didn't hear it?"

"I really do not know……"

Xiaoyu is a bit embarrassed, she said: "I can't hear some movement, but you can say that it is a breakdown in the court.

Let me don't need it, I will continue to sleep. "

"You can really be strong enough!"

Lin Yuko doesn't know what to say, the yard, these two are not enthusiastic,

It is also no wonder that it is not very good to the relationship between the neighborhood, wait until they have an accident.

There is no one is willing to help talk.

However, this is also on Xu Dawei.

In addition to the official, this goods like to lick the little girl, plus He Yongzhu is dry, and there is no other.

Those interpersonal relationships in the yard, when he doesn't use it, it is too lazy to maintain it.

Lin Yu-eyed saw Liu Guangfu into a alley, he is too lazy to manage this goods not to go to school.

Ji Ma prepared to speed up, he reminded Yu Xiao, said: "Sister, you are stable, I have to start accelerating!"


, she said: "You lie to me less! I just held you, you don't let me hold, this will let me hurry,

Where do I catch? Where have you gone, let me catch? "

Lin Yu only reminded a sentence, he also can't take care of her, directly in the legs, and the car will go out.


Trying to grab all the places that can catch.

Her hands were in the forest, nor did she know that they would deliberately retaliate.

Lin Anti-air packing her, as long as she does not overe, she temporarily tolerate her.

Chasing Liu Guangfu, Lin Yu took only a few seconds.

He holds the leader in hand, and he will mention Liu Guangfu's collar.

Lin Yu car is not allowed to ride it directly to the river.

"Ah, help! Help!"

Liu Guangfu was scared, wow, almost urine a pants.

Lin Angle warned him: "Liu Guangfu, you give me a mouth. Call it again, I will lose you!"

Also, put your egg, you are clamped, if you are leaking, I will let you be clean! "

Liu Guangfu was scared. He led his collar, it was actually a forest place with him.

He knows that it is Lin Yu, and he dares not to say a word.

He didn't dare to provoke in Liu Hai, he dared to provoke.

With He Yuzhu is different from the prestigious name of the fist.

The reputation of the forest is all spontaneously spread by each household in the courtyard.

Who mentioned Lin Yu, I have to add a sentence: that but the old lady has a few years of grandson, can't make!

They would rather with He Yuzhu, and they are not willing to provoke Linfeng.

Lin Yuzhi with Yu Xiao, with Liu Guangfu, only used a few minutes to come to the Grand Canal.

He braked the car and said: "Sister, you first."

When I went to the car, Lin Yu was from the car, and I didn't care about the car, I directly mentioned Liu Guangfu to the river.

He has said to Liu Guangfu: "Liu Guangfu, are you doing my words as a hawk?"

"No, let's go!"

Liu Guangfu was mentioned by Lin Plaza, and the two feet were quickly touched the water. He killed the soul.

Desperately beg for: "Let's go, spare me! Where do I do it, I change it!"

"Change? Will I gotten?"

Lin Yuyi sprinkled Liu Guangfu, let him fall into the water, and catch his ankle on the occasion of the millennium.

He also put him up, he said: "Say, don't remember what I said with you?"

It may be anxious, Liu Guangfu really thought about it, he said: "Let's say that you said that I don't bully the stick,

If you bully him, you will lose my river. "


Lin Yu is a bit surprised: "You still remember? Since you remember, why do you want to push the river!"

" ..."

Lin Yu also lost Liu Guangfu into the water, waiting for him to drink a few mouthfuls, pulling him: "Is it good to drink water?"

"Not good, I am wrong!"

Liu Guangfu admitted to the wrong: "Let brother, spare me!"

It is not enough to be blooming, and he threw Liu Guangfu into the water, said: "I didn't let you admit it.

I just let you know, you push someone to enter the water once, I will flood you ten times!

Don't ask for money, you have drown a few times! Enough, let you go, your own number is wrong. It is you living! "

"Three times, three times, brother!"

Liu Guangfu came from the water, coughing a few, and quickly countd.

Seeing him so cooperated, the forest exemption is touched that this bear child should really accept the lesson.

He is no longer more, and once once again throws Liu Guangfu into the river.

If you have 10 times, he put Liu Guangfula in the river. This time, he went back to the Lang Xiao.

Yu Xiaoyu has been watching, and he has not discouraged. This will only say: "Will it be a little?"

Lin Yu took her hid an alley, said: "You don't look at what he is suffering.

When he hit his, it was much more than me. If I swallow the water, this car is not long-lasting! "

I thought about it, it seems to be so truth.

Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu, this is like a brother, just like it is a biological in Liu Hai.

Three days a small fight, five days a big fight, all being aprotic.

It is simply passive from a small practice iron cloth.


Yu Xiaoyu, I still want to ask again, just seeing Lin put into his head, just sides of her,

The sun is just right, the angle is good, she captures the picture that makes her feelings.

At once, her whole people are idling, and they are still else.

I don't know how long it took, her mouth is coming to touch the forest, this suddenly returns to God.

She is shy, but also, returning to the original position.

If you come, you will be awake, then how good it is!

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