I’m really not a scumbag

Chapter 640, don't be too good

Lin is carrying the storm of the heavy machinery factory, she didn't speak along the way.

In the past, although there were not many words, it would not be like this, and the silence seems to have no living.

She is such a state, and Lin is hard to relieve her back home.

Simply, his head turned, riding the car and ride the west.

Wen Li sits on the back seat, the whole person is awkward, tightly holding the burden of his arms, but still feels cold.

A burst of ice came out from the heart, just like a striking striking, frozen, and where she was uncomfortable.

It's sad, can't be, Wen Li has passed the sad strength.

Crying and crying, make trouble.

Wen Li also didn't know what he was now, I just felt that I dropped over, I didn't have a support.

It seems that everything is no longer important to her.

Even if it is alive, it is no longer important.

She is silent, it is more and more silent, slowly puts her own ice in a small world.

Lin Yuyi took the car to the small courtyard near the Xizhimen Railway Station. After the brakes, he held the ground and looked back and got off the bus.

He doesn't talk, open the door, push the bike to enter the door, Wen Li is like the soul of the soul, and the foot floating suddenly followed the door.

Lin Plant puts the bicycle, and took the parcels in the hands of the hand, turned back to the door, and hugged a beautiful.

Wen Li went.

She looked up at her eyes, although she looked at the forest, but she didn't focus.

She is still in the inexplicable state, can't break free.

The forest is lower, watching the warmth of life at this time, there is a uncomfortable that there is no kind.

He has seen her many times, even how to be tortured again, and her eyes have always been a child.

It is said that it is good, arrogant.

But the time of the time, it is always light.


Now she, the light in the eyes is gone.

She is like a soul, like only one empty shell.

Such a teacher, where is the one who always hurt life?

"Wen teacher? Wen teacher?"

A sound call is just a shortness of it just, but Wen Li is heard.

Lin is lightly shaking her, she is only natural shake, for the outside world, all reacts.

He has never seen such a beautiful, she should not be such a beautiful.

Lin Ran with a distressed and unbearable, and gently handle her lips.

Wen Li's lips are cold.

No temperature.

Just like her heart at the moment.

Forest is not given up, he uses his own temperatures and gently warms her.

So he left from her lips, moved to her nose and came to her eyes.

Perhaps because of the temperature of the forest, it may be just itchy on the face.

There is a little focal length in the eyes of Wen Li.

Lin Yu took her fine change, holding her hand, leading her.

Her hands are also ice, colder than her lips.

So he wants to warm her.

Lin plants whispers in her ear: "Teacher Wen teacher, you are now cold, I take you sports ..."

He said that Wen Li did not agree, directly picked her, and entered the house.

Lin is repeated in her mind.

Wen Li finally has a reaction.

Her two eyes have a rapid vibration, and the eyes start focus.

" !"

Wen Li two hands grabbed the grouped of the forest, struggling with a few times, trembling: "You ... you put me first!"

Shy and uneasiness occupied her heart, and suddenly opened her heart.

She missed him in an amazing change.

She already can't care.

If you don't go, people have to go.

"Don't put it!"

Lin Yu is light and smiled and did not agree.

However, there is no further move, just adjust the posture.

Two hands, change the princess horizontally, let her face himself.


Wen Li called, people flew into the air, unconsciously grabbed the forest.

When she reacted, her two legs, somehow, I have already locked the forest.

She felt that such a posture was too shameful, struggling, but was caught by the card, but did not succeed.

It's ashai, she can't help but put it. "Let me down! Let me go! You let me down!"

Lin was struggling with her, and she was tapping, she was called by her.

I am afraid that Wen Li in this moment is not quiet, and I have no warm atmosphere on weekdays.

Just like a Sacred child.

Can be blooming is happy.

At least, she is coming back now, has already re-have soul.

So he asked: "Wen Wen ... Is it good now?"

Wen Li trembled, not a trouble.

Even if the posture of this ride on the forest is not comfortable, she also knows that Lin is helping him.

Wen Li was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered the title of Lin Yu, she corrected: "Don't call me a text ... Which is called people? Listen ... Listen to it, I am sorry!"

Lin Yu light smiled, said: "What is it to ask you? Kiss? Hey? Dear? Baby? Baby?"

Wen Li also listened to it, the face is hot, and he is hotter.

This year, the woman called a man "brother", the man is called a woman "sister", it is already shameless.

Where is Wen Li heard so much so much let her face heat, the heart is jumping, the vocabulary of dopamine crazy secretion?

She felt that her whole person was not ok, and her soft hangs on the forest.

If Lin Yu is very strong, she has tied it early.

Wen Li is in the woods, and as as as as as ashamed: "You ... you ... where you have learned, you are not allowed to say!"

Where is Lin Aye listens.

Women are talking repeatedly.

As long as the refusal is not so persistent, Lin Yu is as a saying that he is talking.

He is in her ear, with a hot, blown wind, a word, a word.

Waiting for Lin Yu, Wen Li's greatest response to the word "baby", he does not change the call, softly called her baby.

" ..."

Wen Li is directly voted.

She hangs on the woods and thoroughly gave up struggles.

She knows, she is over now.

Her whole people were taken by Lin.

Whether it is her body or her heart.


Seeing that Wen Li is slowly fresh, completely breaking away from the silence, and Lin is relieved.

Lin Feng paided her: "I will take you to pick Yan Ni, send you back. Looking back, letting you ask for a false. These days, you have a rest to rest, you don't hurry to work ..."

He put it in Wen Li and waited for her to stand firm. I touched 20 yuan from my pocket.

Lin Yu said: "These should be taken first, do not refuse! I gave you a nutrition.

Thanks to you, it is a teacher, and it is not much better than the boring hoist!

My child is almost a big thing, I don't know if I told me.

If you know that you are so powerful, I will give you more nutritious.

Don't worry, you are not good, you are not something for me! "

Wen Li is still almost embarrassed, wherever they think, Lin is so tough.

She don't, Lin is hard plugged to her pocket.

Also said that I have to prepare some nutrients, she suddenly opened his attention.

"Lin Yu ..."

"Call your baby!"


Wen Li lost, it was shy to lift his head.

She can only have a hard scide, pretending to haven't heard anything, this is reluctant: "What ... I move back home, you will send me something, how do I tell my dad, my mother? They will Misunderstanding! "

Lin Feng revealed: "Is it important to be misunderstood? Or is your body important?

I said what is going on, every time I see you, my face is white.

At the beginning, I thought you were born, then it was so white, and I felt that it may be a little nutritious.

I know now that your body is so powerful!

Not good to supplement, when can I get healthy? "

Wen Li can't help but refurbishment: "I will be white!"

Lin Yu can't help but smile, said: "Good! Good! You are white, you are white.

So ... my white baby, let's go, I will send you back. "


Wen Li is ashamed, really did not hold back Lin Zhu, a twisted, when it first took the house.

Entered the yard, Wen Li went to the surrounding environment, she found himself in a separate small courtyard.

Wen Li surprised to follow the forest radio: "Lin Yu, this ... Is this your home?"

"I can't live here, this is borrowed with friends."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Don't see the unique single-family, the room is still much, too cold.

If you have anything to see, tell me, I will buy it ... "

Originally, he still want to say to Wen Li, but I didn't expect it, I said that Wen Li is already unhappy.

She is very unhappy: "I don't want to live with you, I am afraid that I will never be able to open you again!"

Lin Yu, I know that you are good to me. But you can't be too good, this is very unreal ...

I am worried, in case you are not good to me, I will be crazy! "

Lin Yu can't help but touch the nose, some accidents.

He is still thought that Wen Li does not want to be too fast with him.

After listening to him, she only knows that she is only simple.

I am afraid that the two people get along with each other, she will completely fall in love with him.

Lin Yu is still ahead of the first time, for a time, it is inevitable that some crying can be launched.

He said: "How should I have to you? I can't, I will hit you two times from time to time. I am very happy to be cold."

Wen Li is white, and the road is: "Who will be happy? I just ... just hope that you don't have a good time to me. It's a little bit better, there is a little bit!"

What is a little bit?

Lin is unclear, he even suspected that Wen Li himself is unclear.

She is just simple to be a little uneasy.

Lin Yu smiled nodded: "Okay, then just a little bit for you. Let's go, first pick Yan Ni."

Waiting for the unique housing, Wen Li took the parcel to take the bus, Lin put back to her: "I just seriously, if you know where there is a suitable place, tell me, I tried to buy it. I can't live in, I just want to buy it. "

Wen Li wants to think, nodded: "Then I will pay attention to you!"

I didn't think about buying a house before, and I didn't pay attention to relevant policies.

Recently, I went to the library to check.

He knows that according to the 50th "Land Reform Law", 54th "Constitution", housing and land are free to buy, rent, gifted and inherited.

That is, the homeowner also has room rights and land.

In rural areas, housing and homesteads belong to farmers.

Although I have experienced the transformation of public housing, the ownership of the house and the land is still a homeowner. It is only limited to its exploitation, and puts an end to the thoughts that produce alcohol, hosted their housing management rights, and safeguards their lives.

This practice and private-private private camps in private enterprises are in the same veins, until the start of the wind wave began, the original intention was destroyed.

Because the freedom of housing and land, there is some bad problems, and there is a new policy in 62 years.

Local rights begins to return to state (collective), the homeowner only has land use rights and no longer ownership.

But along with the room, the house can be traded and the land use rights will be sold to the new home owner after trading.

Lin Fengruitted Wen Li first went to the kindergarten to pick up Yan Ni, and then sent this mother to a beautiful mother.

I can't accidentally, when Wen Li took Yan Ni, the big bag is back to the mother, and the family is all alarmed.

Wen Father, the Mother also has the two sisters of Wen Li, and Wen Hui runs out.

The four people surrounded by Wen Li, the face of panic, the question of the seven-mouth eight tongue, and the noisy stunned a big head.

Lin Yu also knows that this family has to say, he reads an eye,

He said: "Grandpa, Mom, you will talk about it, noisy outside, no effect.

Wen Li, I will put down you first, I have to go to see friends, I will not stay. "

This mother noticed that Lin Yu, only to see a look, her heart is not a sinking.

Seeing that Lin put the so good, the temperament is quiet, a table talent, the more you look at her, the more flustered.

Lenoving the beautiful big bag, this is not the year, it is not a big afternoon, suddenly returning to the mother's family, but also bringing Yan Ni to bring back, she began to breed some bad ideas.

"Hey? Don't go!"

Mother Mother sets the idea to leave the forest to leave, some things, she will ask.

She smiled: "The young man, you will send Wen Li to come back, tired? Hurry to enter the house, the aunt gives you a cup of tea!"

"No! No!"

Lin Ran can't see the attempt of the mother, he smiled and refused: "I am really something, I promised to give a friend to send things. This, I will come over, when you come, what you want to ask if you want to ask , Let me return to you again, become? "

Motherhood looked at Lin Yu, smiles have changed: "Then we can say it, you can't come."

"Hey you said!"

Lin Zunnao nodded: "I dare to believe in your family when you are in your family?

But aunt, you have to give me some delicious. Don't eat you, I will give you a gift! "

Listen, he listened to the forest, and suddenly worried.

She confirmed that Lin Yu did not confuse myself.

She laughed: "Cheng! I give you dumplings at night! Cabbage pig fat! Let your grandfather drink two cups with you!"

This year, the general people can eat a dumplings.

That is also to be a plain filling, I am gone to get a egg leeks.

It can take some meat, then it is a bit home.

Mother's opening said that Lin put the dumplings, or the cabbage pig fissed, it is indeed a heart.


Lin Yuchi nodded: "Aunt, then I will wait for the door to eat dumplings! Wen Li, I will go first!"

"You are slow ..."

Wen Li wants to send Linfeng, but she holds Yan Ni, holding the package one hand,

A pile of things is still piled up at the foot, and you can't show up, you have to send it.

"Hey! Wen Li! Go back to the soul!"

The big sister's text is coming to Wen Li, and I asked with my eye: "How, don't help it?"

Honestly, what is your situation with this guy? Good guy, this table is talented, I have seen it itchy! "

"Sister, have you talking about this?"

Wen Li glared in the text, and he said: "We are a common friend relationship!"


The Wenxiu has long, and it seems that there is a laughing: "Ordinary friends relationship, it is really a" ordinary '!

Hey ... I have seen it, you still hide, you will wait for a while! "

Wen Li twisted glanced to sink the silence of water, could not help but swallow.

This home, Miar is the one who is doing.

Others are the rivals, and their families are in turn, and Yan Pue is a father.

Hiding in the first day, hiding fifteen.

Even if Wen Li is equipped with something, it is not in the eyes of the parent, and finally can't escape.

Let Mother Mother Let the Second Sister Wenhui put Yan Ni to play, then said: "Wen Li, you come with me."

Wen Li's left and right, the big sister's Wenxiu did not know when it disappeared.

Wen Father is carrying out, and she is trembled, she dares to call a "dad", and Wen Li suspect that her dad can play out directly.

Under the helplessness, Wen Li can only walk in front of the head.

Men sat on the stool and looked at Wen Li, who bowed his head, didn't feel uncomfortable.

This little daughter is the best in the home.

Although they don't have any rich people, they are also a intellectual family.

From a small, her most love is Wen Li, saying that this little daughter is not in her handheld pearl.

Looking at it, Mother is disappointed with the heart.

She sighed and said: "Wen Li, you will not go down?"

Wen Li listened to this, it was a tremble.

She looked up at the mother: "Mom ... you ... do you know?"

"I know what, I know!"

Mother couldn't help but shoot a table, she angered: "I didn't look at the marriage of Qi Zhi.

You have to pursue any free love, you are free to love, then you are in love! "


Wen Li is a sour, and I don't know if it is more than a grievance, or more.

Her tears will be outstanding: "Sorry, mom ... Sorry ..."

"You ... Hey!"

Mother saw that Wen Li was appearance, and his heart was angry, it was distressed.

She waited for a while, and she said: "Okay, don't cry! Do you cry?"

Tell me, what is going on! Don't you write a guarantee for you?

How can I still do this? You tell me honestly, is it because the previous young man? "

"Mom! What do you say!"

Wen Li can't cry, she rubbed her tears and said: "I swear, I didn't do anything to be sorry!

I have some good feelings about Lin, but we are innocent! "

One of the hearts of the merits, the heart is not so angry.

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