I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 260 ? I'm Alone!

Chapter 260   I am alone, that's all!

Hearing Bai Lin's words, Zhao Zhuo was stunned, "Waist card? Oh, right, look at my brain, the belt cards of their Dongyu tribe have all fallen into my house, and how can I give it to the Eighth Prince after that?" Have a look with Commander Bai."

When Zhao Zhuo finished speaking, Bai Lin chuckled, "Prefect Zhao, you are too nervous. Actually, I was just joking with you. How can the Dongyu clan have any badges?"

ah? No. No badge?

Now, Zhao Zhuo froze on the dinner table.

At this moment, the eighth prince chuckled lightly: "Zhao Zhuo, it seems that you girls are not from the Dongyu tribe, right?"

Now that the Eighth Prince has spoken, how dare Zhao Zhuo continue to pretend?

"Hey, look at me. I paid attention to the orders of the Eighth Prince and Commander Bai, and I was called wrong. Indeed. These girls are indeed not from the Dongyu tribe." Zhao Zhuo's smile was no longer on the inside.

At that moment, Bai Lin picked up a glass of wine with a smile, and went straight to Zhao Zhuo, "Prefect Zhao, although they are not from the Dongyu clan, but I said some people from the Dongyu clan, let's see if Mr. Zhao knows them?"

"Please tell me." Zhao Zhuo's forehead began to sweat.

"Dongyu Clan Huanwu Bear, Master Zhao knows?" When he said this, Bai Lin stared straight at Zhao Zhuo.

Since Bai Lin can tell the exact name, of course he has already met Huan Wuxiong.

Since Zhao Zhuo can become the magistrate of Beimu Mansion, he will not be a fool, and he also knows why Bai Lin can easily say this name.

Therefore, Zhao Zhuo smiled awkwardly: "Return to Commander Bai, I know that this person is indeed a member of the Dongyu clan, but he is treacherous by nature, so what he says is absolutely unbelievable."

Treacherous by nature?

This unique word made Bai Lin really want to laugh: "Oh? Why did Zhifu Zhao say that?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zhuo's subordinates directly handed over a list of detainees with a glance: "Commander Bai, please take a look, these are all those who have committed crimes in Beimu Mansion in recent years. This Huan Wuxiong has been recorded. As many as three times!"

When speaking, Zhao Zhuo also showed a look of endless anger.

However, Bai Lin could only use two words to describe this clumsy performance: Speechless!

After Zhao Zhuo put all the evidence in front of his eyes, Bai Lin smiled, "Prefect Zhao, who is in charge of detaining others in Beimu Mansion?"

Bai Lin's words stunned Zhao Zhuo for a moment: "According to common sense, all detainees in Beimu Mansion need to be approved by me, but because I'm really busy with affairs, I'll leave it to the people below to take care of it."

The people below?

When Bai Lin entered the Beimu Mansion just now, he had already noticed that the people around Zhao Zhuo seemed to be very afraid, and the people looked at him as if they didn't dare to provoke him.

If Bai Lin's guess is correct, this person should have some reputation in the local area, or the reputation of a bully.

It's just that a local bully can enter Beimu Mansion as an official?

"Master Zhao, the people you mentioned below should be your relatives, right?" Bai Lin smiled and gave the Eighth Prince a wink.


When Bai Lin's words fell, the Eighth Prince slapped the table directly: "Zhao Zhuo, under the imperial court of the Taiwu Shengguo, those who are selected for any position need to report for assessment, and only those who pass can be appointed officials, except for your Beimu Mansion? "


The eighth prince's words made Zhao Zhuo's heart tremble suddenly, and he almost knelt down in fright: "Oh, I don't dare to be the eighth prince, all the officials in my Beimu Mansion have passed the review, so I dare not make mistakes! "

"Really? Then find me all the officials in your Beimu Mansion, and I want to see if they have passed the review!" The Eighth Prince had a serious face, without any intention of joking.

At the moment, Zhao Zhuo was completely panicked.

Because he knew that once he summoned all the officials here, the Eighth Prince would be able to find out that there was someone who had never been reported for review, and that person was his brother-in-law, the tyrant of Beimu Mansion, Chen Ping!

Therefore, he wanted to find an absolute reason to cover this matter!

"Prince Baba, the area under the jurisdiction of the Beimu Mansion is relatively light. If everyone is notified to gather in the Beimu Mansion, it must be impossible within three or two days. Look." Zhao Zhuo rolled his eyes.

Hearing his words, the Eighth Prince frowned, but there was nothing he could do, "Bai Lin, look"

Hearing the sound, Bai Lin put the wine glass back on the table, "Since this is the case, then of course there is no need, but Mr. Zhao's relatives should all be in Beimu City, right?"


Bai Lin's words almost made Zhao Zhuo sit on the ground directly!

He had calculated thousands of times, but he never expected that Bai Lin would do such a trick to him!

Yes, it is very troublesome to summon the officials of Beimu Mansion, but Zhao Zhuo's relatives are all in Beimu City, so it is not easy to summon them?

But the problem is, when Zhao Zhuo's relatives arrive, who is the official and who is the citizen?

Looking at Zhao Zhuo who was already like an ant on a hot pot, Bai Lin smiled softly: "It seems that Mr. Zhao has something hard to hide, but we are not so unreasonable people, we only have one purpose here."

Hearing this, Zhao Zhuo seemed to have found a step to go down, and hurriedly answered: "Commander Bai, please clarify."

"The Dongyu tribe has been harassed by people from outside the country for a long time, causing the people to live in dire straits and have no harvest. They can no longer survive. Why did the Beimu Mansion know but not report it, and even ignore their lives!" The smile on Bai Lin's face Disappeared in an instant.

At that moment, Zhao Zhuo's heart was completely cold. He knew that he still could not escape this catastrophe!

"Hey" After a heavy sigh, Zhao Zhuo raised his head again: "The eighth prince, Commander Bai, to tell you the truth, it's not that I don't want to report it, but that there are only a few people in the Dongyu clan, so I can't bother the capital because of a few people." Shall we move our troops northward?"

The matter was finally explained, but Zhao Zhuo's attitude made the Eighth Prince instantly furious! "What is a few people? How many people's lives can be abandoned? How has my Taiwu Shengguo ever given up the lives of any people?"

"This..." Zhao Zhuo looked helpless.

In fact, what he said was the matter, even if he really reported it, when he arrived at the court, as long as the Holy Majesty did not see the memorial with his own eyes, he would definitely be backed away intact!

Because of the small number of Dongyu people, the capital will definitely not send a large army, because the current Taiwu Shengguo regards peace as the most important thing, and small troubles are fine, but they absolutely don't want to stir up any disputes!

However, when Zhao Zhuo fell silent, Bai Lin on the side smiled softly: "Since those people from abroad dare to enter the country to make trouble, but only harass the Dongyu people, they must not want to intensify the relationship with Taiwu Shengguo."

"So, there is no need for an army to go out for this matter, I will go."

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