I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 278 ? No, what about people?

Chapter 278   No, what about people?

Hearing Bai Lin's words, Cheng Yun'er in the carriage looked curious: "Bai Lin, how do you know that this is their first robbery?"

Hearing the sound, Bai Lin grinned: "Who would choose this kind of place for robbing? Even if you can rob a place where the birds don't shit, it must be a poor family."

"Besides, what did they tell us in the first sentence? They said they recognized money but not people, and asked us to hand over our money? If it was really a robbery, they would probably do it directly without saying a word."

After Bai Lin finished speaking, Cheng Yun'er nodded: "So that's how it is."

As soon as Cheng Yun'er said this, the leading man immediately knelt down in front of Bai Lin, begging bitterly: "Hero, I am originally a villager from the nearby Wangshan Village, and I was forced to come here to rob my way. Please, the hero, show mercy."


This is a new remark, and Bai Lin couldn't help but smile; "Are there still people who force people to rob people these days? Let's hear it?"

At that moment, the leading man dared not to hide anything, and said directly: "It's Li Dazhuang from our village, who has practiced martial arts for several years and is domineering in the village. No one dares to provoke him, even the county magistrate. I'm afraid of him!"

"It's him who forces the villagers to come out to rob the way every day, and hand over all the collected money to him, and then just give us some food, so we can barely survive!"

"Damn it, how could there be such a person!" The man just finished speaking, when Cheng Yun'er in the carriage said, "Where is the mountain village? Lead the way. I want to see today. Why did he dare to do this?" furious!"

Hearing Cheng Yun'er's words, Bai Lin felt the black line on his forehead: "I said Yun'er, let's leave this kind of nosy business alone and hurry up."

"No, since I have met them all, then I can't watch these people suffer. Besides, with you here, it won't take long to solve this matter, right?" Cheng Yun'er blinked her big eyes, Let Bai Lin not have the courage to refuse at all.

At the moment, Bai Lin could only wave his hand helplessly: "Then... let's go."

From here, over a mountain is Wangshan Village,

However, they had already reached the entrance of the village, but Bai Lin didn't notice anyone, and the whole village was eerily quiet.

And the man who robbed the road next to him had a bitter look on his face: "It's shameful for the heroes. The villagers are all scared by Li Dazhuang's misfortune, and they don't dare to go out on weekdays."

Hearing the sound, Bai Lin nodded, and it was at this time that he realized that Wangshan Village was even poorer than he imagined, and even the houses were piled up with stones.

When he first arrived in Soochow City, Bai Lin felt that he was poor enough, but now that he saw Wangshan Village, Bai Lin finally knew what it meant to be poor.

It is said that troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers, and it seems that it is not completely unreasonable.

After wandering around the village for a while, Bai Lin stopped and asked, "My fellow, where is that Da Zhuang you mentioned?"

Right after Bai Lin finished speaking, a very strange and arrogant voice sounded: "Who is looking for Grandpa?"

Looking for the sound, I saw a guy with a shirtless body and glaring eyes striding forward, followed by a group of people of all kinds, but they didn't look like decent people.

When the man came up to him, he grabbed the person leading the way for Bai Lin, and asked angrily, "Who the hell asked you to come back? Is there any Taoist robber today? Let me tell you, Chang Laowu, you have already You haven’t robbed anyone for three days, and if you can’t stop it, your family will starve to death!”

It seems that this man should be Li Dazhuang.

At that moment, just as Bai Lin was about to speak, Cheng Yun'er's figure approached directly in front of him, pointed at Li Dazhuang and said, "You are not an official, and you have no right. Why do you instruct others to do such outrageous things?"


The appearance of Cheng Yun'er made Li Dazhuang stunned for a moment, and then he smiled wretchedly: "Oh, Chang Laowu did a good job, and brought back such a beautiful chick? I like it."

At that moment, Li Dazhuang stretched out his hand, wanting to pinch Cheng Yun'er's face.

How could Li Dazhuang have a chance when he was about to strike in front of Bai Lin?

Just as he stretched out his hand, Bai Lin stretched out his right hand and pinched Li Dazhuang's arm directly: "Brother, it doesn't matter how much you like, this is my woman."

my woman!

These four words made Cheng Yun'er's little face flush immediately, and she shyly hid behind Bai Lin.

However, Li Dazhuang frowned and smiled disdainfully: "Your woman? Don't tell me, your grandpa Li Dazhuang likes to play with other women's women. If you let go now, I guarantee that you can visit the mountain village safe and sound, how about it? "

After Li Dazhuang finished speaking, Bai Lin chuckled: "Whether I can walk out of Wangshan Village or not, it's not up to you to decide, is it?"


Seeing Bai Lin's tough posture, Li Dazhuang turned his head and smiled at the people around him: "Brothers, I have seen people who are desperate, but this is the first time I have seen such a deadly person, so let him know what we are looking for Mountain village hospitality!"

After Li Dazhuang finished speaking, several people around him came up with clenched fists, staring at Bai Lin as if they were looking at a plaything.

However, before Bai Lin could make a move, Tong Gan who was behind him rushed out instantly.

Just like a wolf into a herd of sheep, it rushed directly into the crowd!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although Tong Gan is not a martial artist, he is an iron-blooded man on the battlefield after all, and his abilities are honed from every life and death!

Therefore, all the people around Li Dazhuang were knocked down, and they didn't even know what happened.

Seeing Tong Gan's vigorous skill, Li Dazhuang narrowed his eyes fiercely: "It seems to be Lianjiazi, okay, then let Grandpa take care of you!"

At that moment, Li Dazhuang's arm shook suddenly, trying to break free from Bai Lin's iron hand.

However, Bai Lin's hand was like a pair of iron tongs, Li Dazhuang couldn't break free at all!

Moreover, the more Li Dazhuang struggled, the tighter the hand holding his arm became!

Click! Click! Click!

At this moment, you can even clearly hear the sound of bones rubbing against each other!

A piercing pain caused Li Dazhuang's face to change instantly. He glared at Bai Lin fiercely, and shouted angrily, "Boy, let me go immediately. Do you think I'm the only ones like this? Let me tell you, as long as I shout now, The people of Wangshan Village can surround you in an instant!"

"Oh? Really?" The corner of Bai Lin's mouth curled up, and he shook his right hand lightly!


Li Dazhuang's arm was obviously bent, and it was broken by Bai Lin!

"Ah! My arm, my arm!!!" Li Dazhuang yelled wildly in pain.

However, Bai Lin looked around and frowned slightly: "No, why didn't you come out without saying a word? Where is the person?"

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