I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 542: So Terrifying

At this moment, the thunder and lightning that had been brewing in the air for a long time began to become irritable.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded in the sky, and the huge sound immediately exploded into everyone's ears and buzzed.

Some timid people who were afraid of death fell to their knees in fright, and their eyes turned cold for a moment.

They regretted a little. If they had known that Heavenly Tribulation was so strong, they would not have come to watch. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now, and there is no medicine for regret in the world.

Now, the audience can only bite the bullet.

After the sound of thunder, many people started to flee backwards. Some people wanted to run, but found that their legs were already weak at this time.

"It's too fucking scary, isn't it? My God!"

"I don't want to go through any bullshit thunder calamity in my life. Isn't this fucking scary? It's so terrifying, so terrifying!"

"My dear, if this thunder wants me to explode on my body, it will directly return to the west? God, I don't want to go through the catastrophe in my life!"

"No, I want to go home! Whoever sent me home, I seem to pee!"

Some timid warriors were so frightened that they peed on their pants when they heard the sound of thunder.

You can see the horror of the thunder.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered, the kind that were already so dark that they couldn't get any darker.

"The power of this catastrophe can be seen, what is the probability of surviving?"

"Near death!"

After learning about the probability, many people felt even more desperate, fearing that they would be cast a shadow over their entire lives.

So it's better not to watch the matter of crossing the catastrophe, because if you read it, you won't want to cross the catastrophe for the rest of your life.

Out of sight, out of mind, this sentence is really a philosophy of life.


I saw thunder and lightning rolling in the black cloud continuously, and finally stopped waiting. In an instant, the thunder on the black cloud was out of control.

After a loud noise for several days, thunder and lightning like a thunder dragon struck down.

In an instant, everyone gasped when they saw Thunder Dragon.


After hearing a loud bang.

Nuo Da's sky thunder directly smashed to the ground with the momentum of destroying everything. From the position where Bai Lin was, it was announced that the thunder disaster had officially started.

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

After the thunder and lightning landed, the sky was filled with sand and stones, and the loud sound made everyone's ears buzzing.

The surrounding smog, with Bai Lin as the most important, filled the eyes, and everyone was frightened, and they retreated far away unconsciously.

"Is this the Thunder Tribulation?"

"It's so strong!"

"After this thunder tribulation, is it over?"

"How about the people who crossed the robbery?"

"I'm afraid that no one can survive such a thunder calamity. It's impossible, not even a strong person in this universe. This thunder calamity is really terrifying!"

"It's impossible for someone to survive such a thunder disaster. It's impossible. I don't believe that anyone can survive the disaster."

"My God, how did those strong men in the realm of this universe succeed in overcoming the tribulation?"

"Could it be that we can only hope that the Thunder Tribulation misses? No, no, no... Even if it misses, it can kill people."


Everyone began to doubt life, and couldn't believe that anyone could survive such a terrifying thunder disaster.

Although there was only one lightning calamity, there was no possibility for the human body to resist this powerful and fearful force, not even the slightest possibility.

Even if you put on equipment, even if it is equipment at the level of an artifact, it may not be able to resist such a powerful thunder disaster.

It's hard to imagine how the strong people in the realm of this universe survived the thunder disaster. With their imagination, they couldn't imagine the possibility of being alive at all.

Dean Gongsun and the others were also shocked when they saw the huge pit not far away.

Although they have all experienced Lei Jing, and the power of the thunder calamity exploded in front of their eyes just now, they are deeply aware of the accumulated power. In their view, this kind of powerful thunder calamity cannot be resisted by human beings at all, even if it is Dean Gongsun himself was in the midst of the thunder calamity, and he might not even be able to keep the whole body in the end.

"What the hell is going on with this little one??"

"Why did this kid cause such a powerful sky thunder, is there something wrong??"

"Could something be wrong?"

"Could it be that God made a mistake and made a mistake about Lei Jie?"

The thunder disaster experienced by Dean Gongsun and the others is probably only one-fifth of the power of the thunder disaster experienced by Bai Lin.

Not a class at all.

Although they had three lightning calamities, the three thunder calamities added together were not as powerful as Bai Lin's one.

And there is no comparison at all.

As a result, Bai Lin has no possibility of surviving.


Dean Gongsun Zou eyebrows.

"Is God also jealous of Bai Lin's talent?"


Dean Gongsun shook his head, and was already preparing to collect Bai Lin's body.


After a long time, the surroundings became calm for a moment, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and everyone present was waiting to see the final result.

In the huge pit in the distance, Bai Lin's voice could no longer be seen, presumably it had been struck by lightning and there was not even a scum left.


"It's so miserable!"

It was a mess all around.

After everyone finished watching, they couldn't help but gasp.

Are you afraid of such a thunder disaster?

Obviously they were all scared, they had never seen such a terrifying emptiness.

Even the attack by Dean Gongsun, who was in the previous realm of this universe, was not as terrible as this thunder calamity.

It's not a degree of attack at all.

"This kid should be dead, right?"

Dean Gongsun shook his head: "There is no possibility of surviving at all."


At this time, there is still a huge question in everyone's mind.

People who don't know about thunder calamity are afraid of thunder calamity, but those who have experienced it know that this thunder calamity is not as powerful as it is now.

I am afraid that there will be such a thunderous calamity when the realm of this universe crosses the calamity again.

So Dean Gongsun once thought that God made a mistake. He mistakenly brought the thunder calamity that Benyu's realm needed to encounter to Bai Lin in advance. There was a whole level difference in the middle, so Bai Lin could not possibly be alive.


At this time, Dean Gongsun sighed again and was about to leave.

Right now there is no need to collect Bai Lin's body, because neither of the bodies is there, and it must have turned into dust in the air.

However, at this moment, a huge thunder exploded in the sky.


Lightning as thick as a dragon still flashed in the air.

The loud and loud thunder seemed to be brewing a more powerful thunder disaster.


Not only did the black clouds have no intention of retreating, but they gathered again.

Suddenly, Dean Gongsun understood something.

"The catastrophe has not ended, does this mean that Bai Lin is not dead at all?"


"This is impossible!"

"Under such a thunder disaster, it is impossible for people to live."

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