I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 545 Purple Thunder Light

The thunder in the sky finally could not be suppressed.

In an instant, like a violent bomb, it exploded directly.

I saw above the dark clouds, the thunder dragon seemed to have gone berserk, and began to pour down. At the same time, it was no longer silver, but turned purple.

Everyone suddenly cried out in shock.


"Is this purple lightning? What's going on? Why does lightning turn purple?"

At the same time, Dean Gongsun realized something was wrong, and immediately shouted: "Quick back!"

He knew that the purple lightning would not be as usual, and its power would double again.

This time God was completely outraged.

"Everyone, run away! Go back quickly, it will be too late if it is too late."

"what happened??"

"Am I the purple lightning?? What happened?"

Facing the purple thunder dragon, Dean Gongsun's expression also became very ugly in an instant.

Because he knew what the purple thunder and lightning represented. She had seen Qingyan before, so she naturally knew the power of the purple thunder.

Because his master died under this purple thunder calamity.

When Dean Gongsun's master was crossing the calamity towards the realm of measuring calamity, he encountered a purple thunderbolt named Zixiao Leijie.

But with just one attack, Dean Gongsun's master disappeared without a trace, and was smashed into scum in an instant.

It has since become dust in the air, leaving nothing behind.

The thunder calamity that was also purple at the moment reminded Dean Gongsun of the past that was buried in his memory.

The past is vivid.

Although the current thunder and lightning is not as strong as the thunder and lightning that his master encountered back then, but it is also purple lightning, the effect should be similar.

So Dean Gongsun can already predict that this blow will definitely blow up the surrounding area beyond recognition, and they must dodge a little farther away, and they can run as far as they can.

"This... is this the Purple Cloud Thunder Tribulation?."

"Could this be the legendary Zixiaolei!! This is too shocking?"

"It's crazy to go to the heavens. Are you really angry that you sent Zixiao Lei down on a martial artist who has broken the mirror and crossed the catastrophe?"

"No, everyone! Run!"

In an instant, everyone realized that something was wrong, so they all backed away.

Chengfeng also felt that something was wrong, and immediately ran back with everyone.

For a moment, everyone backed away, and now only Bai Lin was able to survive the tribulation in the middle.

Bai Lin could also feel the power of the purple thunder calamity, and this time the power of the thunder calamity more than doubled again.

"God, you really think highly of me!"

"bring it on!"

"Let's wreak havoc."


"Bang bang!"

In an instant, Zixiao Lei turned into purple thunder dragons, which descended suddenly.

In an instant, it fell directly centered on Bai Lin.

It felt like the ground was shaking all around, and the position where Bai Lin was sitting was instantly razed to the ground by Zi Xiaolei's power.

For a while, this place became a hell on earth, as if it had just experienced the end.

Everything has become unrecognizable, and there is no way to see what it used to be.


"Hoo hoo..."



Everyone exclaimed, and for a while, some warriors with relatively low martial arts were overturned by the air wave and flew out in an instant, like Feng Zhong with a broken thread in the air.

In the distance, Dean Gongsun and others were also blown by the strong wind and couldn't open their eyes at all, so they could only force their eyes to stabilize their bodies.


"This mountain should have been razed to the ground!"

"Is this kid still alive?"

"If this is to survive the tribulation at the Xuanwu Academy, will the Xuanwu Academy be destroyed in a short time?"

"Damn it, it's fortunate that this kid ran out, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

"What's going on here? Did this kid do something wrong? How could he encounter such a strong thunder disaster?"

"I must have done nothing good. God took this opportunity to take this kid's life."

After everyone avoided Zi Xiaolei's attack range, they all sighed.

If this strikes on one's own body, it will be turned into dust in the air in an instant.

I don't know how this kid is doing now, is he still alive? or dead?

It's just a pity that the nearby trees are either blown away or blown off by the strong wind.

When some warriors saw the long sword, many of them were frightened.

They are all ordinary people who only know a little martial arts, and some are even ordinary people in Qianyang City. When have they ever seen such a scene.

They were indeed shocked by Lei Jie today, and they would never forget this scene for the rest of their lives. At this moment, they all stood there in a daze, neither speaking nor moving, leaving nothing but a blank in their minds.

So scary!

It's so scary!

After the thunder tribulation fell, it was declared over.

The dark clouds in the sky quickly disappeared, and the sky cleared up for a while, and the long-lost sun shone on the earth.

However, the air at this time is still filled with countless thunder attribute elements.

It is more slag with a burnt taste.

Where Bai Lin was located, there was continuous air-filled smoke rising.

At this time, Bai Lin's figure could no longer be seen, and the surrounding area was destroyed badly, and even Bai Lin's original location could not be distinguished.

The previous big pit was also replaced by a larger huge pit.

"He is the head master?"

Han Xueer was also dumbfounded.

The person who was directly shocked by Zi Xiaolei just now was temporarily deaf in both ears, and at the same time his mind was blank, but he was subconsciously worried about Bai Lin, and his mind was a little unconscious for a while.

After a long time, Han Xueer finally came to her senses and looked at the ruins in front of her.

Han Xueer couldn't help but worry.

"Master Sect Leader...will she die?"


At this moment, Chengfeng sighed.

The sky has cleared and the thunderclouds have dispersed, which has proved that Lei Jie's announcement is the end.

But there was no sign of the head master.

Many people felt that although Bai Lin had already broken through to the realm of the original universe, the last thunder tribulation was too violent. Even Bai Lin's disciples felt that the head master should be doomed this time.

Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't want to believe it.

Even if Bai Lin's body was right in front of them, they still didn't want to believe it.

If Bai Lin died, it would be a tragedy for Cheng Feng.

He just joined the Wangu faction, and before he learned anything from Bai Lin, Bai Lin drove west of Hexi first.

Who are you going to reason with?

Moreover, Dean Gongsun knew that this Zixiaolei was prepared for warriors in the realm of this universe to cross the tribulation.

Now Bai Lin has just entered the realm of Benyu.

I'm afraid I can't bear such a thunder disaster at all.

Just now he swore to feel stable, but he was slapped in the face in an instant.

This taste is very uncomfortable.

"Could it be that heaven is jealous of talents?"

"Unfortunately, another genius has been lost."



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