I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 548 Complete the task lying down

Before leaving, Bai Lin had given the charged sniper rifle to Lu Yong for use.

The recoil of this sniper rifle is very powerful.

But after training, Lu Yong at this time has been able to adapt to this powerful recoil.

Among the Wangu faction, only Lu Yong can control this charged sniper rifle.

With the sound of a violent gunshot, Lu Yong fired a shot directly in the dark.

For a moment, a bullet with blue light shot out, like a shooting star in the sky, and the next second, it penetrated the body of a killer.

At the same time, Bai Lin also received a prompt from the system.

"Task progress 1/4."

Bai Lin was taken aback, she could complete the task lying down.

That's not bad.

If he could complete the task lying down, Bai Lin almost laughed out loud.

Soon, Bai Lin found Lu Yong.

"Master, are you here?"

"A few killers came over just now, and I have been waiting for them here for two days."

"Master Sect Master, they often come here when you are not around, so this time I squatted here to show them some color."

In the distance, the remaining three killers were terrified.

They were not internal members of the Ling organization, but just joined them not long ago, so they could barely be counted as the killers of the Ling organization, but they could only do some intelligence gathering work.

In the past few days, they are responsible for studying the formation in front of the mountain gate of the Wangu School.

Originally, the investigation went relatively smoothly, but after a few days, a companion was shot in the head. When the companion was far away, he was lying there, and his head was still bleeding.

The few people watching were stunned.

Just for a moment, before they knew what happened, they saw their companion's head fly out.

But there is no one in front of him, and there is no gap between them.

Looking at the cold corpse of their companion, several people were terrified.

Because they don't even know how their companion died.

If it were an ordinary person, they would be scared to death directly.

"What happened just now?"

"Have you seen clearly?"

At this time, several people were hiding nearby, one was hiding behind a boulder, one was hiding under a tree, and the other was lying under the nearest stone, not daring to show his head at all.

"I didn't see clearly, I don't know what's going on."

"Just now I saw a stream of light attacking, and then he died."

Everyone recalled the scene at that time.

I did see a stream of light vaguely. At first I thought it was a shooting star, but now that I think about it carefully, it is really not a shooting star.

"Could it be some hidden weapon?"

"hidden weapon?"

"Then this hidden weapon is too powerful?"

"The Eternal Sect is really evil. It's no wonder that many of the brothers who came before didn't go back. They should have died here. Why don't we retreat first!"

The few people were already scared to death by Liu Guang before, so there is no mood to stay here and continue to adjust errands, unless it is desperate.

Several people agree.

"That's a good idea."

So the remaining three killers of Ling's organization prepared to return the same way.

And I have already sworn that I will never come near the Wangu faction again in this life, not even once.

However, at this time, the corners of Lu Yong's mouth slightly raised.

"Think you can't see you if you hide?"

It is true that only Bai Lin can use the see-through function, but Lu Yong already knew that several people were hiding behind rocks and big trees with the scope before, so now he can only guess blindly.


After a loud noise, Lu Yong fired a shot, and the assassin behind the tree was directly pierced through the chest.

Watching his companion die tragically.

The other two were also very nervous.

"It's not safe behind the tree. It's safer to be behind the stone. I don't believe that this hidden weapon can penetrate the stone."

However, as soon as this person finished speaking, he was shot in the head by a bullet.

The last person left went crazy.


"Can this hidden weapon penetrate stones?"

"This... is too scary, right?"

At this moment, the last killer was desperate, he didn't know whether to run or not, his mind was blank.

Facing the fear of the unknown directly broke the killer's heart.

Then he hit the stone directly and committed suicide directly.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the task."

"Reward draw five times."

Bai Lin was taken aback, didn't he fire three shots? How did you complete the task?

It was only at the end that I found out that the remaining killer had committed suicide in fright.

This task is completed, a bit simple.

Bai Lin even thought that if there were killers coming to kill him every day, then the number of lottery draws would be enough to be soft.

But thinking about it is not the case, after all, the system needs to issue tasks.

I'm afraid there won't be such a good opportunity in the future.

But Bai Lin has already made his decision.

This shitty Ling organization must be wiped out.

Not destroying them will always be a threat to the Eternal Sect.

And destroying a killer organization, not only will they not be blamed, but they will also get good rewards.

If it was changed to the Celestial Dynasty, they would definitely be rewarded with five hundred yuan and a pennant.

But here comes the question, where is the specific location of the Ling organization?

No one knows this question, even if you ask Dean Gongsun of Xuanwu College, he also doesn't know where the Ling organization is.

After all, for an assassin organization to survive until now, the work of keeping secrets must be in place.

Maybe even their killers don't know where the headquarters are.

Or this Ling organization doesn't have any headquarters at all.

All rely on the communication network to transmit information.

In this way, it is very difficult to deal with the Ling organization.

It is necessary to disintegrate their intelligence network.

But this is not something that can be accomplished overnight.


At the Jianghu meeting, many people in this Ling organization knew about it, and everyone knew that this organization was very mysterious.

Moreover, no one knows who the leader of the Ling organization is.

After all, they want to sit around and use people's money to eliminate disasters for others, so naturally the whole continent is their enemy.

It is definitely not a simple matter to gain a foothold.

Up to now, the Ling organization is still in stock, so it depends on the Ling organization's excellence.

Presumably, if an organization wants to survive for a long time, it cannot gather together.

Of course the brain is also essential.

It is the same as the human brain.

Although there are limbs, eyes, nose and mouth.

But it needs the control of the brain.

Therefore, as long as Bai Lin destroys this brain, the Ling Organization will receive a devastating blow, and it is impossible to completely destroy it.

But as long as they can't recover in a short period of time, it's okay.

Of course, there is another way, that is to join if you can't beat it.

If the Wangu faction can use the members of the Ling organization for their own use.

In this way, it is definitely a good thing to collect information for the Eternal Sect and investigate some things.

But it may be more difficult to make the Ling organization surrender than to kill them.

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