Ling Hua looked at the disciples of the Eternal Sect, all of whom were exhausted to the point of death, but their cultivations were all in the Divine Realm, so they thought they were the elite disciples of the Eternal Sect.

However, this is just an ordinary disciple.

Bai Lin shook his head again: "These disciples have average talents, so they can only practice hard here for a little time."

The corner of Ling Hua's mouth twitched.

Still lying to me? If it wasn't for the elite disciple, Ling Hua would have wanted to hit his head to death.

"Go, let's take you in and have a look."

Bai Lin flirted with the disciple who was guarding the door, and immediately opened the door of the Gravity Building.

Bai Lin issued an order before, in order to prevent some disciples from being exhausted inside, no one is allowed in the Gravity Building from 6:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Some disciples almost died of exhaustion in it before.

So at this time, the Gravity Building had just been closed, and it was only Bai Lin who wanted to reopen it.


Bai Lin made a gesture of invitation.

Ling Hua is also very curious. Although the shape of the building is known, it should be a place similar to cultivation, but I am still very curious about the specific effect.

After entering, Ling Hua suddenly felt that her footsteps became heavy.

So I know that the gravity inside is different from the outside.

But just after taking two steps, I feel that I can't walk anymore, because there is five times the gravity on one floor.

It was hard for Linghua to get used to it for a while.

But for a master in the late stage of Broken Mirror, five times the gravity is nothing at all, it's just that he can't move freely as usual.

"Go to the second floor and have a look."

When reaching the second floor, the gravity directly increased to ten times.

At this moment, Ling Hua was shocked.

"Could it be that the disciples of the Eternal Sect usually practice like this?"

"Ten times the gravity."

"I can't move my legs."

Immediately Linghua understood why the disciples of the Wangu Sect were so strong.

It turns out that there are such powerful training equipment.

And this is not the top floor, presumably above this, the gravity will be even stronger.

Thinking of this, Ling Hua not only gasped.

"Go, let's take you to the next place."

After Bai Lin finished speaking, she took Ling Hua downstairs.

"Also," Ling Hua was shocked enough at this time, is there anything else for cultivation?

Afterwards, the two came to the edge of the training room, looking at the small houses in the distance, Ling Hua showed a puzzled face.

"What's this?"

Bai Lin said lightly: "You will know when you go in."


Ling Hua was a little hesitant, but in order to know the truth of the matter, she decided to go in and have a look.

Watching Ling Hua enter the training, Bai Lin put the spirit stone in and activated the button.

As expected, Ling Hua's miserable screams came from inside, and the screams were endless.

The corners of Bai Lin's mouth twitched when he heard it.

But the people nearby seem to be used to it.

Because during the period of Bai Lin's absence, the nearby disciples practiced in the training every day, and they had already become accustomed to it.

So the disciples are not surprised at all.

But Bai Lin was not used to it, and felt extremely miserable for a while.

A few minutes later, Ling Hua couldn't bear the system's direct alarm.

Send it to Ling Hua, otherwise it will be easy to endanger life.

First of all, Ling Hua is a speed-type fighter, mainly relying on the advantage of speed.

Physical strength and defense are not very strong.

So he couldn't sustain the intensity in the training room at all.

After a few minutes, she couldn't bear it anymore. Although Ling Hua was a strong person, she still couldn't.

In fact, except for a few ruthless people.

Few people can withstand this kind of perverted training.

Bai Lin can be regarded as one of them, after all, Bai Lin has a system in his body, so of course he can bear it.

I saw Ling Hua coming out of it covered in charred black.

A look of despair.

Obviously badly injured.

Bai Lin quickly took out the healing pill and put it in Ling Hua's mouth.

Immediately, Ling Hua's complexion recovered a little.

"By the way, this is also a reward in the sect."

"There are other pills."

"Every disciple can receive it."

Ling Hua knew that this elixir was very unusual, and when she took it, she felt a surge of pure energy.

It can be said that Ling Hua is well-informed, but she has never taken such a pure elixir.

Immediately, I felt that my whole body was much better.

And I heard that this is the welfare of the Wangu sect, the eyes are full of color.

"Aside from this, what other medicines are there?"

The so-called people die for wealth, and birds die for food.

With such a pure elixir, Ling Hua was very tempted.

"There are also pills to increase the skill."

"Don't you know?"

Ling Hua had investigated the Eternal Sect before, and indeed there was information on the pills. Before that, City Lord Lin and the Ling Organization worked together to deal with the Eternal Sect.

Isn't it just for the pill.

Just now Ling Hua was tortured in the training room, her brain short-circuited for a while, and she even forgot the most important thing.

That's right, the elixir that supplied the Li family was provided by Bai Lin.

There are potions that increase power.

There are also regeneration pills and super healing pills.

But these pills are extremely rare, it is impossible for every disciple to supply them, right?

However, in Bai Lin's hands, these elixirs, as long as there are corresponding medicinal materials, there can be countless elixirs.

"It's clear, but can everyone supply it?" Ling Hua was very curious. If everyone could supply it, it would require countless pills.

Moreover, it is impossible for everyone to have one such precious pill.

At this moment, Bai Lin randomly pulled a disciple over and asked, "Tell him, how many pills our sect can receive every month, and what are they?"

The disciple thought for a while and said, "There are three top-quality healing pills, one pill to increase cultivation, and one pill to increase the speed of cultivation."

"If you are injured, you can also get regeneration pills. This is allocated on demand."

After listening, Ling Hua was completely shocked.

In other people's hands, the elixir that is hard to find in one pill, in the Wangu sect, everyone can get it.

The gap in the middle is too big, right?

Ling Hua was messed up in the wind by herself.

"How is it? Can you join the Eternal Sect now?"

Faced with such resources, even the sect might not be able to afford them.

But Bai Lin is the best pill casually.

How could Ling Hua not be surprised, and faced with such a temptation, she just wanted to join.

He didn't even need to discuss with his killers, no one could refuse such a big temptation.

"I agree," Ling Hua turned her attitude 180 degrees and agreed directly.

"But I have one more request."

Ling Hua said seriously.

"Tell me, if it can be done, I will find a way to do it."

"First, only you, Sect Master Bai, can know the list."

"Second, our Ling organization set up a separate hall."

"Except for you, head Bai, you are under no one's control."

"I don't know if the Wangu faction has a hall responsible for intelligence. I can be the hall master."

Ling Hua stated her conditions, and Bai Lin nodded after listening. These two conditions are very clear.

And Bai Lin also understands that these are all normal requirements, and they are not unreasonable at all.

"No, but now it is."

"Master Ling, welcome to join the big family of the Wangu Sect."

Establishing a hall is not a matter of Bai Lin's words.

As for whether the Ling Organization would betray Bai Lin or not, there was no need for pills at all. As long as Bai Lin had the Ling Organization's list in hand, they would not dare to do anything wrong.

After all, these people want to quit the Ling organization unless there is a big change.

Otherwise, these people will be abandoned.

And Bai Lin can not only provide them with the elixir for cultivation, but also have a safe position no less than the same as the previous headquarters of the Ling organization.

And in the future, all affairs will be done under the banner of the Wangu faction, even if something happens, they can only settle accounts with Bai Lin, and it has nothing to do with Ling Hua.

Bai Lin was the culprit.

"Master, I admire your courage. You dare to incorporate our Ling organization."

"Really, aren't you afraid that our enemies will come to you?"

The corners of Bai Lin's mouth were slightly the same.

"If they want to come, they are always welcome."

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