I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 558 Foodie Competition

The two began to compete for food.

Lu Yong has his eyes on all the fish, but Lu Hou wants half of everything.

For a while, the two almost fought.

The rest of the crowd is more casual.

Get something to eat.

The boss on the side looked at the few people, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"You still want to pay back your money with me?"


"You are too young."

At this time, the boss made a show of flirting with Xiao Er, Xiao Er understood, and immediately took a jug of wine and let go.

The wine in this world is different from the wine in China.

The degree of alcohol here is not that high, and it is all dirty wine.

Only the more expensive wine is delicious, and the ordinary wine is almost meaningless.

"Several guest officers, this is the sake brewed by our shop, please try it."


Immediately, everyone became interested. It's not that rich can drink sake these days.

Only members of the royal family can enjoy a steady flow of sake.

All special drinks.

Ordinary people haven't even seen it.

And the boss directly brought up a pot of sake, and the pot of sake alone was as simple as a few hundred taels of silver.

However, after it was poured out, it was still a little cloudy, just a little stronger than ordinary wine.

This kind of wine is more common.

I saw the word "sake" written on the jug. It must be that the wine is called "sake", not the type of wine.

This boss is smart.

It's full of tricks.

The boss watched everyone drink up the clear water, and immediately showed a smug smile.

"There are special ingredients in this wine."

"This ingredient will suppress your appetite. No matter how good your appetite is and how much you can eat, as long as you drink this wine, you won't be able to eat much."

"Are you going to pay back your money? Just dream."

This is the measurement of the boss.

"This time I made a lot of money again!"

The boss showed a smug smile and secretly looked at Bai Lin and his group.

And Xiaoer also reminded me that if I take too much food and can't finish it in the end, I will be fined.

However, at this time, the two had brought back a bunch of things.

I saw that Lu Yong took ten fish, and Lu Hou was not to be outdone, and directly took five catties of beef.

It was as if he had never eaten meat.

The boss at the side almost laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

"Just wait for the fine in a while!"

"Haha, why don't you listen to advice and take less?"

Passers-by were also shocked.

"Fuck, are these two crazy?"

"Ten fish? Is it enough to eat?"

"This... is this too edible?"

"If you can't finish eating, you will be fined."

"Give me three days, and I can almost finish eating these things. If I finish eating them in one meal, I will basically die here!"

"Fuck, are these two people reincarnated from starvation ghosts?"

Many people looked at the two of them as if they were mentally ill.

At this time, the boss had already taken out the calculator.

"If there are two taels of food left, you will be fined ten taels of silver."

"Haha, get rich!"

However, the next second, the boss was dumbfounded.

I saw that Lu Yong killed a fish in one go, as if he had never eaten anything.

And it came out very fast.

But after eating the fish, he took a sip of wine.

Now the boss is relieved a lot.

"See if you can still eat."

On the other side, Lu Hou was more elegant, eating beef sauce and drinking wine, enjoying himself.

But soon the two looked at the food in front of them and felt that they couldn't eat it.

The same is true for Bai Lin, who suddenly felt that he lost his appetite.

"What's going on?" Bai Lin was taken aback, his usual appetite was not like this.

Moreover, Lu Yong and Lu Hou also seemed to be unable to eat anymore.

"Why don't you eat?" Bai Lin asked curiously.

"I don't want to eat!"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly lost my appetite."

The two also looked embarrassed. They wanted to kill the Quartet, but they couldn't eat it.

This is very embarrassing.

The boss on the side was snickering, looking at the unfinished food on the table, as if he saw white money.

At the same time, Bai Lin noticed the boss's weird smile.

"We can't eat anymore, are you so happy?"

"There must be something tricky in here!"

So Bai Lin asked the system: "What's going on?"


"The host has been poisoned, and this poison will suppress appetite."

Bai Lin immediately understood, so it was so.

It seems that this is designed by the boss.

But the detoxification is very immediate.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Lin immediately threw the detoxification pill into the flagon. Detoxification pills are very common, but they also cost a lot of money.

In order to eat a meal, it is definitely not willing to use a detoxification pill to replace it with others.

But Bai Lin wanted to teach this boss a lesson.

This is obviously cheating people.

"Come on, have a drink."

"Eat slowly, don't rush!"

Yun Shangyi poured Bai Lin a glass of wine, and everyone drank it down.

Instant detoxification, Bai Lin's appetite returned, and at the same time, Lu Hou and Lu Yong also regained their appetites.

"My appetite is back."

"I am so hungry!"

Immediately, Lu Yong killed ten fish, and Lu Hou was not to be outdone, and directly killed three catties of sauced beef.

The people around stopped eating and just watched the performance of the two.

"Isn't this too edible?"

"Fuck, awesome."

"Is this fucking human?"

"Is it okay to eat like this?"

However, when they were in the Wangu faction, the two of them ate like this.

Although I don't know if it will be harmful to the body, the two of them have always been like this, and they haven't seen any abnormal physical conditions.

The boss on the side was stupid.


"What's the matter? Didn't they drink alcohol? Did they take it wrong?"

"Shouldn't it?"

This time the boss personally brought a jug of wine, and this time he added double the amount of medicine.

"Several guest officers, take it easy, this is a gift of sake."

Looking at the ten fish and three catties of beef, although it is not considered a loss, the boss's heart is bleeding.

For this kind of person, if you don't make money, you lose money.

The boss is a typical such person.

Obviously, these ten pieces of fish and three catties of sauced beef did not satisfy the two of them.

At the same time, Bai Lin was also touched, and only picked expensive things to eat.

For a moment, the three of them seemed to be in a competition, and brought back a bunch of things at the same time.

Bai Lin was holding big and big crabs, all of which were fresh seafood.

This time Lu Hou took the meat, but Lu Yong took another kind of sea fish.

At the same time, Bai Lin put the antidote into the jug to easily detoxify the wine.

A group of people, drinking and eating meat and chatting happily.

The boss on the side looked surprised.

"Fuck, how can you still eat?"

"What's going on? Is the medicine not working anymore?"


But looking at other people, it is obvious that they don't have any appetite. Why are these people not affected?

Seeing how many people ate wildly, the boss felt that he was going to lose money.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely lose money.

And the kind that pays a lot.

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