I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 561: Beauty Ranking

Faced with 500,000 or 600,000 people who want to join the Wangu faction.

At this moment, Bai Lin had a very headache.

If these people have to interview one by one, I am afraid that it will not be completed until the next life.

At this time, Bai Lin was standing on the top of the mountain beside him, looking at the front of the mountain gate, there were gradually people's heads.

I can't count how many people there are.

It has to be like a half-sized one.

The moment Bai Lin went out, everyone at the door became excited.

"Master Bai, let's take a look at the child."

"Master Bai, I have admired you for a long time, let my child join the Eternal Sect."

"Master Bai, I have prepared a gift, please be sure to serve me!"

"Master Bai, my disciple is capable of both literature and martial arts, so let me join the Eternal Sect."

"Master Bai, if it really doesn't work, I can stay and clean up!"

"Don't rob, I can do the cleaning, as long as I can stay in the Eternal Sect."

"It's not a problem for me to clean the toilet."

"Master Bai, accept me!"

"Take me, take me..."

For a moment, Bai Lin's head was so noisy that it was about to explode.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Bai Lin let out a roar, and everyone fell silent.

"If you keep arguing, get out of here."

Everyone didn't dare to speak, they could only wait quietly for Bai Lin.

Quite a few people had presents in their hands, but none of the doorkeeper disciples would let him in, and even if they wanted to give gifts, there was no way for them.

And Bai Lin didn't need them to give gifts.

Recruiting disciples depends on luck.

If you are lucky, you will be a disciple of the Wangu Sect in the future. If you are not lucky, then I am sorry.

This is also a chance for ordinary people to stand up, otherwise the powerful will become more and more powerful, and the poor will become poorer and poorer.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Lin finally thought of a way to recruit.

It's not like the big sect, making various trial ceremonies or something.

It's another formation, and it's looking for something.

Bai Lin didn't have the time to make these things, nor did he have the preparation, besides, Bai Lin didn't have any experience, so he was making some trouble.

Bai Lin wants to create some unique methods of his own, the ones he can master.

"Everyone, please go back first. Seven days later, the recruitment ceremony will officially begin."

Bai Lin gave an order, turned around and left.

The people behind began to ask questions, all wanting to know how to recruit.

"Is it a trial?"

"Is it a formation, or what?"

"Can you reveal the process, and go back and prepare."

"Is it the same as other sects?"

"If it's a trial, I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

"Don't do any trials like other sects. In that case, ordinary people like us will have no chance."

"Oh, don't tell me a word?"


Everyone looked at Bai Lin's disappearing back, and they were all very flustered. They didn't know what method Bai Lin would use to recruit new disciples in the end.

If it is a trial, it is natural that someone with strength can enter the Eternal Sect.

There is nothing wrong with doing this, after all, no one wants a stronger disciple.

But ordinary people also want to find a chance to stand up.

After Bai Lin returned, many disciples asked.

"Master, have you thought of a way to recruit?"

"A trial meeting like other sects?"

"If that's the case, should you consider inviting some people with experience in this field? I'm afraid we won't do well enough then."

Bai Lin shook his head, obviously it wasn't a trial.

"With practice skills, won't he smell good after a night of sleep?"

"What kind of trial meeting is going on, it's just idle."

It doesn't make much difference for Bai Lin to recruit any disciples.

As long as you work hard, the gap can be made up quickly.

I believe that under the environment of the Wangu Sect, there are very few disciples who don't work hard.

"Master, do you have a solution?"

Bai Lin nodded, and briefly explained the recruitment rules in everyone's ears.

After listening, everyone was dumbfounded.


"What's the way?"

"Is it all by luck?"


"It's interesting."

Everyone said that they had never seen such a recruitment.

But listening to the description of the head master, I still find it very interesting.

Cheng Yun'er covered her mouth and laughed, "I think only my husband can come up with such a way."

"Yeah, no one else can think of such a way!"

Wu Caijie couldn't help but said.

Ling Hua looked dazed, and said that Bai Lin's skills were high, as if he was playing a game, but it was indeed very novel, he had never seen it before, or even heard of it.

Ling Hua was very curious about how everyone would react when they knew about this recruitment method.


Bai Lin's brain hole, I believe only Chinese people can come up with it.

After all, Bai Lin has no experience in recruiting disciples, and it was all based on fate before.

There are too many people this time, so this method can only be used.

At this time, the streets and alleys in Yuncheng were talking about how Bai Lin would recruit.

Some people even started betting directly.

"I bet ten taels of silver, it must be the same as the big sect. After all, the Eternal Sect is getting bigger and bigger, so we must find strong disciples."

"I think it's still the same as before. It's all about luck. This is in line with Master Bai's character. I'll bet a hundred taels."

"Well, now we can only resign ourselves to fate."

"Master Bai has never played cards according to the routine, who knows what will happen."


Finally, the seven days are over.

Due to the extension of time, more people came this time, reaching one million people, but many of them came to watch the excitement.

In fact, there are about 300,000 disciples who want to join the Eternal Sect.

With 300,000 people, Bai Lin only needs 4,000 to 5,000 students, and his disciples are basically one in a million.

Out of a hundred people, only one person can join the Dao Eternal Sect.

This probability can be said to be very low, basically making history.

There has never been such a magnificent scene in history. After all, no one knows what method Bai Lin will use to recruit. If the trial rules are clear, some people with low strength will give up directly.

But now they are still clinging to the last sliver of fantasy, after all, Bai Lin has not cut off their fantasy, and no one knows the final recruitment method.


The long-awaited began to come out.

After waiting for seven days, they finally saw Bai Lin walking out from the Wangu faction.

Everyone at the scene fell silent immediately, and soon they will know the recruitment method of the Wangu faction.

Many people are already ready.

Now there is only one requirement for Bai Lin to recruit, and that is to be under the age of twenty-three.

If it is a trial method, more than 300,000 people will become about 30,000 in an instant.

After all, there are only a few capable people.

Ordinary people are not saying that they are not seedlings who practice martial arts, but people from poor families cannot get in touch with them at all.

It is difficult to support a family, so there is no time to practice martial arts.

So now everyone wants to know very much what the final recruitment method is.

At this time, Bai Lin finally spoke.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long."

"This seat announces that the recruitment ceremony of the Eternal Sect has officially begun."

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