Bai Lin practiced Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms overnight.

Bai Lin was very excited to finally master all the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

After almost three years, I finally practiced it.

It's not easy!

In the next month, the new disciples of the Wangu Sect continued to practice.

However, there has not been a single rain during this time.

Drought hits the entire continent.

Even the Wangu faction is facing drought.

At this time, in a remote small village, when countless villagers were digging a well, after a month of digging, the villagers dug out a black coffin carved with a dragon.

It is said that when the black coffin was dug out, a black dragon soared into the sky.

Then it rained heavily for three days and three nights.

Then the floods raged, submerging the entire village.

The dragon-carved black coffin, together with the villagers, disappeared from the world.

Today's three consecutive days of heavy rainfall have made the already surging Yellow River even more unscrupulous.

Heavy rains breached dikes and washed away villages.

Where there is an abnormality, there must be a demon.


However, on the fourth day.

Suddenly it rained and the sky cleared.

According to the survivors in the village, there seems to be an unidentified object under the black coffin, which is 20 to 30 meters long and looks like a giant snake in shape.


"The giant dragon protects the coffin?" Bai Lin couldn't help but frown after hearing this disappear.

Ling Hua also showed an incredulous expression.

"Master Ling, what's the matter?" Seeing that Ling Hua's expression was not right, Bai Lin asked in surprise.

At this moment, Ling Hua slowly changed into a frightened expression.

"The prophecy... the legendary prophecy is actually true?"

Ling Hua looked out the window in horror, and said word by word.

"What prophecy?" Bai Lin was puzzled.

Is there something else going to happen?

At this moment, Ling Hua received a message from afar.

"What? Found a black carved dragon coffin?"

"Master head, come with me."

Afterwards, Ling Hua galloped out with Bai Lin.

The people behind were dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?"

"Can't you just tell us? Really."

Zhuge Murong on the side puffed up his pale pink cheeks angrily, and two lovely dimples appeared on the corners of his mouth, looking pure and lovely.


On the beach.

on top of sand in a buffer zone.

I saw a black coffin carved with dragon patterns standing on the shore.

There are people all around.

These days, the most indispensable thing is to watch the excitement.

"Sect Leader, Hall Master, you are here," said the assassins, who had already been waiting for a long time.

At this time, the coffin lid of the Diaolong Black Coffin has been opened.

And the inside of the coffin was pitch black.

There is nothing in it.

Not only is there no corpse, but it is also clean and scary.

Ling Hua couldn't help Zou Mei.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the Black Coffin Carved with Dragons a hundred years ago.

According to the prophecy, the dragon-carved black coffin appears once every hundred years.

When it appears, there is no need for a catastrophe in the world.


Last night, the black coffin of Diaolong was lying quietly on the bank of the river.

There was a loud "bang", and the coffin lid of the black coffin rose in response.

A black shadow slowly crawled out of the coffin.

"A hundred years have passed so quickly?" Heiying walked out of the black coffin and looked around.

He only remembers that he will return to the world after a hundred years.

I don't remember anything else.

Under the moonlight, his figure gradually disappeared.


A few days later.

I saw a still water area not far away.

There are garbage rolled up by the water everywhere, including branches, waste wood, and some water bottles, and there is a dead body floating in the middle.

What is even more surprising is that the corpse was erected in the water.

The head of the corpse was slightly lowered, covered by messy hair, and the clothes on the shoulders were floating out of the water.

With his arms open, a pair of pale arms emerged from the water.

This is obviously a female corpse.

"Fuck, is there really a corpse?"

The surrounding area was full of people. Although corpses are common these days, female corpses standing in the water are not common.

After all, it had just rained.

It is not surprising that floods have destroyed villages and there are dead bodies in the river.

Strangely enough, the body stood upright in the river.

Seeing this scene, Ling Hua couldn't help but frown.

He knew that the female corpses in the river usually floated on the water, and the female corpses erected in the river were definitely not simple.

And an old woman on the bank was sitting on the ground crying bitterly, surrounded by people.

"My... my daughter is... already five months pregnant, my poor grandson is only... only five months old! My God..."


"why treat me like this?"

"Why don't you drown me too?"

"I can't live these days."

"Grandson, grandma will come to accompany you right now, I'm dying," the old woman rushed into the water again after speaking.

Obviously lost his mind.

"Go and call Lao Zhang," said the head of a nearby village.


The villagers ran back quickly.

"How did this corpse stand upright in the water?"

"I don't know, maybe the lower body is hooked by water plants or something?"

"Isn't this a terrible death?"

Some timid people couldn't help covering their eyes, but they were curious and could only peek through their fingers.

Everyone looked at each other and fell into silence.

The flood not only took the life of a woman, but also a poor child who was only five months old.

God, you are really unfair!

In the end, the old woman couldn't cry anymore, she sat on the ground slumped, and said to herself, "I said a long time ago, don't go out when it's raining, it's better now."

"My poor daughter, my poor granddaughter!"

"Woo woo woo..."

Everyone was silent.

The onlookers, some with shallow eye sockets, couldn't help crying.

At this moment, not far away, a bamboo raft came rapidly.

What is puzzling is that bamboo rafts can control the direction without bamboo poles, and they can come and go freely in the turbulent Yellow River water.

Everyone was amazed.

"Is this everyone?" Bai Lin asked curiously.

"It should be a corpse."

After a while, Zhang Jun jumped off the bamboo raft skillfully, wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat.

Here, the corpse hunters specialize in catching corpses in the Yellow River, but they will never charge money.

It is said that if you receive money, you will be unlucky for three years.

If it is not done well, it will die.

Therefore, corpse hunters are very taboo to collect money.

Moreover, on the day before the corpse was retrieved, a simple meal was to be eaten at the deceased's home. The meal could only be vegetarian, without any meat or fish.

It is said that when leaving, a red cloth strip three inches wide and one foot long will be tied around the middle finger of the corpse hunter.

It should be to ward off evil spirits.


But now, no one cares about that.

Moreover, corpse pickers are almost extinct, unless they can be found in some remote places.

They specialize in making dead money.

It's not that it's not good to earn dead money. There is nothing wrong with clearly marking the price, and you have to support your family.

After all, few people in this line of work are willing to do it.


"I'll help you retrieve the corpse," Zhang Jun said in a cold voice.

"you help me?"

"Master, help me bring my daughter up. I'll give you as much silver as you want, please," the old woman begged.

"Okay, prepare for ten taels of silver." Zhang Jun said lightly.

The old woman nodded.

Ten taels of silver is also acceptable.

After all, it is also a kind of relief to fish up the daughter's body and then bury it in the ground.

At this time, Ling Hua was investigating the matter of Diaolong's coffin nearby.

Seeing that many people surrounded this place, I realized that someone had drowned.

He looked at the boy in front of him seriously.

But it was in his early years, with a transparent appearance, but unusually calm, calm and scary, like a cold corpse.

Everyone also started to discuss.

"A female corpse appeared in the river."

"It's strange that this female corpse is actually erected in the river."

"What is the reason, we can only find out when the body is picked up."

"The uncle in front of you should be a professional corpse hunter, right?"

The man who retrieved the corpse called himself Hefuzi

There were taboos in Hefuzi's ancestors.

Three fishing, three not fishing.

One, do not pick up dead bodies standing in the water.

Second, never fish corpses in rainy days.

Three, those who fail to catch it three times will never catch it. "Ling Hua's tone of voice gave people the feeling of being a recluse.

Isn't this female corpse standing upright in the water? What's wrong with this? I think it's just that the underwater plants are entangled with the feet? "

But Ling Hua shook her head: "Taboos don't lie, let's hear who erected the corpse in the water because of its deep resentment."

After hearing this, Bai Lin couldn't help but frown.

Bai Lin turned his head and looked, the corpse in front of him was in the buffer zone, the river was very calm, as long as he could swim and had some strength, there should be no problem.

"Then I don't understand even more. Isn't it a taboo? Then why did he go into the water to retrieve the corpse?" Bai Lin was even more puzzled when he saw Zhang Jun who was about to go down the river.

Hearing a plop, Zhang Jun jumped into the water of the Yellow River, and quickly swam towards the female corpse.

Ling Hua wanted to stop her, but it was too late, she could only shout: "The female corpse standing in the water is particularly vicious, don't get close."

Today's children don't listen to their ancestors, and they will suffer sooner or later.

However, Zhang Jun ignored Ling Hua at all, and went straight to the corpse.

Soon he swam to the side of the female corpse.

Ling Hua remembered.

Back then he had a friend who just didn't believe in evil.

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