I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 588 Asking for directions

"Ask the proprietress for directions later," Yang Yingcheng said. They lived downstairs, and let a few younger sisters live upstairs.

And the clothes of several people have also become very worn out.

Just like begging for food.

It was very embarrassing for a few people.

After all, this period of time has experienced too much.

Although there is no danger, it makes them feel very insecure.

I don't know when I will find Bai Lin.

Bai Lin was their reliance.

After all, he followed Bai Lin to Tianqi Kingdom, this strange country.

Without Bai Lin, they couldn't survive at all.

"Boss, do you have some clothes for me to change?"

"We'll give each one silver."

Seeing that the proprietress was warm-hearted, she knew that several people had encountered difficulties, so she said with a smile: "It's a small matter. By the way, I'll prepare a few more for you, it's not a problem."

"If it's okay, I'll go to work first."

From the beginning to the end, the hostess is friendly and kind.

Zhuge Murong and Feng Qianqian's affection for her deepened.

Zhuge Murong checked all of Yang Yingcheng's symptoms and came to a conclusion that he was too weak.

In addition, after soaking in the water for so long, it is not a serious problem to catch the wind and cold.

After thinking that everything was relaxed and eased, Zhuge Murong returned to his usual appearance, put Yang Yingcheng down, let her lean against him at will, and grinned.

"It's okay, with my famous Dr. Zhuge around, he won't die."

Feng Qianqian was amused by Zhuge Murong's irrelevant tone.

She suddenly found that being with Zhuge Murong is always very easy, even if they are in a desperate situation, with him around they can save the day.

"You go to take a shower first, when the lady boss comes, she will hand you the clothes."

After Feng Qianqian entered the bathroom, Zhuge Murong walked to the window.

After getting permission, the proprietress gently opened the door, came in with a pile of clothes and shoes and put them on the bed.

Zhuge Murong thanked the proprietress: "Can you do me another favor?"

The proprietress happily said yes.

Just as Zhuge Murong was about to speak, he was interrupted by Feng Qianqian's voice in the bathroom: "Zhuge Murong, are the clothes here?"

Zhuge Murong answered with a loud voice, then went to the bed and fiddled with it for a while, blushing and asked the proprietress to help him choose. Then the proprietress went to deliver clothes to Feng Qianqian.

Zhuge Murong felt that the proprietress was so considerate, she even prepared the little clothes inside, and couldn't help but blush when she saw this.

They finally solved the problem of bathing.

After drinking a pot of hot ginger tea, everyone announced their resurrection.

What I saw was the smiling Zhuge Murong Feng Qianqian.

Everyone seemed to see hope.

Hope you don't get lost.

Taking advantage of Feng Qianqian and Yang Yingcheng's breakfast, Yang Yingcheng went downstairs to find the proprietress.

Seeing Yang Yingcheng walking towards her, the proprietress stopped her work.

"Miss Boss, can I ask you the way?"

"Do you know how to get to the border?"

They only knew that the cottage was around the border, not the exact location or the city it was in.

And several of them are young ladies and sons of big families or something.

When you go out, you need to find your own way.

This is also the reason why several people got lost.

"Go to the big river one kilometer to the east. After crossing the river, you will see a temple. Crossing the temple is not far from the border!"

"I don't know what the guest officer is going to do at the border?"

The proprietress asked curiously, but the work in her hands never stopped.

"Find someone."

"Then you have to be careful!"

After giving the money, several people continued on the road.

When they went out, they found the river, and they took a boat to cross the river.

The river is gentle, but the river is very wide.

This time the wind also rose, and the water flow accelerated. Even if the boatman did not do it, the boat would still go with the current.

Occasionally, the boat deviates, and other boatmen passing by will push the deviated boat and send it into orbit.

Feng Qianqian has seen this kind of scene before, but she has never met a boatman like the old man in front of her.

Lying comfortably on the straw that he had laid in advance, with his legs crossed, he didn't care where the boat drifted.

The key is that he also sings.

Although the voice is not good, the singing still has a lot of charm.

It gives people a feeling of vicissitudes.

Zhuge Murong at the side liked the current feeling very much.

Take it easy.

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan!

"I really don't know how the proprietress found the boatman. She is not responsible at all."

Zhuge Murong didn't have the slightest dislike for Feng Qianqian's angry look.

On the contrary, he would lower his head and chuckle because of this, with an imperceptible pampering in his tone.

"Why are people not responsible?"

"See for yourself!"

Zhuge Murong happily listened to Feng Qianqian's words, and after a few tens of seconds, he sat back and exaggeratedly stretched out his thumb: "Awesome!"

Feng Qianqian felt a little sleepy, she found a comfortable position and fell asleep.

Yang Yingcheng's spirits improved a lot, and she thought that she could fully recover by blowing the cold wind, so Feng Qianqian, who stayed asleep, also went out.

Standing at the bow of the boat, she watched the surrounding scene and was going through the hole.

The surface of the water is quite spacious, and there are many burning candles floating on it. Looking far away, there is no end, but every place is accompanied by the heart of fire.

The boatman also woke up and chatted with Zhuge Murong.

Seeing Yang Yingcheng come out, Zhuge Murong said: "You should go in, you will catch a cold again."

Yang Yingcheng sneered: "Am I so fragile?"

So Yang Yingcheng sat down and joined the conversation between the two big men.

They were talking about the three major places that must be passed to reach Fogao Temple.

The first one is the small river at the entrance of the hotel.

The second one is the fire candle hole at this time.

The third one is Chushu Gorge.

Yang Yingcheng and Zhuge Murong chatted with the boatman for a while.

If it is said that Yang Yingcheng and the others already have a goal and are already on the road of exploration, they are lucky.

Then Li Mu and the others are even more lucky.

Finally got off the boat and went up the mountain.

In the distance is the temple.

However, at this moment, two leopards were walking back and forth tens of meters away. Because it was a mountain road surrounded by high mountains, and there were two fierce cheetahs, they panicked for a while.

Li Mu and Feng Jiajia are men who have seen big storms, and they quickly calmed down, but Zhuge Murong suffered a lot.

Zhuge Murong kept staring at the two leopards, as if he was so frightened that he forgot to take his eyes back.

Li Mu glanced at her, but said to Feng Jiajia, "What should we do now."

"Zhuge Murong, take out the map first and see where we are." Feng Jiajia said calmly.

As long as the leopard doesn't move, it's fine.

Zhuge Murong hugged the backpack tightly, staring at the leopard with two big eyes, completely ignoring Feng Jiajia's words.

Feng Jiajia called her a few times before she said hello slowly.

Then, Zhuge Murong turned his head and looked at Li Mu with teary eyes.

It was obviously a pitiful look, but Li Mu who accepted this expression was indifferent.

Seeing the leopard, everyone was startled.

I didn't expect to meet such a beast here.

I don't know how strong it is.

Li Mu and Yang Yingcheng of God's Walk, are they the opponents of this leopard?

But after watching for a long time, the leopard did not take the initiative to attack.

But the nerves can't be relaxed, who knows when the leopard will attack.

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