I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 590 Finding Disciples

At the same time, Bai Lin also came out to look for his disciples.

But the crowd is vast.

It is definitely not an easy thing to find.

At this moment, Bai Lin was very worried.

I hope nothing happens to my disciples, otherwise how would I face their parents?

However, right now, two identical people appeared in front of the disciples of the Wangu Sect.

If a pair of twins are so alike that it is difficult to distinguish them.

One thing you can see the difference between them.

That is the eyes.

Eyes are a person's mood and temperament, and there are no identical eye expressions.

And the eyes of the two old monks in front of them are the same, amiable and unpredictable.

The old monk who came up later also said: "All benefactors, the old monk is polite."


"Exactly the same???"

The two eminent monks looked at each other, sighed and shook their heads.

The eminent monk under the tree said: "Almsgiver, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Everyone has a destiny, why bother."

"Benefactor, if you really want to use this method, there is nothing I can do."

The two of them said one sentence, which confused them all.

Just as Yang Yingcheng was about to speak, a gust of cold wind blew across his face, and he saw two old monks fighting beside him with Buddhist staffs.

The action is neat.

Every move and every style are incomparably integrated, and it has been a long time since they can't tell the winner.

Yang Yingcheng and the others didn't realize at all that the old monk who had been waiting for everyone under the tree had already been unable to hold on, and only spurted blood at the last moment, and fell weakly on the ground.

The other eminent monk stood panting and blushing, condescendingly looking down at the monk who resembled him.

"Amitabha... Almighty, return as soon as possible, and save lives and kill evil."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What is this old monk saying?

The eminent monk who fell on the ground couldn't speak a word, and he didn't want to open his throat, and a little blood flowed out when his Adam's apple moved.

"Benefactor, I don't know what the purpose of your trip is, but I still want to advise you, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself."

Li Mu always felt that something was wrong, but after thinking hard, he didn't know what was wrong.

So he whispered to Yang Yingcheng beside him: "What do you think?"

Yang Yingcheng frowned slightly, but did not answer Li Mu.

If it is said that the six of them met the old monk very few times and it was difficult to tell them apart, but for the old monk's disciples, it might not be difficult to tell their master.

Li Mu quietly pulled Yang Yingcheng aside: "What do you think?"

Yang Yingcheng's brows did not relax: "I don't know, but I always feel that things are not that simple."

Although he had never experienced her viciousness, Li Mu felt that she was vicious.

Yang Yingcheng remained silent and looked at them carefully.

Feng Jiajia asked: "Master, how should we deal with this traitor?"

"Oh... just throw him out of Fogao Temple."

After speaking, the old monk turned and left. Feng Jiajia called several young monks to carry the man away.

Yang Yingchengchu watched their leaving backs from the same spot, and when they were about to disappear, he regained his composure and ran towards Feng Jiajia and the others.

It didn't say what the question was, and it didn't say whether it was true or false.

When Yang Yingcheng heard this silent answer, he felt extremely melancholy for a moment.

Finally she sighed, the drizzle hit her eyelashes, forming a hazy layer of mist.

The old monk said nothing, closed his eyes, and recited Amitabha Buddha.

I don't know if he saw it, but Lingfeng's eyes turned red the moment he closed them.

At night at Fogao Temple, the moon is surprisingly round and bright.

Yang Yingcheng couldn't sleep, so he went out of the wing to wander around, and stopped when he came to a pond.

The water was clear, especially shining under the moonlight, and the breeze set off waves of waves.

There are also several red carp in the pond.

leave the temple.

keep going.

This is still Leopard Ridge, where leopards often come and go.

The so-called Leopard Ridge is a cave in a mountain, surrounded by mountains outside the cave, the whole mountain is filled with smog, perhaps because of its relatively high location. The space in the cave is very large and dark, and the five fingers are almost invisible.

Weak, lingering, people feel inexplicable to hear.

Zhuge Murong subconsciously cried out in fright, and was embraced by others in the next second, and put his head on the man's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

Everyone continues to move forward, but beware of leopards at all times.

When Feng Jiajia and Li Mu were still wary of the enemy ahead, the woman between them turned around.

Plopped into the pool of water.

Feng Jiajia and Li Mu hurriedly turned their heads when they heard the sound, but there was still nothing.

Put your hand in tentatively.

Is it water? ? ?

Li Mu didn't bother to wonder why Zhuge Murong fell down suddenly, he was going to lean his body down since he was holding her hand all the time.

Then I heard Feng Jiajia's shout.

When he turned around, he met a pair of green eyes.


Two leopards surrounded the two men, and they panicked.

It turns out that the strength of men is nothing more than this. In front of nature and beasts, they are all insignificant.

The two leopards opened their bloody mouths, and the fishy smell came from their mouths. They bent back slightly, and then rushed towards the men.

Before the men could counterattack, the wet sound from the water sounded in the small space between the two men and the two beasts.

It was a red-eyed leopard that rescued Zhuge Murong from the water.

When the red-eyed leopard came out, the leopards who were besieging the two men took many steps back slowly.

The steps are slow and respectful.

Not only that, the appearance of the red-eyed leopard brought light.

But what shines on them are pairs of green eyes.

They were so dazzled by seeing that they couldn't count.

The two men suppressed the fear in their hearts.

Li Mu picked up Zhuge Murong, and relying on the faint light, he walked along the stone road, because he was afraid, so he walked very fast, and he walked out of the cave in about five minutes.

Outside the cave is smoky, and once you go out, you will see a flat ground, and not far away is a small stream.

Feng Jiajia noticed that there were two big characters engraved on the cave door.

Leopard Ridge.

He thought about it for a while, and it was actually not difficult to explain. When I first came to this land, I met two leopards, and Leopard Ridge was also marked on the map.

Maybe this place and these leopards are important players.

Li Mu asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"


Li Mu looked down at the man, and the man also looked up at him.

Zhuge Murong's pupils were pure black, shining black. There is a magic that absorbs the soul.

The moment Li Mu met her gaze, he frowned subconsciously.

"Be careful."

"Otherwise, you won't be able to see the head master alive."

"Alas," Feng Qianqian sighed, "The head master must be looking for us right now, right?"

"Are you regretting coming out?"

Li Mu, who was grilling fish beside him, spoke.

"I regret it, but I don't regret it either."

"If you don't come out, you don't know how difficult this world is!"

This sentence is very reasonable.

In the past few days, several people have experienced the dangers of the world.

Otherwise, it will always be a flower in the greenhouse.

"Do you say that the head master has experienced this?"

Zhuge Murong asked.

"you still need to ask?"

"Presumably the head master must have more experience than us."


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