At this moment, Bai Lin heard everyone calling for help.

At the moment when the black panther struck,

Bai Lin appeared in front of everyone.

"Master Head!"

"The head master is here to save us."

"Very good!"

"The head master is finally here."

"I miss you so much, master master."

With one attack, Bai Lin directly knocked the black panther into the air.

After all, Bai Lin was a strong man in the realm of the universe, and it was very easy to face these black panthers, basically killing one with one move.

Very simple.

The black panther was suddenly afraid of Bai Lin, turned his head and ran back.

"Master Head!"

Immediately, Zhuge Murong threw himself into Bai Lin's embrace.

At the same time, she began to cry, and Feng Qianqian and Feng Jiajia beside her couldn't help crying.

During this period of time, they have experienced a lot, far exceeding their expectations.

As flowers in the greenhouse, when do they need to face it independently?

This is the first time in my life.

But not the last time.

There will be more to experience in the future.

However, although they encountered many difficulties this time, what they faced were all life experiences.

will be encountered in later life.

After all, they are only eighteen or nineteen-year-old children.

Life is just beginning.

"Okay, don't cry."

"Your head master is here!"

"never mind!"

Bai Lin seemed to be comforting her own child.

Yang Yingcheng on the side is fine, and Li Mu is also a little bit teary.

But I fought back not to cry.

"Go, let's go home."

Under Bai Lin's leadership, he quickly found the way to Huishanzhai.

"Master, how did you find your way?"

"Why can't we find our way back? We got lost many times along the way."

On the way, Zhuge Murong narrated what he had experienced.

"Mysterious cottage?"


"Your experience was quite exciting?"

"Ha ha……"

Bai Lin couldn't help laughing.

"If you don't have the ability, don't go out, wait until the wings are hard!"

Zhuge Murong looked at Bai Lin unkindly.

"Master, don't laugh at us."

"We know we're wrong, can't we?"

Zhuge Murong pursed his mouth, looking angry, very cute.

On the other side, in the Qingtian Gate.

The only surviving disciple will report.

"Master, our people have all been killed."


Sect Master Xiang looked shocked. He thought that sending some disciples would be able to solve the problem, but in the end, all the disciples were killed.


The face of the door owner is very ugly.

"what happened?"

The disciple told what happened.


After listening to it, Xiang Qian was very shocked and couldn't believe that there was such a master in Qingshui Palace.

This is too unbelievable.

"Damn, against our Qingtianmen?"

"court death!"

Clenching his teeth to the sect master, his face turned blue with anger.



A day later, the disciple came to report.

"Qi reports that the sect master has already left."

"Leaving?" The head of the Qingtian Gate, Xiang Qian, raised his mouth slightly, and he knew that this kid was definitely going to leave, and he didn't expect it to be so soon!

"Are you sure he's gone?"

Xiang Qian asked uncertainly.

The disciple nodded.

"That kid has indeed left, and there are no outsiders in Qingshui Palace now."

"There is no one in Qingshui Palace."

Nodding to the sect master: "In this case, watch them for me, and none of them are allowed to run away. The master of this sect will go and abuse the food himself."

"All the disciples of Qingtianmen obey the order to wash Qingshui Palace with blood. Except for the head of Qingshui Palace, as long as you catch anyone, you will let you deal with them."

Immediately, the disciples of Qingtianmen became excited.

After all, Qingshui Palace is full of beauties.

"Long live the door master!"

"Master, I love you!"

"Master, you are really kind to us."

Immediately, with an order to the sect master, the crowd attacked Qingshui Palace.

"I don't believe it, there are still people protecting you this time?"

"Let's wait for the sect master."

Soon the disciples of Qingtianmen arrived at a distance of five kilometers from Qingshui Palace.

At the same time, the disciples of Qingshui Palace also discovered the people from Qingtianmen.

"The head is not good, the people from Qingtianmen are here, the distance is less than five kilometers~!"

"Master, what shall we do now?"

"Why don't we run away?"

"Master, if you don't run away, you won't be able to get up!"

At this moment, another Qingshui Palace disciple also ran in.

"Master, it's not good, the back door is blocked by the disciples of Qingtianmen, we don't even have a chance to escape."

Liu Shiyu immediately raised eyebrows.

"Is this the rhythm of killing everything?"


Immediately, Qingshui Palace was trapped by double bread, and there was no way out.

"Master, what should we do?"


"Didn't we have Gatlin given by Master Bai?"

"Does that thing work?"

"You can tell by the speed at which they escaped. This thing must be used to prevaricate us. It is impossible to be useful at all."

"He was just looking for a reason for himself to escape."

At this time, Liu Shiyu looked at the charged Gatling on the ground.

But the only possibility right now is to believe in Bai Lin.

At the entrance of Qingshui Palace, five charged Gatlings are placed on the ground.

Liu Shiyu and Zou Mei, there is no other way now.

It seems that this is the only way to go.

At this moment, the disciples of Qingtianmen appeared at the gate of Qingshui Palace.

"Bang!" After a loud noise.

The gate of Qingshui Palace was directly smashed, and at the same time, the door owner appeared in front of everyone.

"Haha, Mistress of Qingshui Palace, long time no see!"

"It's still so beautiful."

As soon as he opened his mouth to the door master, he showed a rippling smile.

It can be seen how lustful this man is.

But when everyone saw something like a cannon in the hands of the Qingshui Palace disciples, they burst into laughter.

"Haha, where is your savior?"

"The savior is gone, don't you just want to use this thing against us?"


At this time, Xiang Qian was smiling like a two hundred catty child, almost twitching.

"This is probably the funniest joke I've ever encountered in my life!"

"If you want to use civilian artillery against us, there is no other way?"

"I'm afraid this thing can only pay more for ordinary beasts?"

"What do they think?"

"Is the head of the Palace Master of Qingshui Palace broken?"

"Are they trying to fart?"

"Did you dare to fight against God by giving you a sword?"

The disciples of Qingtianmen almost died laughing when they saw these cannon-like things.

What kind of shit artillery, they don't pay attention to it at all.


Immediately, the disciples of Qingtianmen came rushing in.

I don't bother to talk nonsense now, let's get revenge first.

At this time, the disciples of Qingshui Palace can only pin their last hope on the charging Gatling.

Although they themselves have no confidence.

Xiaodie looked at the attacking crowd and said silently: "Little brother, I believe what you give is fine."

Liu Shiyu's face showed embarrassment.

Such a scene has long been expected.

But when I really faced this moment, my heart was still a little moved.

Facing the many disciples of Qingtianmen, many disciples of Qingshui Palace were so frightened that their legs became weak.

He laughed and said to the door owner: "Haha, come on!"

"Let me see the power of your artillery!"

"Come on, let me see if I can hurt a single hair of mine."

"Surrender, don't make fearless resistance, you are destined to be fish and meat, and I will be Daozu."

"Weak, doomed to be eaten, be my slave obediently!"

Hearing the arrogant words of the sect master, Liu Shiyu's legs trembled angrily.

"It's so irritating!"



"Hit me hard!"

Immediately, the five of them pulled the trigger, and in an instant, continuous white energy balls shot out.


"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

Continuous loud noises came.

The disciples of Qingshui Palace acted like crazy, after pulling the trigger, they didn't let go.

"Give me all to die."

In an instant, countless attacks struck.

In the next second, I saw the disciple of Qingtianmen. The moment he touched the white energy ball, a blood hole appeared in his body.

In an instant it became a sieve.

Each of them died in the hands of Qingshui Palace disciples without even having time to scream.

And the death was extremely tragic.

The disciples of Qingtianmen behind showed a terrified expression.


"What's this?"

"Isn't this power too strong?"

"One shot can kill one?"

"And it's still shooting continuously?"

"What the hell is this, and why is it so powerful?"

One by one even thought they were fireworks, and then rubbed their eyes, but the scene in front of them didn't change at all, obviously it was true.


All the Qingtianmen disciples present were dumbfounded.

And the disciples of Qingshui Palace exhausted all the energy in the charged Gatling in one breath with their desperate attacks.

After the disciples of Qingshui Palace opened their eyes, they were dumbfounded at the same time.

"Huh? Where are people?"

"Why are they all lying down?"

"They're all dead?"

"I'm going, so many people will die in minutes? Is this the power of Gatling?"

Liu Shiyu also looked surprised.

"This thing is so powerful!"

On the other side, the one who was even more surprised was Sect Master Xiang.

In just one face-to-face time, all his disciples died in battle.

It was like a dream for them, everything happened too fast, people who were still alive just now turned into cold corpses.

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