Bai Lin blinked.

He had some guesses about the identity of this woman, and he felt that she must be a relatively noble lady.

He didn't expect that the woman standing in front of him was actually a princess, and this princess was actually a special reward princess.

For example, in a normal country, according to the rules, the daughter of an uncle can only be named princess.

But Yang Chan standing in front of Bai Lin turned out to be Princess Fengyou.

That can only mean that either Yang Chan's father, Yang Su, has made great contributions and cannot be sealed, so his descendants are shaded.

Either this princess is very favored by the current Emperor of Liang Kingdom.

Since Yang Su hasn't reached the point where he can't be sealed, it can only mean that the romantic princess in front of him is really very popular with his brother.

But it is true.

Even now that Yang Chan's appearance is completely covered by the veil of uncle's, Bai Lin can still see the general outline behind the veil.

Definitely a lovely and flamboyant beauty.

But as a gentleman, Bai Lin absolutely disdains such low-level operations as flirting with girls.

We gentlemen have always waited for girls to tease us!


It's just that at this time, his three disciples didn't pay much attention to their own image.

Bai Lin stared at his three stunned disciples.

"Pay attention to your image, you are representing the image of the Wangu Sect when you go out! Every day when you look at people so lewdly, people think that our Wangu Sect is some unscrupulous sect!"

The three disciples looked away aggrievedly, and even Yang Yingcheng muttered a few words in a low voice.

"The head master won't let us watch it after reading it himself!"

Pretending that he didn't hear the slander from his disciple at all, Bai Lin turned to look at Yang Chan again.

"This is Bai Lin, the head of the Lower Eternal Sect, these are my three disciples."

Just when Yang Yingcheng and the three felt that their master would suddenly show kindness and introduce the three of them to Yang Chan, Bai Lin stopped his words abruptly, and withdrew his arm that was pointing at them.

"There are still urgent things to do now, so I won't introduce them one by one, and everyone will get familiar with them in the days to come!"

The little maid standing behind Yang Chan raised her head and muttered:

"In the future? Do you still want to live here directly?"

Bai Lin smiled embarrassedly, pointed at the unconscious mermaid princess lying on his back, and said:

"The mermaid princess was seriously injured and was in a coma. I rescued her."

"Since she was rescued, then a good person will do it to the end, and she will definitely not leave until her body recovers completely."

Yang Chan in front of Bai Lin nodded slightly.

Although he had just seen him, his eyes were a little presumptuous at that time, but the man quickly tightened his eyes.

And he was able to discipline his dishonest disciples in time!

Not only has enough kindness to rescue the injured mermaid princess, but also has a considerable sense of responsibility.

Protecting this mermaid princess until his injuries are fully healed shows that this man is a man who can be relied on!

Yang Chan already had a slight liking for him.

Yang Chan just wanted to say a few words to Bai Lin, but at this moment, she suddenly turned her head and looked into the distance.

That direction was the direction Bai Lin and the others were facing, and it was also the direction behind her and the little maid.

That is the direction of the main entrance and compound of Yang Mansion.

Yang Chan came to Qingyan and played Jiaoweiqin, closed her eyes and listened carefully.

After a moment, she opened her eyes again with a look of surprise on her face.

She came to Bai Lin and the others in a panic, and said:

"Hurry up and get out of here, the Eight Sage Kings are here to look for you!"


But at the moment in front of the gate of the Yang Mansion, the Eight Sage King Wang Lie was looking into the courtyard gate with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

Yang Su, who was inside the courtyard gate, bowed his hands to him with a smile all over his face.

"Eight Wise King, why are you suddenly interested in coming to my house today, and brought so many people here, is this because I'm afraid that the old man will trip you up?"

Eight Sage Kings took Yang Su's hand and put it in his own.

"Old brother, it's my brother's fault not to visit my old brother for many years, but it's also to avoid suspicion.

Today my brother came to visit my old brother, and he still wants to trip me up!

Besides, I didn't bring these people behind me, they just came here to find things! "

Yang Su squinted his eyes and looked at the little Sis behind the Eight Wise King Wang Lie.

He was very sensible and did not pick up Wang Lie's words, but re-discussed the relationship between him and Wang Lie.

"When the Eight Sage Kings were single and weak, I can understand that they wanted to avoid suspicion, but now that the Eight Sage Kings have a big family, why they don't avoid suspicion and come to visit Yang Su? It's hard for me to understand!"

Seeing that Yang Su didn't speak out against him, the Eight Sage Kings, Wang Lie smiled and didn't get angry, he just walked into the courtyard and stood with Yang Su.

"Old brother, old brother! Calm down, calm down!

It's really not that brothers don't give face, it's really that so many people are looking in and out, you said that if we two life-saving ministers get tired of being together every day, wouldn't we become a handle in others' hands? "

Yang Supi said with a nonchalant smile:

"Oh, in that case, I have to thank the Eight Wise Kings for taking care of me, this old and shameless thing?"

Wang Lie took Yang Su's hand and walked directly into the courtyard.

"Old brother! Brother is here to pay you today! You said that you still have the Eight Sage Kings on the left and the Eight Sage Kings on the right, so you have more lives!"

Could it be that you look down on me, Wang Lie, now? Still think that I, Wang Lie, am a hypocrite and a villain, not worthy of being your brother Yang Su? "

Speaking of this, Wang Lie was even a little angry, and slapped a dense tree next to the two of them.

"Old brother, if I hadn't endured the humiliation back then, you and my brother would have managed to survive to the end and become His Majesty's Minister of Gu Ming?"

Having said all this, Yang Su's face gradually showed embarrassment.

"Let's not talk about the hardships you suffered back then. It is true that you have suffered a lot. It is my brother's fault. I shouldn't have made things difficult for you when I saw my brother!"

Hearing this, Wang Lie finally smiled again. He took Yang Su's hand and walked directly into the yard.

"Old brother recognized me again, I'm happy, I'll drink my old brother's wine today, if I don't get drunk, I won't return!"

Yang Su didn't struggle this time either, but with a smile on his face, he held Wang Lie's hand tightly and walked into his yard.

It's just that the two people who seem to be very harmonious at this time still have their own ghosts in their hearts.

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