I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 105

Su Mu asked Luo Qianqian to add all the 16 free attribute points to force, increasing the force value from the original 15 points to the current 31 points. That's right!

Just add force!

Luo Qianqian's choice of job transfer is counselor, and the main attribute of seeking soil is intelligence, Su Mu knows all this. but!

Now that it has been decided to make Luo Qianqian a real strategist by obtaining the soil-seeking template, before that, it doesn't matter what Luo Qianqian's four-dimensional attributes are.

Anyway, it is the result of being covered by the counselor template.

That being the case, why not increase Luo Qianping's force value as much as possible before obtaining the counselor template? Force is a concentrated expression of a person's overall physical quality and skills. Strong force means that Luo Qianqian has strong self-protection ability!

There is no difference between an intelligence of 5 points and an intelligence of 21 points for Su Mu and his black armor cavalry. On the contrary, 15 points of force and 31 points of force are completely different to Luo Qianping!

Luo Qianqian was positioned as a logistics officer before she changed her job to become a real strategist and learned the art of hunting. In summary, Su Mu made this decision! Then.

Su Mu and Luo Qianqian focused their attention on the construction and upgrading of Fengwu City. The system update has ended.

In the next few days, it is likely that the official game plot will begin. The beginning of the game plot in the Yanhuang Region is the chaos in the Yellow City!

Before the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, or before formally intervening in the battlefield of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the first thing they had to do was to ensure the safety of Fengwu City! The first thing they had to do was to promote Fengwu City from a middle city to a big city !Before the system update, it was difficult to promote a territory to a large city.

Don't you see, [Kuoluo Family], the first-echelon super game guild, took so long to be the first general to be promoted from Zhongcheng to Dacheng? But after the system update, it is much easier to be promoted to Dacheng up. Because of the opening of the recharge system! Insufficient resources? Spend money! Not enough population? Spend money!

Not enough buildings? Throw your money!

It can be predicted that with the opening of the recharge system, countless large cities will appear in the game world in a short period of time! County towns, county towns, and even capital cities that are basically impossible are the next level for players who are stuck in the territory construction!

It is no longer difficult for local tyrants and those large game guilds to promote their territory to a big city. The same is true for Feng Wucheng.

With the support of Luo Qianqian, a soft girl, a lot of gold coins were spent like flowing water, and the entire Fengwu City was moving towards the big city at an unprecedented speed!

Just two days.

Phoenix Dance City promoted to Great City!

Immediately afterwards, there was another massive consumption of gold coins. The population limit had just been raised from 200,000 in the middle city to 500,000 in the big city. Luo¥qian built houses and recruited farmers regardless of the cost.

With enough population, the city walls belonging to the Great City also began to be built around Fengwu City! The city walls of the Great City are fully eight meters high.

With the stronger and heavier city gates and the guarding troops in the city, as long as there are no generals attacking, this big city can withstand tens of thousands of troops! At that time,

Su Mu and Luo Qianping no longer need to worry about the safety of Fengwu City, and can devote themselves to the game plot of the Yellow Turban Rebellion with peace of mind.

The day passed quickly. Noon the next day.

Just when Su Mu and Luo Qianqian went to patrol outside the city again to observe the construction progress of the city wall, a system announcement sounded in Luo Pingqian's mind again!

"Talking about the general trend of the world, long-term division must be united, and long-term unity must be divided. The Han Dynasty was weak, government affairs were difficult, and the people were in dire straits!

The eight prefectures of Qing, Xu, You, Ji, Jing, Yang, Jiu, and Henan all rebelled against each other, known as the Yellow Turban "Jiu!"

"The erroneous language said: Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should be born in Jiazi, and the world will be big.

All players can choose to join the Yellow Turban camp or the Dahan camp, join the corresponding camp, and make contributions to the camp to obtain records. After the divisional battlefield is over, "After all players can choose to join, players of the corresponding faction can exchange rewards based on their record."

"Rewards include but are not limited to exercises, skills, equipment, experience, special props, etc."-

The system announcement three times in a row rang in Luo Qianping's mind.


"The Yellow Turban Rebellion has begun."

Although she has already been mentally prepared and has been preparing for this moment, when the chaos in the Yellow City really broke out and the official game plot started, Luo Qianqian's heart was still a little complicated.

Because this means that they are going to step onto the battlefield and fight against those real historical famous generals!

Even if she knew Su Mu's various attribute data by heart, Luo Qianqian was still a little worried when this moment came. Su Mu is very powerful.

But what he has to face next is a real historical star! "Has it finally started?"

Compared to Luo Qianqian's worry, Su Mu's heart was full of pride and fighting spirit.

Except for Liu Guanzhang, at the beginning of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there were no strong generals on stage. And this period of time is Su Mu's development time!

Seizing the opportunity at the beginning of the Yellow City Rebellion, he will be able to make himself stronger quickly! When the Yellow City Rebellion enters the middle and late stages, when various generals will appear on the stage one after another

Maybe he has already raised his rank to the level of a top general, or even a peerless general!

Letting out a long breath and forcing himself to calm down, Su Mu said: "Continue to build the city wall."

"The yellow scarf, Luo Qianqian, was slightly taken aback.

"Territory is our foundation, we cannot ignore it just because of the battlefield.

Looking past the countless farmers who were building the city wall, Su Mu said calmly: "The Yellow Turban Rebellion has just begun, and we still have time.

"When the city wall is built, it's time for us to send troops!"

001 The plot begins, the Yellow Turban Rebellion!

Three days passed by in a flash.

During these three days, Bai Qishan pulled out all the stops and led the farmers to build the city wall day and night. In just three days, they almost completed the construction of the city wall that originally took more than ten days to complete!

During this period, Fengwu City encountered the first batch of incoming Huang Jun.

The Yellow Turban Army of thousands of people came to attack, and they were wiped out by the NPCs of the original arms in the territory without even needing to dispatch the black armored cavalry, without causing the slightest damage to Fengwu City.

However, this is a bad omen!

I know that Fengwu City is located in a remote place. It is three or four days away from the nearest county seat. In the entire huge valley, only the territory of Fengwu City is left. Even so, Fengwu City still encountered the incoming Yellow Turban Army! Ding imagined it!

To what extent will the cities and player territories in those prosperous areas be infiltrated by the Yellow Turban Army, and how many attacks will they encounter from the Yellow Turban Army?


From the first day when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, Luo Qianqian's chat channel began to frequently refresh a large number of system prompts. The contents of these system prompts are all one!

That is, the player's territory was destroyed by 637!

It can be said that just the initial attack of the Yellow Turbans of the Yellow Turban Rebellion destroyed countless player territories! Compared with the end of the novice protection period, the number of monsters destroyed when they attacked the city was even greater!

What's even more frightening is that after these players' territories are destroyed, those refugees will be coerced by the Yellow Turban Army and become a new Yellow Turban Army! And the newly transformed Yellow Turban Army will attack new player territories and obtain new refugees , continue to transform! So.

The power of the entire Yellow Turban camp is growing like a snowball, spreading rapidly!

The Yellow Turban Rebellion in history, in this extremely miserable form, is truly presented in the eyes of countless players! At this time,

Fengwu City has finally completed the construction of the city wall!" Standing on the eight-meter-high city wall, Su Mu finally felt relieved.

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